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  ComradeJeff - Covenant App
Posted by: Comrade - 07-27-2020, 01:16 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: ComradeJeff

Discord name:Bones#2368 (Nickname:h)

In-character name: Dano 'Rokumee (Current played characters are: Danny Stone, Cassius Wulf, Dandan, Doni, Stone-066)

general character info: Rokumee was raised on Sanghelios to a long line of warriors. Like those before him, Rokumee was expected to join the Covenant and bring great honour to his family name. During his time in the Covenant, he found great admiration for those who were both strong and honourable. He also found great joy in leading his brothers to glory.

Reason for joining: I've been playing covenant much more and have been enjoying it quite a bit. With the recent embassy announcement, I'd like to expand the covenant roles I have access to while retaining my UNSC ones.

Roleplay Example/History:I hold the ODST Officer and Spartan WL and have been apart of the community for about two years now.

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  LeeDoomer's Covenant Application
Posted by: LeeDoomer - 07-26-2020, 11:55 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: LeeDoomer

Discord name: FreezeGlitch#7060

In-character name: Khul 'Ronomee

general character info: Khul is an eager and aspiring Sangheili Minor who enlisted into the Covenant Military in the year 2537, after Operation: PROMETHEUS. He wishes to prove his honor and glory in combat, like many other Sangheili. He is fiercely faithful and pious to the Covenant and will stop at nothing to strike down heretics, whether it be humans or his own brothers.

Reason for joining : I'd like to experience the other side. I enjoy playing ungoyy and kig-yar, I'm interested in how the other roles play-out as well. 

Roleplay Example/History: I have the ODST whitelist. I've played many MRP servers and have roleplay experience from them. 

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  Joe4444 covenant app
Posted by: Joe4444 - 07-26-2020, 11:14 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name:Joe4444#7077

In-character name:Tut 'Vahamee

general character info:an average looking elite minor who wishes nothing more than to add to the saga wall of his family back on sangheilios. Joined the covenant military for that exact reason, as is looking to rise through the ranks and attain honour in combat, like most other sangheilli around him.

Reason for joining :Bored of the UNSC, feel like playing Elite. Could be a nice change of pace.

Roleplay Example/History:Gotten every whitelist in the UNSC at some point or another, played alot of DND and gmod servers, as well as other SS13 servers.

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  Loaf's Covenant App
Posted by: Loaf - 07-26-2020, 11:05 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Loafe

Discord name: Loaf#5101

In-character name: Yazap, Mak

general character info: Born from among 43 children, Yazap was introduced into the Covenant military forces as most male Unggoy are. A fairly standard Unggoy Minor, he normally walks around with a plasma pistol and a few plasma grenades. 

Standing at a whopping 5'2", he is shorter than most Unggoy, with a noticeably higher pitched squeal. 

Reason for joining: I want to expand my horizons, I've only played UNSC since I joined the server, and I want to give elite, T'vaoan, and brute, along with Covenant roleplay in general a chance, roleplay in general as UNSC gameplay and roleplay can get stale after long periods of time. 

Roleplay Example/History: 

In terms of this server, I have basically every whitelist other than Spartan Officer for the UNSC, and have been in the community for a couple years at this point. Outside the server, I've played SS13 for 3 years now, spending most of that time on tg and Paradise, when I was really new. 

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  Ghostdex's Covenant Application
Posted by: Ghostdex - 07-26-2020, 10:45 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Ghostdex

Discord name: Ghostdex#1234

In-character name: Uug 'Suvamee

general character info: Uug is just over the average height of other Sangheili and is well tempered and honed Sangheili Major. Uug is heavily invested in the great journey much like the other Sangheili and will not tolerate any amount of heresy.

Reason for joining : I'd like to see what its like from the other side again and I believe I can bring a little something to the table for the covenant like with the UNSC.

Roleplay Example/History: I've been a member of the community for awhile now and I believe I fully hold up believable RP for the couple of characters I play, especially as a spartan. I also hold the predator and captain whitelist in CM although I have not played there in a good bit I believe it still references my RP history.

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  Honor Guard Application 2
Posted by: Macguffin - 07-26-2020, 10:28 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Macguffin

Discord name(username####): Foolius IV#7843

Character Name(s): Niha 'Setumee, Bapbap, Shuren Tang, various

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction?
3-12-2018 to 11-20-2019. Rejoined on the 19th of June, 2020.

Do you understand the restrictions that Honor Guards have placed on them?
I understand

Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE?
I understand

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behaviour, even when not playing the role you applied for?
I understand

Your fellow Honour Guard has been killed, as well as your prophet, by a human. You saw the human do this and follow him to find a group of humans. After engaging, you manage to kill the offending human, but the others manage to retreat where you could easily follow. What do you do next?
Upon successfully killing the prophets murderer, attempt to return to the covenant flagship in order to inform high charity of what has transpired and then proceed to defend the flagship while awaiting a new task, such as guarding a new VIP such as the shipmaster. Upon recieving a new charge to protect be it the shipmaster or otherwise, do so to the best of my ability.

