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  Player Complaint on Pantas#4682 and FreezeGlitch#7060
Posted by: CommanderXor - 10-05-2020, 11:13 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (10)

No format for player complaints, fun.

This player complaint is primarily against Pantas#4682 and FreezeGlitch#7060 on the Discord server.

The Discord server specifically has rules against spamming as seen below, Rule 7.
[Image: z8Cdzqh.png]

Today I woke up to 13 pings on Halo Station, all from the same General channel.
[Image: LSa9LdM.png]

When I went to see what the pings were, they turned out to all be from the same two people within roughly an hour's timeframe - minus one other notification from another plus - consistently spamming the three faction tags. This is outright spam and if someone spammed the admin tags 13 times within a single hour they would be muted, if not banned.
[Image: lH8QKWH.png]
[Image: F6RHH5j.png]
[Image: qpM1y8y.png]
[Image: hhgP7Cg.png]
As seen above, a lot of the text is the same but the time stamps are different.

When someone actually asked why they got spammed by 13 pings, one of the two just replied 'Whynot' as if they had every right to spam the notifications.
[Image: y3gPBKo.png]

Along with this, one of them was generally spamming General with more than just pings as seen below.

[Image: BLF9ps2.png]
[Image: A8Qnzwv.png]
[Image: uiYeUbE.png]

There's a fair bit of just random spam that honestly could be put into Unggoy Bathrooms. While memes are allowed, this is a fair bit excessive and borderline toes - if not breaks - the No-Spam rule.

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  WildWehraboo's ODST Application
Posted by: WildWehraboo - 10-05-2020, 06:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (5)

Ckey: WildWehraboo

Timezone: GMT +3

Discord Name: Waiting for ww3#7031

Character(s): Hans Krieger

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Hans, Being a suicidal fuck (Seen when fighting a white elite) Does not fear death as death fears him, He Did many heroic deeds which led his officers to try to transfer him to an ODST, He likes to help his fellow comrades any way he can, He hates URF And Covenant with a passion which makes him a good soldier.

Provide a brief description of your character:
Hans is the kind of person you would expect to see in an action movie, But he is infront of you, fully alive. He got his reputation mostly because of his Last stand with an ODST Trooper Against waves of covenant which he survived by luck after reinforcement came to save him and the moment he shot down the Covenant Troop Carrier with a Pelican and the power of his will Resulting in a covenant loss, He always keeps his weapon by his side whenever he can, But he is just a normal human unlike most people say. He is not a spartan undercover nor anything like that but instead a 5'10 White skinned man who Signed up to serve for his race and species.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes

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  UNSC Application: Patata
Posted by: Patata - 09-27-2020, 08:00 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

i heard that now you can have both whitelist so here i am

Ckey: Patata
Discord name: patata#8246
In-character name: Tomas Moreno
General character info: Marine Anti-Tanks Specialist, latino, 33 year olds with black hair and beard, hes a bit weird, always excited, with an abnormal amount of happiness in his body but he hates childrens, he is a trained pilot with experience in the field and some experience with moving smaller ships.
Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Anti-Tank Specialist (considering that i have been playing covenant this past months maybe no one knows about my character)
Reason for joining: I would like to try and apply for the ODST Whitelist in the future.

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  UNSC x Covie Cross Faction App For Mr Socks
Posted by: SuckMySocks - 09-27-2020, 01:56 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Ckey: ComradeSocks 

Discord name: ComradeSocks#1403

In-character name: Ruby Red

general character info: Ruby was born and raised on Eridanus II, until it’s destruction sent her out into the wider galaxy. Aside from this, background is shrouded in black ink. At one point she was a lowly researcher helping ONI, but once the Human-Covenant war began, she joined up with the UNSC as a Marine, hoping to escape her troubled past. 

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining: Been playing this server for a long ass time, been part of every faction, including the meme flood one. Use to be an ODST, enjoyed that - hoping to regain my title of ODST and eventually go for Spartan, gotta change shit up or it gets boring, yknow?

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  ODST App
Posted by: Anystar1 - 09-26-2020, 04:52 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Anystar1

Timezone: Australia - AEST

Discord Name: Anystar1

Character(s): Pike Allen

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Pike is friendly to members of the UNSC, distrustful of civilians due to the acts that the URF frequently do, hates the URF and hates the Covenant with a passion

Provide a brief description of your character: Pike Allen is an average human being who specialises in the art of Medical capable of bringing most people back from near death

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes

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  Lesser Prophet of Socks
Posted by: SuckMySocks - 09-22-2020, 05:49 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: ComradeSocks

Discord name (username####): Canadian#1403

Character Name(s): Minister of Attrition of the Ministry of Preparation

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction?: Forsy time I was with the Covenant faction was 6-7 months, been with the faction for about 3 months since I rejoined.

