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Covenant application
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  Covenant Whitelist Application
Posted by: Macguffin - 06-17-2020, 07:18 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Macguffin

Discord name: Foolius IV#7843

In-character name: Niha 'Setumee

general character info: A relatively young and idealistic Sangheili standing at around 7'4". Dogmatic, zealous, can be impetuous, but still tends to do things by the book.

Reason for joining: While I do like the UNSC & think they are fine yellow fellows, playing as the Covenant is generally more entertaining for me and offers a greater variation in IC interaction. I am reminded of why I first joined the covenant here, and desire to return.

Roleplay Example/History: I've been floating around SS13 for around four years, have been with halostation since 2018, and have in my time here managed to acquire and hold the whitelists for Honor Guard, ODST and Spartan without losing them as a result of any failure to adhere to standards or behave appropriately which I do believe suggests that I can participate in roleplay to an acceptable degree.

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  Covenant Whitelist App
Posted by: Tupina - 06-16-2020, 01:45 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Tupinambis

Discord name: Tupina#1837

In-character name: Kiz

general character info: A kig'yar that is less interested in the great journey and more interested in himself and his kin. Nonetheless, his selfish nature tends to be hidden by his willingness to cooperate with other members of the covenant.

Reason for joining: I've always been a fan of the Halo franchise and i've enjoyed experiencing the universe from the covenant perspective. I am also a fan of the variety that the different species within the covenant presents for both RP and gameplay and am interested in experimenting more with it.

Roleplay Example/History: I have extensive history on Citadel and CM, as well as experience on Bastion of Hestia and TGMC. My ability to RP has been tried and tested on these servers, and my experience thus far on this server has not resulted in any complaints.

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  masterchief366556-UNSC Application
Posted by: masterchief366556 - 06-14-2020, 08:44 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

key: masterchief366556

Discord name: masterchief366556#6122

In-character name: Mark Edwards

General character info: Edwards is a relatively new recruit with not a lot of experience. He is however enthusiastic and willing to serve. He generally prefers to keep his distance and as such is a trained Designated Marksman. 

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Designated Marksman Marine

Reason for joining : UNSC seems like a really cool faction to be apart of, and being an ODST or a Spartan seems pretty neat as well. As such I eventually plan to get those WLs at some point during my time here. Along with this being a Marine also seems like fun to play as. 

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  Vandersons SOE Application
Posted by: bellumes - 06-14-2020, 09:20 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Oddbomber3768

Discord Name: Bellumes#
Character(s): Evelyn Vanderson 

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?:
Evelyn has always been callous and rough, as a result of her upbringing. She typically can be described as quite rude, short-tempered, or foul-mouthed at most times; as she uses her rough attitude and foul humor as a shield to mask her anxieties and fears. However, her sarcastic quips her curses have never stopped her from doing her job; and she goes through with any orders she’s given quickly and efficiently. 
She’s seen enough things and suffered enough excruciating pain that she really doesn’t care about living or dying, and so will typically throw herself in harm’s path without any hesitation. At times, she can even seem emotionless or impassive; in moments where she’s too tired to be humorous or to put effort into her persona. Otherwise, Vanderson has no qualms with doing morally incorrect things, so long as it has a purpose in the long run. 

Provide a brief description of your character:
Raised in the slums of Geminus without any parents or material wealth to speak of, Vanderson quickly grew embittered at society as she was forced to beg and scrounge for scraps to survive whilst the people of the middle and upper classes, only a few blocks away, lived in relative comfort and safety. Having grown up, practically, with a gun in her hand, Evelyn (known at that time by her chosen name of Sam), decided to join the URF at the age of seventeen; initially to fight against the rich and privileged, but eventually broadening her scope to include the UEG, who she saw as tyrannical. During her time in the URF, she became a fanatically devoted member, honing and sharpening her skills enough to eventually become a decently well-regarded sharpshooter. 
When the Covenant War broke out, she saw a chance and enlisted with the UNSC both to protect Geminus from the alien threat, but to also gather intelligence for the Insurrection. During her service, she suffered near-fatal third-degree burns over her entire body and the lower half of her face from a near direct hit from a fuel-rod cannon and a plasma grenade. However, unexpectedly, she had made some close friends within the UNSC. When she came back to the URF, her goals had slightly changed. She sought to fight not necessarily to topple the UEG, but to ensure the war was fought quickly as to allow the UNSC, and her friends, to simply go home sooner. 

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes. 

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes.

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes.

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  Muslim123123123 Covie Whitelist
Posted by: Muslim123123123 - 06-13-2020, 05:07 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Muslim123123123

Discord name: Muslim123123123#1300

In-character name: Galleum

general character info: Galleum is a Jiralhanae Major who has served in the Covenant Empire’s great military as soon as he came of age. He hails from Doisac- homeworld of his species and is a member of the Vheiloth Skein. Due to this he is a strong adherent to the Great Journey and although he isn’t that smart he more than makes up for it in unwavering loyalty. He is selfless and without order would give his life to the journey in hopes that his kin could go on without him.

