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  Salla Massino ODST Application
Posted by: thatguythere03 - 08-10-2020, 10:57 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: thatguythere03

Timezone: PT

Discord Name: thatguythere03#4418

Character(s): Salla Massino

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?:
Salla Massino hopes to do more for the cause after his initial deployment while taking a more active role in engagements. He may lack the experience for a leadership position as of the time of writing, but he hopes to gain the experience needed for an eventual promotion while serving under more qualified NCOs. In his downtime, he's one of the more sociable marines, offering spare food or cigarettes to anybody who might partake. In combat, Massino is usually seen up front and laying down suppressing fire so his squad-mates can get into position. He's been called suicidal as a result of the amount of injuries he's accrued in a single tour, but he's glad he could take the shots meant for his fellow marines. He is known for asking any commanding officer for orders before engaging in most non-combat actions, knowing that time spent idle is time that could be spent being useful. In his short time with the Marine Corps, he's learned the value of a proper IFAK and armor repair kits, changing his loadout to reflect this. While mostly disdainful of the Covenant, he does express interest in their culture, positing that they may not always be out for Humanity. Massino's attitude towards the URF is somewhat sympathetic, but ultimately disparaging. He's been quoted as saying "I get why they're pissed, but we got way bigger problems right now.". In regards to civilians, Massino acknowledges one of the core purpose of military powers as tools to protect the general populace, and thus will do everything in his power to make sure civilians don't end up as casualties.

Provide a brief description of your character:
Salla Massino is a 27 year old man with a tanned complexion and athletic build, sporting his black hair in a regulation mohawk and goatee. He is the only son of a factory worker and former Naval corpsman living on Levosia in the 26 Draconis System. Massino saw enlistment as a way to have a more proactive role in protecting the outer colonies, something that became a priority after the events of Harvest. Though his home has yet to be attacked by the Covenant, he acknowledges that it's a very real possibility, and carried that ever-present worry with him when joining up with Marine Corps. This had led to a somewhat innate need for direction and guidance as the war has gone on, always leaning on senior staff for orders and advice.
Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes

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  OnePlusOne's CO App
Posted by: OnePlusOne - 08-10-2020, 08:48 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (3)

Ckey: OnePlusOne

Discord name (username####): Meme Machine#3101

Character Name(s): Johnathan Powers for my ODST, but I usually random name.

Do you understand the RoE?: Yes, mainly it is to OOCly prevent UNSC members from acting out of character and ICly to get civilians on their side.

Do you understand that you are not above the law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE?: Yes, I understand that I am not above the RoE and may be persecuted for breaking it.

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for?: Yes, I understand that.

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for?: The CO's primary job is to herd and organize the marines and make sure they do objectives and aren't picked off.

Why should you be whitelisted?: I've been playing Halo13 for a long while and have seen a lack of CO players in the UNSC, as well as other players expressing dissatisfaction at the lack of them

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  Actually joining the ODSTs because loaf said mean words
Posted by: tauman - 08-08-2020, 12:00 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Ckey: Taumanta

Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time

Discord Name:

Character(s): Julius Kowalski, David Hunter

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Hunter tends to be non-serious about most things, performing his duties in a lackadaisical manner when he deems them non-essential (but will switch on quickly when shit starts getting serious), whereas Kowalski will simply go about his role in a quiet manner. Hunter tends to take the piss out of anyone when an opportunity presents itself, as compared to Kowalski who will simply snort and go back to work whenever someone acts stupidly. 

Provide a brief description of your character: One is a German expat who grew up in Denver, the other is an Australian from Darwin. One was recruited from the Army Airborne, the other from the Marines Force Recon. Hunter smokes, Kowalski drinks a shitton of beer on certain occasions (and also eats a lot of sausage whenever he can). Hunter likes to pretend he's Crocodile Dundee and cut up any innies he can with a knife, whereas Kowalski prefers the Cowboy method of quick-drawing and seeing how fast he can pop off a headshot. Both are dedicated and loyal (but Hunter will tell any retards to fuck off, politely if they're higher-ranked than him). Hunter is alright with explosives and prefers a close bit of CQC, whereas Kowalski is a sharpshooter who tries to hit people right in the heart. 

All in all, both are arrogant assholes with way too much confidence in themselves, but one will laugh when you call him an ass and just respond "yeah fuck you too" whereas the other will mutter something about getting a perfect shot straight into your eye. 

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes

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  UNSC application
Posted by: Codefox - 08-07-2020, 06:53 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: foxycode

Discord name: codefox

In-character name: frank greenawalt/candace woolery

general character info: Frank greenawalt was born on earth he had a love for the core and would later join when he turned 18. He almost failed on the running test do to low stamina, but he did pretty average on the rest of the test. He picked up a bit of medical training from his friend. He tends to be kind hearted and none talkative. 

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine.