What are some examples of good Covenant Roleplay that you have been a part of?: Hard to pick just one. Buuuuttt... Favourite moment would probably be the time that I, a Shipmaster, captured a Heretic Human, made part of the ship into a Human Zoo. Then made the Crew make fun of the Heretic for being a Heretic. Then I got a Huragok to drug the Heretic with Mindbreaker for like 40 minutes, then convinced the Heretic that he was actually an Unggoy, then we dressed him up in all purple, renamed him Dumbdumb, and made him the ships Mascot. Then me and the Ultra had a duel to the death for me essentially being a Heretic for not killing the Heretic outright. Was pretty lit. This was during the experimental Human-Covenant rule for capturing humans and making them Covenant crew members.

Do you understand the Faction Rules?: Yes.

Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law (but with some slight leeway) , and may be persecuted for not following the Faction Rules?: Yes.

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for?: Yes

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for?: Obviously varies round-to-round, but the Lesser Prophet generally assigns themselves to fleets to act as advisors and propaganda tools, however if there is holy relics of significant religious value to the Great Journey, then they can take full control of a fleet, snatching leadership out from under Fleet Masters/Shipmasters. They are also hold the highest ranked religious position on the ship and can pin the title of heretic on anyone. 

Why should you be whitelisted?: I’ve been with this community for what I would consider an extremely long time, probably going on 3 years now. I know all the ins and outs. I’ve worked with staff and contributed a few decent sprites and provided many discussions on how to improve the game as a whole.  I also bring some unique RP to the game, and have a fairly good reputation in the community. I’ve never been banned and always follow the rules.  

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  Shipmaster App
Posted by: BladeburstNINJA - 09-22-2020, 05:19 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: BladeburstNINJA

Discord Name: BladeburstNINJA9500

Character Name (s): Ish Jackson, “Shifter”, Nevo’ Jusanamee

How long have you been a member of the Covenant faction?
50 days.

What are some examples of good Covenant roleplay that you have been a part of?
On one operation I joined in late as a Sangheili Major. I was in charge of a Yanme’e, unggoy, and Jirlahanae (the latter two who didn’t spawn in till phase 2). I successfully lead the Yanme’e onto the ODP and destroyed it with the drone dying in the process. Afterwards, I led my other two troops onto the planet with the scanner. After setting up the scanner, we were waiting for the humans to attack. While waiting, the jirlahanae began to mess with the heretical juke box. I ordered him not to touch it again, warning him that he would be deemed a heretic. The brute continued to touch it and I moved to punish him (by grabbing and breaking one of his limbs). The brute proceed to attack me and this escalated to a fight where I began to chase him so I could execute him. As the grunt and I were chasing the brute, a human tank showed up. We paused our fighting momentarily and swarmed and eliminated the enemy forces all while keeping the scanner secure. After finishing the humans off I proceeded to execute the brute for his earlier heresy and defiance of my orders.

Do you understand the faction rules?

Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law, and may be persecuted for not following the faction rules?

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for?

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for?
I am applying for command of a Covenant battle group in the sector. I am responsible for any and all actions my troops commit under my command. The success of our mission and carrying out the prophet’s will is dependent on my leadership capabilities. To fail is to dishonor both myself and the hierarchs. With this responsibility I carry out the will of the Covenant.

Why should you be whitelisted?
I am very capable of leading soldiers into battle and have a respect for the rules of the game and my roles. I have never been banned and I want to be able to further expand my experience in the Covenant.

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  PantasTheDank's Hellbringer Application
Posted by: PantasTheDank - 09-22-2020, 02:46 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)



Discord Name:??????????#4682

Character(s): Bozidar Kezich

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Bozidar doesn't care about the world much, nor its people. The only thing he cares about is his close family and friends. He will give his life for them, everyone else is just a means to an end.

Provide a brief description of your character: Standing 4.2 feet tall, peak physical build, with stone cold look in his eyes. 

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes

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  Sgt. Adams UNSC App
Posted by: Sgt. Adams - 09-21-2020, 10:31 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: sgt.adams

Discord name: Don't forget Hawaii#8207

In-character name: Kyle Ringer

general character info: Ringer is a young Marine, at only 19 years old. He lived a rather posh life, born on Earth and a member of an upper-class family. He enlisted in the Marines when the Insurrectionist threat started to reach closer and closer to home. Ringer never really liked living like a king, so he decided to Enlist to protect his home world and his family.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining : I really enjoy Halo, and am starting to get back into it. I found this server and decided to join, as a Halo SS13 server is exactly what I was looking for.

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  WildWehraboo's UNSC Application
Posted by: WildWehraboo - 09-21-2020, 04:20 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: WildWehraboo

Discord name: Waiting for ww3#7031

In-character name: Hans Krieger

general character info: A Specialist in Olive Green armor with visor and white skin, He has a dark sense of humor and a friendly attitude against other marines, You can see him either with a bandolier filled with Fragment and HE Nades for the Nade launcher under his MA5B or a Shotgun and his general setup on the MA5B But with a grip instead of a grenade launcher, He has brown hair and brown eyes, You can easily tell that he is 20-25 years old by his height and looks, He stands at about 5'9

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Specialist

Reason for joining : Found you lads on Byond Hub, Joined and had some fun other people told me to join UNSC so i decided to do that and i am planning on joining ODST after some time.

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