Reason for joining : More than a year ago I had the covenant whitelist- it only ended when I got banned which was a year ago. I took a break from Byond in general for a bit but I’m interested in rejoining the fold.

Roleplay Example/History: Played Halo RP of course, tons of other rps including those on discord, reddit, and byond. ITRP and Star Wars RP are the main focuses I’ve done but I also have knowledge of the Halo lore even though I haven’t roleplayed it besides in this server. I’ve rped a lot of other places I’m sure I listed in my last whitelist.

More depth with factions details IE: roles, etc will be added later.

San’Shyuum- Galleum views them as almost god-like beings who carry much wisdom- he will do anything he can to serve and protect them.

Sangheili- Fierce warriors who Galleum believes think too much of themselves but he holds respect for their skill and devotion to the hierarchs nonetheless.

Jiralhanae- He believes his people are the fiercest warriors serving the Covenant and are the greatest devotees to the Great Journey besides the San’Shyuum themselves.

Mgalekgolo- A force to be reckoned with.

Yanme’e- Bugs that taste bad- if they weren’t adherents to the Prophets then they would be adherents to death.

Huragok- They may be weak but it's better for them keeping the ship intact than an Unggoy.

Kig Yar- They get the job done.

Unggoy- Makes for decent support and good meat when dead.

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  Suggestion for Brutes.
Posted by: Domodyl - 06-09-2020, 03:30 PM - Forum: Server Suggestions - Replies (1)

"We must go, the brutes will have our sent"

  What if brutes had the ability to actually "smell" a race in a vicinity around them, kind of like a tracker, but also in the same vain a addition to brutes.

 A way this could be done could just be a a chat notification, or it could also be toggled in abilities

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  Domodyl - Loremaster
Posted by: Domodyl - 06-08-2020, 08:33 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Age: 17

Ckey: domodyl

Discord Name: Reverent#1150

Time Zone: EST

How much experience do you have with the game: I've been on the server for around 2 years now.

How much experience do you have with wiki work: Close to none. (but I am hoping to learn from this.)

Prior Work (if applicable): N/A

If you are applying for Lore Master, Describe your in-depth knowledge of the series: I've been a fan of Halo since I was a child, and since then I have learned what I consider most of the lore, if not all of it, and if I find some new information or additions to the lore that I did not know prior, I usually read up on it. 

If you are applying for Lore Master, Are you able to follow the creative development of the server and to actively give out suggestions or comments? Yes, Definitely.

If you are applying for Lore Master, Can you contribute to the wiki actively? Yes.

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  Gunlean UNSC Application
Posted by: ZooTaze - 06-08-2020, 05:50 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - No Replies

Ckey: Gunlean

Discord name: garlic#7718

In-character name: Richard Ricch

general character info: Both brash, foul-mouthed and quick witted, while at the same time, insane or retarded. Some find him funny, some find him insufferable.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Anti-Tank Marine

Reason for joining : I haven't done UNSC before I only did covenant.

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  mcalexev's Covenant App
Posted by: mcalexev - 06-07-2020, 06:36 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Mcalexev

Discord name: mcalexev#5490

In-character name: Kranok

general character info: Kranok is a veteran Captain Major amongst the packs of the Jiralhanae in service to the Covenant. Possessing a great deal of cunning and intellect compared to many Jiralhanae, he has proven himself to be a useful leader, and is zealous in his fervor to eliminate the enemies of the Covenant.

Reason for joining : I've been part of the faction before, though took a long absence due to some other matters! I'm eager to get back into the community and RP a Jiralhanae this time around.

Roleplay Example/History: Kranok grunted as several bullets grazed against his armored pauldrons, stoking the flames of the rage building up within him. He harnessed that fury, unleashing a volley of plasma bolts from his pair of overcharged plasma rifles in retaliation towards the squad of UNSC marines who'd had the audacity to tempt his wrath. Their deaths would serve as an example to the rest that the Jiralhanae were the true strength of the Covenant. Not those pathetic Sangheili, though he would not make such displeasure known to his present superiors....yet.

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  Covenant application
Posted by: Wheatley - 06-07-2020, 04:03 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: wheatley2013

Discord name: wheatley#1844

In-character name: Y'tan Wavumee (sanghelli), Kayuw (unggoy ultra)

general character info: Y'tan is a loyal sanghelli minor, who has recently stepped on the path of war. 
He values his team and commanders above everything else. 
Not of the smartest, or the strongest, but truly a teamplayer, who always ready to provide support to the elders. 

Kayuw is unggoy who somehow survived a plenty of battles. He is not charismatic or strong, but a fast learner with tactical thinking.

Reason for joining : I love halo universe, but the most important i love teamwork in the Covenant on this server (and sometimes really good RP before and between battles). 
I want to be more useful, show pride, and purge all the heretics on my way.

Roleplay Example/History: i am playing SS13 back from 2015, and i really love this game and a variety of servers and builds you can play on. Before that i played SAMP, Garry's mod, and a bunch of RP indie games. SS13 servers on which i played the most: colonial marines, baystation, tgstation, lifeweb, FTL13, discordia, fallout 13.

More depth with factions details IE: roles, etc will be added later.

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