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UNSC Application
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07-20-2024, 10:24 PM
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  [UNSC Application / Arkin "Demiurge" Faust.]
Posted by: grimlich - 07-24-2020, 06:56 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name:


In-character name:

Arkin Daemon Faust; Nickname "Demiurge".

General character info:

Arkin is a fateful man of a mature and introspective character. Respectful and intelligent; perhaps too much for his own good, for the acquisition of wisdom has made him develop a cold and melancholic emotional surface.
He was professionally diagnosed with MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) in the early years of his career, although this does not seem to hinder their performance in the field. He is a skilled sniper and marksman, maintaining an inmate discipline in his work as a pathfinder soldier and "spy" on the battlefield.

Which role is your character's main:
Designated Marksman Marine

Reason for joining :

I love this faction and lore, seriously.

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Posted by: ZikaBaby - 07-18-2020, 10:51 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: ZikaBaby

Discord name: Mick Jagger#4589

In-character name: Sivius

 general character info: a primitive and somewhat emotionally unstable brute with a massive loyalty for his meta-clan the Rh'tol, And helped in the attack on Beta gabriel with a Rh'otol commander named Parabum.

Reason for joining : Ive always loved halo and especially brutes and now that they are white listed i decided i might as well try and be able to play as em seeing as how thats all i ever play.

Roleplay Example/History: Ive played on this server for a couple months now and just about completely understand the rules and way too play. ive also played on servers like civ13 and bad deathclaw and understand how HRP servers work and how to properly HRP.

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  Actually joining the UNSC
Posted by: tauman - 07-16-2020, 10:44 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Ckey: Taumanta

Discord name: taumanta#4942

In-character name:
Patrick Cleary/David Hunter

General character info: Sarcastic, a know-it-all who almost knows-it-all, swears a lot, smokes, and is full of scathing remarks. Perfect material for a UNSC marine fighting genocidal aliens.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc):

Reason for joining : I'm basically already in the UNSC and would like to get it formalised before someone remembers that me having access to UNSC barracks was just mclovin being a meme. 

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  zzurges Shipmaster WL app
Posted by: zzurge - 07-14-2020, 11:06 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name zzurge#4638

Character Name(s):Grimaldus(Jirilhanae) Gruze sangumee(sangheli) Mata Nui(T'voan) zuduz(Unngoy) Veronica Taggart(Marine)

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction? Upwards of a month By now

What are some examples of good Covenant Roleplay that you have been a part of?-There was a time long ago when I had ill prepared for battle,going with only my weapons,as such I had decided to use a heretical human medicine, one which was tainted by their vile ilk,the shipmaster present made sure to reprimand me terribly for ill preparedness and heresy, it was not a charge that was light in nature,from then on I made certain to use only holy medicines and instruments of warfare,as the hierarchs intended. Another example is when The lower ranked covenant grow too free of will,often when not directly looked at they will falter in faith taking up heretical arms and forgetting the core values of the covenant,many a time I have had to personally reshape their faith and hone their conviction lest they be left behind on the great journey...

Do you understand the Faction Rules?-yes

Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law, and may be persecuted for not following the Faction Rules?-yes,Even Thel vadamee,Greatest shipmaster in recent history was laid low for his heresy,and he had brought the covenant innumerable victories in the campaign against humanity...

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for?-Yes

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for?-My role is to lead The armies of the hierachs to complete the tasks brought forth by the same,as shipmaster I have been granted assets to utilize as I see fit to complete said goals so long as I do not forget my mission,I am a leader and in absence of the hierarchs the very extension of their will,however in the presence of their company I am relegated to their wisdom,an instrument to be utilized at their complete discretion

Why should you be whitelisted?-Because failing the lack of higher command within the covenant ranks presently,The humans in this sector of space have amassed forces, Of their number are the fabled "helljumpers" in their tongue and rumors circulate that even demons have been seen among them,it is my personal belief that if we are to succeed we will require stronger leaders but I would never question the will of the hierarchs regarding that.

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  Domodyl - Mod Application
Posted by: Domodyl - 07-14-2020, 01:40 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - No Replies

Age: 17

Ckey: Domodyl

Discord Name: Reverent#1150

Timezone: EST

Time in SS13: Been playing SS13 since early 2017

Any SS13 Bans: To clarify, I have no standing bans at this moment, however, I have been temporarily banned in the past.

