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  MrBlackzero Covenant Application
Posted by: Mr Blackzero - 07-07-2020, 03:53 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name:Mr Blackzero#3813

In-character name: Kosm

general character info:Kosm is your average Kig-Yar, doesn't like Unggoys because they get annoying, uses the Gauntlet shield too much, panicks whenever the leader dies and likes shiny things.

Reason for joining : Since I joined this server I have been wanting to try more roles in the Covenant

Roleplay Example/History: I have been playing SS13 since May in various servers like Colonial Marines to Desert Rose and played DnD for a time.

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  Doge - Lesser Prophet Application
Posted by: LordDoge - 07-06-2020, 09:57 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (5)

Ckey: LordDogeisCool

Discord name (username####): Doge Doge#0001

Character Name(s): Montumus, Blarpdarp, Thul 'Maduumee, Buk, Pibip, Maximus Morgan, Adherent

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction?  In total, I'd say probably around a month.  I spent the good majority of time around last November when I first played, but due to IRL reasons I have had to take months away from it.  I have just recently came back as seen by my covenant application.

What are some examples of good Covenant Roleplay that you have been a part of?  This is poignant as I have just recently had quite a fun roleplay situation that was formed by fluke.  I am not exactly the most robust, that is probably a good note to put before I get on with it.  Pibip, an Unggoy minor who was awoken from his comfortable rest in a spirit to the sounds of fighting, ODP almost completely empty of UNSC forces.  With a firm step on the ground, they help an elite major and ultra to break into the nuclear device room, and detonate it.  

Skipping ahead, while stationed in the flagship in preparation to fight alongside his CO, the UNSC fleet was called.  Battling hard, this Pibip felt victorious.  Now onto the ground, the combat engineer worked to reinforce all of the walls and prepare defenses in the bar- when like the useless unggoy he is, blinded himself by accident because he forgot to put down his wielding visor.  Realizing this mistake, the ultra brought the unggoy to the spirit- and with an example of pure bliss, the unggoy flies himself all the way to the flagship in order to fix his eyes.  Unfortunately, the previous space battle would not be so simple to forget.  

The autodoc was ash, this unggoy would not have his eyes back so easily.  Fumbling around to make some eye meds, Pibip was taking quite some time to the dislike of his commanding officers.  Many attempts were made to contact the unggoy, but none were answered.  Perhaps in the heated battle of space, or sometime before, the covenant ship was blocking all outbound radio communications.  Once finished with the meds, and arriving back to the planet.  (An important note, his eyes were indeed not fixed.)  The officers were not pleased whatsoever, and it was the time to search for the artifact when Pibip made his greatest mistake.  Pibip, like the fool he is, could not find the seat to get into the spirit.  A harmful delay to the great journey, and an even more harmful result.

Unknowingly, a heretic managed to snake himself into the bar and attack them from behind.  With Pibip still firmly in the ultra's grasp, they were forced to pull back and begin the fight.  The Sangheili fought valiantly, and the heretic was dead.  Pibip on the other hand, was firing erratically toward the great beyond, panicked by the sudden combat.  Comforted by his fellow unggoy, and healed of his wounds, they continued on.  Pibip's uselessness got to the commanding officers unfortunately, and he was sternly threatened by punishment if he did not stop talking.  This other unggoy is a story in and of itself, they managed to get the artifact all on their own, so robust.

It was not all fine and dandy.  The artifact was not where this unggoy said it was, and the Sangheili were angered to an unhealthy degree.  Fortunately the artifact was found, and safely returned to the flagship.  Somehow, Pibip was free of punishment, but the other unggoy on the other hand was not so lucky.  Beaten to near death, the blind Pibip rushed to grab medical supplies for his fallen brother.  Blindly following the trail of blood leading up to the holding cells, Pibip injected biofoam into the punished unggoy.  They felt betrayed.  Perhaps by the sangheili, maybe by the very great journey itself.

After discussing momentarily about their past, the unggoy knew that home would soon arrive, and respite could hopefully shower them.  Pibip was also quite hopeful for his eyes to be fixed, he didn't want to be cast aside as a worthless warrior.  Though beaten, his loyalty lied firmly in the prophets, the great journey.  Led back to the Unggoy chambers, hunger could not be understated.  The food nipple was indeed filling on this day, for Pibip and his friend.

Do you understand the Faction Rules? Yes.

Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law (but with some slight leeway) , and may be persecuted for not following the Faction Rules? I do.

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for? Of course.

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for?  This job, to me, seems to be almost entirely an RP role.  Much like the unggoy deacon, this job could be a direct influence of the ministry toward the small crew, and provide interesting insight in the situation.  Necessary to keep a HRP standard, at least for the prophet themself.  Command of the lesser is necessary as well, although at the best of times, should be completely un-needed.  Soon, the Great Journey shall begin, and it is important for the crew to remember that.

Why should you be whitelisted?  I'll be real, I'm not exactly a robust spess guy.  I can take care of the heretics, of course, and slaughter them with my very unggoy hand, but still not very robust.  Roleplay, on the other hand, that is something that I can control.  It is something that I know of, and something that I am truly experienced with.  I find the hegemonic covenant super interesting, and the lore behind the individual races equally as so.  If I need to lead in combat, that is fine, and I am prepared to kill heretics... through others.  The heretics must learn of their mistake, and realize that they are not worthy of the Great Journey.

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  Doge - Covenant Application
Posted by: LordDoge - 06-30-2020, 06:57 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: LordDogeIsCool

Discord name: Doge Doge#0001

In-character name: Blarpdarp (Unggoy)

general character info: A loyal, heavy stepping Unggoy.  The very might of this single grunt could stand the test of time, facing off against the very heretics that block the Covenant's very path to the great journey.  Blarpdarp could stand against an army by himself, with but two sticky grenades.  His claws are sharp and scratch at the enemies of the prophets.  For him, nothing can possibly stand in his way, and he will destroy all, all by himself.  Or... that's how the story goes.

Reason for joining : Just really love halo, what can I say.  Grew up with it in my childhood, and I do my best to play it even now!  Love the story, the weapons, the creatures, everything.  This seems like a perfect place to experience what I felt once more, in a different perspective.

Roleplay Example/History:  I have an immense history with roleplay, love HRP and play it to bits.  Before SS13, I played and got my hands on all sorts of RP games, all serious.  Before that, pen and paper.

Note - I have already been accepted for covenant in November, but was removed during my months of inactivity.  This is a repost, but I can create a brand new one if deemed necessary.

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  Covvie application
Posted by: Glissery - 06-29-2020, 08:08 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Glissery

Discord name: Glissery#0905

In-character name: Paliv

general character info: Paliv is your average grunt. Slow, dumb, and will usually charge at anything that isn't covenant. Grenades may or may not be included.

Reason for joining : I'd like to play some of the whitelisted roles, along with meeting some more people here. Killing heretics is a bonus.

Roleplay Example/History: I've played on CM for a while, TGMC, NSV13, a few others servers I forgot the names of, and I can at least hold my own in a gunfight. CM is probably where I got most of the gunfight "skill", and I can decently RP, from what I've heard from friends. I've also done some slayer rounds on Halostation recently, so I'm a bit more acquainted with the combat systems, dodge rolls, etc.

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  Thebanana3's ban appeal
Posted by: platinium_dr - 06-28-2020, 06:25 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username:Thebanana3 (actually cucumber123)

Your Discord Username:platinium_dr#5014

Your character name (if relevant):

Who were you banned by:bdpuffy420

Date of ban:2019-12-18

Length of ban:perma

Full ban reason:Griefer

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned:sorry for the events but now i promise i will play it right, i regret what i did, sorry

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  UNSC Application
Posted by: thatguythere03 - 06-28-2020, 12:57 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: thatguythere03

Discord name: thatguythere03#4418

In-character name: Moises Unk

general character info: Non-descript Caucasian male born in the outer colonies, heard there was aliens to shoot.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining : I want to check out the more in depth features of the server and get my feet wet. I figure properly joining a faction is a good way to do that.

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  WarlordToby's Covenant Application
Posted by: WarlordToby - 06-26-2020, 03:34 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: WarlordToby

Discord name: WarlordToby#8551

In-character name: Arko 'Kronosee, Sangheili. Random names for other roles.

General character info: At birth, named Kronos, from the House of Kronos. Named after an ancient battle in the Sangheili history, Arko was a decisive victory for the Clan Kronos, permitting them to permanently occupy the site, allegedly prior to San'Shyuum contact.

Instead of an actual adoptive uncle, he was raised by his own Father without knowing it. Often demanded to go where the fence is the highest, Arko' put great effort in mastering at least one form of martial combat, with sword or otherwise without. His goal is to be recognized as a superior Sangheili warrior.