Why should you be whitelisted?
With the recent rise in prophet activity, having more people available to play honor guards can't hurt. I generally enjoy the RP prophets bring to rounds and like playing protective roles. I have been with the server for a while, am reasonably familiar with lore and like to think that I can be trusted to play the role satisfactorily.

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  BladeburstNINJA Covenant Application
Posted by: BladeburstNINJA - 07-26-2020, 09:59 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name:BladeburstNINJA#9500

In-character name: Shifter (Usually Ish Jackson, ODST)

general character info: A yanme'e with purple tattoos all over its body marking its sacrament to the Great Journey and the Gods. A very devout yanme'e that explains just a bit more individuality due to his religious zeal. Often speaks out in prayer before glassing heretics. Will do what is necessary to carry out the prophet's will, even bordering on heresy.

Reason for joining : To get the Covenant whitelists and diversify my gameplay.  Cool

Roleplay Example/History: The one game where I committed heresy by using a human drill in order to locate and retrieve the artifact. Being labelled as a heretic by the commanding sangheili, instead of simply awaiting punishment I went out and fended off a demon twice, as well as eventually retrieving the artifact and completing the mission.

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  driecg36 Covenant Application
Posted by: driecg36 - 07-26-2020, 12:18 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: driecg36

Discord name: pierre #6047

In-character name: Connor Ford, Malachi Thompson, Bufik

general character info: Connor Ford is my ODST character, Malachi Thompson is my marine character, and Bufik is my grunt character. Bufik is a pretty stereotypical grunt who's dumb and goofy, but not the point where it actively hampers the mission or makes the round less fun for others. I plan on making an elite named Kal'Matan if I am accepted, who I plan to RP as more calm and less volatile than other elites.

Reason for joining: I like the covenant a lot in the original games and find them to be by far the most compelling antagonist of the franchise, especially the elites. Since it is now possible to hold WL from multiple factions I would very much like to be able to play as more covenant roles as they seem fun and diverse.

Roleplay Example/History: I already have an ODST whitelist and have been playing the server on and off for over a year and half now or thereabouts. I have played on and maintained whitelists on HRP servers over the years (Bay and Aurora), though not recently. I have been playing since early 2017 so I have a good grasp of how to RP a character that is both convincing but also enjoyable OOCly for other players.

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  urf app
Posted by: KELSO2 - 07-25-2020, 05:03 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Ckey: Kelso33

Discord name: Kemikals#4967

In-character name: Cassie Sarion

general character info: Formerly enlisted within the ODST, Cassie took time to realize just how morally gray the UNSC really are. She took the chance and defected following a high-casualty drop behind Covenant lines left most of her fellow ODST dead.

Reason for joining : urf major. urf are pretty based and with the recent announcement in embassy i'd like to return to the urf. 

(lost access to other forum account.)

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Wink lemme in i wanna be a unggoy
Posted by: SharkLordSatan - 07-25-2020, 11:39 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

I promise this is a serious application.

CKey: SharkLordSatan

Discord Name: SharkLordSatan#0314

In-Character Name: Gub-Gub

General Character Info: Slightly insane. Grumpy. Frequently says "gub." Gub-gub probably isn't his actual name, but no-one's really bothered to ask, and even if they did ask he wouldn't remember what it was anyway.

Reason for Joining: Because I love Halo, I love the Covenant, and because I'm new to combat I figured I should be a Grunt so that I can write off my ineptitude in combat as my Grunt being stupid.

Roleplay Example/History: I run a tumblr rp blog, so while my responses are absolutely not going to be anywhere this long, this is the kind of quality you can expect, at least in dialogue:


John had the distinct sensation that he wasn’t the only thing hunting out in these woods.

Well, it wasn’t just a gut-feeling that clued him in, but more-so the fact that he’d find the body of one of the enemy - an unfortunate Sangheili, to be exact - strung up from a tree in what could only be described as downright gruesome; dangling upside-down by the ankles, looking as though it had been skinned so that only muscle and purple ichor remained, with a dead, cloudy gaze in its eyes. And, judging from how fresh the blood was and that it was still dripping with the life-liquid, this kill was fresh.

The Spartan’s first assumption that this was the work of a Brute pack - after all, they were certainly capable of doing something as macabre as this. But even then, they weren’t ones to leave what they’d likely consider to be perfectly good food to waste like this. The body was too well dressed, the flesh too intact.

No, this was the work of something else.

He still had a job to do, however.

Leaving behind the hanging corpse, the Master Chief continued his trek through the gnarled trees and dense foliage of the forest - his eyes ever alert for the slightest movement or the briefest ping on his radar, whether it was for Covenant activity or whatever was out in these woods. Maybe his luck would hold out and he’d never even so much as see the mystery killer. But from the feeling in his gut… he had a small feeling that wouldn’t be the case for this mission.

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