Prior Moderation experience: While I have not been apart of SS13 staff in any capacity, I have taken part in discord server administrating for around a year now, and I have been playing the halo server for around two years now. 

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: A Moderator, besides of course "Moderating" has the important task of representing the community and being a helping hand to players while remaining unbiased if dealing with an issue on the server, be it a simple LRP report, or a major game-altering incident. 

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  UNSC Application
Posted by: Kindadread - 07-13-2020, 03:44 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name:kindadread#3354

In-character nameBig Grinaryl Sheppard

general character infoBig Grinaryl is a sergeant in the UNSC just like his father was before he died from a plasma grenade. Daryl is battle hardened, kind of an introvert, of germanic descent and doesn't like helmets, he prefers his beret which was his dad's. Daryl is no hero, but with some luck he can be one, but if he's the last one alive he will run as fast as he can

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine Sergeant

Reason for joining :it looks like an active and friendly community balanced enough on both sides, also the UNSC intrigues me more than the covenant

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  Complaint on Koen
Posted by: Domodyl - 07-13-2020, 02:24 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

First off, I'd like to clarify that I am friends with a lot of the staff and I think Koen is a chill dude, and that he does his job well, this report is made to hopefully set a standard for future admin interventions.

with that said, a round happening on 7/12/2020 around 9:30 PM EST, Koen spawned in three sparrow hawks for the UNSC team after their station was blown up, this would have been fine if the covenant got three banshees in return, however, they did not. Many players of the Covenant whitelist seen this as a winning factor overall for the UNSC. (Mind you, the defense for this being used was that the ODP was attacked heavily by the covenant, however from the Covenant point of view, we lost half of our manpower.) On top of this, UNSC still had every vehicle in oni base to their disposal, which they did indeed use, at one point the Covenant was being faced with a Scorpian, a Warthog, and a Sparrowhawk (not even mentioning the Spartan ll.) 

With all that being said, I do not hope Koen gets punished at all, but I hope rather for future events or interventions that it is treated fairly for both sides, so the server can be more enjoyable for everyone, I think a good counterbalance to this event in specific would be giving Covenant 3 banshees in return. 

 I will be providing attachments with a couple of screenshots of respected users in the community as proof.

Quick edit: please post a reply if you agree or have other accounts of a similar incident so it can be logged.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  URF Application
Posted by: N0ckyN0ck - 07-10-2020, 06:02 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: N0ckyN0ck

Discord name: Chris[]#0990

In-character name: Morgan Armstrong

general character info:
Morgan Armstrong was born and raised within the outer colonies, joining the UNSC Marines because of financial issues. Serving within the UNSC for most of her life and seeing all the horrors of the UNSC, experiencing the brutality and corruption first hand, She decided that it would be much better fighting for something that's right, something that frees individuals from the clutches of UEG and the corruption of the UNSC.

With a few contacts, she deserted her regiment while on a patrol, meeting up with few Insurgents and travelling towards a URF FOB.

Reason for joining :
After Experiencing the Brutality and corruption first hand, she wanted to fight against the UNSC, she knew she had no chance, calling up old contacts to join the URF.

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  Rejoining The Fold
Posted by: SuckMySocks - 07-10-2020, 05:37 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: ComradeSocks

Discord name: Canadian#1403

In-character name: Zikan ‘Nasanee

general character info: Zikan is a big, mean and stinky Sangheili that just wants to smash Demon’s visors in. He once killed a Demon in single combat named “Clayton-055” when he was only a Minor, and plans to kill more!

Reason for joining : UNSC is bigger and stinkier than Zikan

Roleplay Example/History: I am a sock. I can be whatever you imagine me to be.

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  Da Pantas unsc application
Posted by: PantasTheDank - 07-07-2020, 03:33 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: PantasTheDank

Discord name: Pantas#4682

In-character name:
Darko Pantic

general character info: 
Darko be killin da covvies, tellin da urf they be stinkers, simple as

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc):
Da Marine

Reason for joining : 

I just want to see how UNSC is as I've never joined them, been in the covenant and urf, so i'd like to get a feel of da unsc.

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