Reason for joining : I've been having fun playing as unsc and wanna apply as a odst

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  Karmac's Spartan Application
Posted by: Karmac - 08-06-2020, 12:44 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (3)

CKEY: Karmac

Timezone: UTC +10

Discord name (eg Bob#123): Karmac

How long have you been a Whitelisted ODST?: Was approved on 29/11/2019, played for a good while but I have only recently returned from a months-long break from SS13 as a whole.

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?: I have been banned here once, and had the ban successfully appealed, though looking back I can't say I was as respectful or professional about the process as I should've been. I have been banned a few times from the Colonial Marines server, though my last was about a year ago if my memory's still good.

Do you understand and accept that Spartan players are held to a higher standard than other UNSC whitelist roles, such as ODST?: Yes.

Do you understand that whitelisted Spartans are expected to comment on and observe the conduct of other Spartans and Spartan Applicants, on the forums as well as discord? Yes.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Try and avoid commonly known numbers like -117.): Blast-152

Please answer these scenarios to the best of your ability, this is to gauge your playstyle in comparison to the other spartans and to make sure you have a firm grasp of how a spartan is meant to operate, as well as how to best utilise the tools available to the UNSC.

1:The covenant have began scanning at the PD and are roughly 25% of the way through the scan. You are the only person geared up currently, but there is a sizable unit of marines who have just respawned. What do you do? 

This implies the ODP has been destroyed, which is enough grounds to allow my deployment alongside UNSC forces. Though I myself might be combat ready, it wouldn't be the greatest idea to start running and gunning all on my own. Working alongside the marines to assault the covenant forces and destroy their scanners is going to be much safer, and have a higher likelihood of success, so I would wait till they are ready to do so before making a move.

2:You are the lone UNSC member currently on the site. You know of the covenant presence on the planet, estimating 2 elites and some unggoy. You are forced to attack them. How do you best use your skillset and abilities to do so? assume the covenant are out on the streets of Geminus City, and have no armoured support.

When forced into combat against a large force like that drawn-out combat is only going to go poorly for you, so the most likely option for success would be to fight while falling back; ensuring I'm not flanked, that I can safely reload my weapon/s, and that I have enough time to inject biofoam without suffering more injuries should I need to do so. Spartans are tough, but not invincible. A silver lining to the situation would be that in a target rich environment, it is difficult to miss.

3:There is an assualt on a strongly defended and reinforced covenant position which the marines and ODSTs cannot break through, however you know of a side passage which, whilst still guarded, is less defended than the front door, however it is guarded by a spirit on the roof which is locked down to provide reinforcements. How do you procede? Assume there are no other roof access points on the map, but you have access to both the full vehicle and weapon compliment the UNSC starts with.

The spirit's utility relies on the covenant having enough time to respawn to be of use to the defence, as such, I would suggest to the UNSC forces that they split their forces, a small contingent following me in an assault on the lesser-guarded side passage while the larger group distracts the front defenders. As the mission would rely on my team utilizing speed and the distracting force being enough of a problem to keep the main force busy, I would deploy my team with a compliment of Warthogs and suggest the distracting team utilize the Scorpion to ensure the main defenders have reason to stay where they are. My team would assault the lesser-guarded passage, hopefully downing the guards quickly with the assistance of the warthog's turrets, before breaching and clearing our way to assault the front defenders from behind, under a two-sided assault I would hope the enemy finds themselves unable to finish off either side of our attacking forces, and dies under combined fire. In the event the enemy has time to respawn, they will be in no good position to assist the defenders inside unless they respawn en-masse, and in that eventuality we have likely already eliminated enough defenders to take the position as our own.

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  Sirhelgate's App
Posted by: sirhelgate - 08-06-2020, 03:31 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Sirhelgate

Discord name: Haresay#

In-character name: Malos 'kelren

general character info: A fierce, and cunning Sangheili. His tactics are best displayed shipside, being an apt organizational officer for the grunts, while being fierce enough in close combat to put him on equal footing with his Elite Peers. Though, he's always been keen on being involved in glorious space battles over ground battles.

Reason for joining : Old Player returning to persue the great journey!

Roleplay Example/History: I used to play one of the Skrimisher brand of kig-yar back in the day. Though Easily capable of roleplaying. Challenging bellows, chest beating, and non verbal taunting and aggressive stances to intimidate the humans. 

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  Starmans changed his mind
Posted by: starman - 08-06-2020, 01:37 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Jarjar201

Discord name: spess disco 13#8187

In-character name: Sam Schulz

general character info: Sam is a rather light hearted man of Hawaiian descent topping off around 6'2 near the average height for humans nowadays and will commonly mess around taking few situations lightly. Hes relatively skilled although any Sangheili could simply wander up to him and massacre him unless he had a decent range away from them.