Reason for joining: General interest in trying out Covenant. Having played other factions, general interest in new content lured me in.

Roleplay Example/History: I have played SS13 for some 8 years or more. I have played on Halostation before as UNSC and URF. I also occasionally host roleplay sessions, so acting something or someone I am not IRL is not a problem nor causes me any trouble.

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  Domodyl - Honor Guard Whitelist.
Posted by: Domodyl - 06-21-2020, 12:29 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: domodyl

Discord name(username####): Reverent#1150

Character Name(s): Castio 'Volkee, Domus, SucSuc

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction? For around a year and a half.

Do you understand the restrictions that Honour Guards have placed on them? Yes

Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE? Yes

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behaviour, even when not playing the role you applied for? Yes


Your fellow Honour Guard has been killed, as well as your prophet, by a human. You saw the human do this and follow him to find a group of humans. After engaging, you manage to kill the offending human, but the others manage to retreat where you could easily follow. What do you do next? : If the offending heretic is killed, then my vengeance is settled and I should report to the current highest ranking individual or contact the ministry. 

Why should you be whitelisted? I have been apart of the Covenant for some time now and wish to add onto the roleplay, seeing how prophet is becoming a more accessible role there should be more honor guard to add to rounds. 

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  Earl Ciderman's ODST Application
Posted by: earlciderman - 06-20-2020, 05:17 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (6)

Ckey: earlciderman

Timezone: GMT

Discord Name: Earl#4979

Character(s): Geoff Hardy, Jamie Davids and Kib.

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: 
Geoff Hardy whom is my primary character is a fairly conscientious individual whom attempts to maintain a professional demeanor with his interactions to all individuals and factions. However he holds a certain distaste towards the URF, due to the fact that they are a bunch of communist terrorists and he absolutely cannot abide by the covenant due to them being genocidal aliens. The ONI which he refers to as 'spooks' he is indifferent to, he believes they are a necessary evil to winning conflicts and that their results can be justified by their means of achieving them. The Geminus City Colonists he appreciates as hard working frontiers people, however he doesn't trust them due to the fact that any individual no matter how nice could be a URF member which is actively seeking an opportunity to kill him.
Provide a brief description of your character: 
Hard working, stoic and determined are several words to describe Hardy. He is a 'by-the-book' marine and lives for the corps, his fanaticism to his job as of late has gotten him noticed by ODST selection officers who are currently screening his ability. They have identified several key elements of his ability as a soldier which is described by [REDACTED] member of the [REDACTED] Training Regiment.
"Private First Class Geoff Hardy is at an acceptable level of fitness for our military branch, his psyche is above passable rates and there are no citations from his home branch as well as dishonorable mentions. He has shown an aptitude of competence in all 'direct action' scenarios choreographed at [REDACTED] and is adjusting to the role of shock infantry exceptionally. He is yet to go on our fabricated counter terrorism operations however I expect he will perform suitably well if he maintains his current level of ability and drive. Oh, he also has several EFMB's which has become obvious in our Wilderness Medical Survival Training. So yeah, keep him on the program." - Drill Instructor [REDACTED]
All information redacted from this document is classed as 'sensitive' information and any adjustment from unauthorized individuals will result in disciplinary action.
- Office of Naval Intelligence
Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes, I understand and will endeavor to maintain a high standard of roleplay.

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes I fully understand.

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes I understand the consequences.

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  Covenant application
Posted by: ondrej008 - 06-19-2020, 08:39 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Ondrej008

Discord name: ondrej008#3301

In-character name: Muporeus (Jiralhanae Minor), Miwaz (Unggoy Major) and some other randomized name characters that I don't play that much.

general character info: Muporeus is your standard brute, nothing special. Miwaz is quite an Unggoy, his father is an Unggoy Ultra and was killed in the Unggoy rebellion. Miwaz's father has left an impression on him and he wants to overcome his father, quite possibly become an Unggoy Deacon. Miwaz is quite a lot smarter than your average unggoy, probably because of his father.

Reason for joining: I want Miwaz to overcome his father and use his untapped potential. I would also like to try out the roles that are locked behind the whitelist, such as Sangheili or T'Voan bird boys.

Roleplay Example/History: I've played a bunch on Bay, relatively incident-free on there. Played FTL13 which was a MRP server, and now play on it's successor, NSV13.

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