Which role is your character's main: Marine

Reason for joining : Want a new experience I'm sort of sick of covenant gameplay and UnSC seems much more fun in my opinion I had more fun messing around as a unggoy than I ever did actually with the covvie WL. So I'm going for this now.

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Bug Whitelist Application: "A Single Lekgolo Worm"
Posted by: SharkLordSatan - 08-04-2020, 05:50 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKey: SharkLordSatan

Discord Name: SharkLordSatan #0314

In-Character Name: the Single Lekgolo Worm

General Character Info: The Single Lekgolo Worm. A tiny, unassuming worm. It's orange in color, and overall the size of a small rat, and perfectly harmless. At most, all it can really do is drive people to shoot it simply by existing as it wriggles around in circles or crawls through vents, bemused by one man's attempt to unload an entire shotgun clip to snuff out it's life.

But then one man makes the worst mistake of his life.

He pocketed the Single Lekgolo Worm, forgetting about it as he was forced to flee the ODP's destruction at the Covenant's hands. Depressed at the loss of his comrades, he stares into the rim of the volcano on the colony he now stands upon, contemplating his life choices, what he should do next. Hands naturally settled into his pockets only for his fingers to brush against a slightly moist object; pulling his hand back he found the Worm, entangled around his digits.

The unsuspecting man tossed the Worm into the bubbling magma below, watching it burst into a cloud of smoke and flame as it's orange body disappeared into the molten rock.

The magma sputters, bubbles, then churns violently. A deep rumbling in the earth as something begins to emerge, rearing back it's serpentine head and letting lose a roar that could challenge God himself.


[Image: unknown.png]

Reason for Joining: It happened once and I want it to happen again.

Roleplay Example: See above.

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  Mr Socks Ban Appeal of SADNESS
Posted by: SuckMySocks - 08-04-2020, 02:59 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: ComradeSocks

Your Discord Username: Canadian#1403
Your character name (if relevant): Ruby Red

Who were you banned by: Koen

Date of ban: 8/3/2020

Length of ban: N/A

Full ban reason: Griefing gave a mutated fruit to a marine as a KS7 Civilian, resulting in said marine quickly losing health and lumbs. Committed suicide and logged off before I could question them.

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: 
Right. Last few days I've been playing as a Biodome Worker, experimenting with the Xenobio plants on KS7, just wanted to see what I could cook up, and play with. Change up my play style and focus on botany gameplay for shits and giggles, y'know? 
Anyway, today I was doing that very same thing, playing with Xenobio plants. The Marine that I supposedly griefed walked up to my Dome and asked something like "Hey. Do you have anything to eat in there? Left my lunch on the ODP.", where I responded with caution, and warned that they are probably not good to eat and could have harmful effects.
But he insisted that he wanted to eat something. So I went around the Biodome, found two plants that didn't have any harmful chemicals, one had pretty much only alcohol in it and the other had just nutrient, and offered them to him.


As I was giving it to him, one of the fruits lashed out at my hand and injured my character. The Marine bandaged me up, and then promptly ate the fruit that had just attacked my hand. Soon after, he started collapsing and gasping. I asked if he was alright. He said he was fine. I called for medical help from Marines and Doctors. No one responded. Randomly, his arm randomly exploded. I took his headset and called for help over UNSC Comm, got no response even though there was ONI players present. While doing all this I tried to get him up, applied medical aid from a medkit inside the Marine's backpack. His vitals didn't show anything besides something in his stomach and stub limb, I assumed he'd make a recovery in time. Additionally, there was another player at the scene that should have been able to help him if need be. Then IRL my extended family that was coming over to my place started flooding into my tiny house early. So I promptly gave up what I was doing in game, pulled out my revolver, stuck it in my mouth, tried to type out one final one liner of "Help him, and i'm sorry." and popped my head off. But only got the popping head off part because imma slow typer. Then hit that little red X. 

I take responsibility for my actions in giving the Marine Xenobio fruit. But he insisted, and I was curious on what the effects would be. The chemicals inside the fruits seemed harmless. And I assumed they were good enough to eat because of that. Not taking into account of the randomness of Xenobio. The suddenness of me leaving was due to IRL circumstances. I know that you're not suppose to kill yourself when you leave, but it was kind of my way of "I'm sorry I fucked up, this is my life for yours."

Please unban me I'm a good boy.

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  Skycrafter cov application.
Posted by: Skycrafter - 08-03-2020, 08:22 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Skycrafter
Discord name: Sky_R3Plicated

In-character name: Isan Kohomee

general character info: A elite who does elite things like praising the forerunners and shooting heretics.

Reason for joining : Because URF isn't getting readded anytime soon and way more people play UNSC then they do covvie and there are always a few ODST/SII on and rarely any elites.

Roleplay Example/History: Been playing SS13 and HS13 for quite a while and can roleplay pretty decently.

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