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  Joe's Spartan app
Posted by: Joe4444 - 12-20-2019, 08:25 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (3)


Timezone:GMT (UTC+0)

Discord name (eg Bob#123):Joe4444#7077

How long have you been a Whitelisted ODST?:Since the whitelist's inception (03-19-2018 was when my app was accepted)

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?:Not that I can recall, no

Do you understand and agree to follow the rules linked above, as well as the Faction Rules of the UNSC and the Server Rules?I do

Do you understand that whitelisted Spartans are expected to comment on and observe the conduct of other Spartans and Spartan Applicants, on the forums as well as discord? I understand and am willing to comment on the performance of fellow spartans in the field

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Try and avoid commonly known numbers like -117.):Joe-444

Explain what you would do in the following scenarios and why:

Scenario 1:

You’re on the ONI Aegis and the ONI RD requests a Sierra team to deploy to VT9, as the covenant have been spotted and are attacking. They have not breached the gate and it is unclear as to the size of their forces. What do you do?

The first thing to do would be to gather information on the size and overall strength of the covenant force attacking. Do they have any Vehicles? are there any elites or other power units among the strike group? using comms would be the best way to do this, asking the various guards or the RD themselves for the size of the enemy force attacking. Some other good indicators to be taken into account here would be if they breach the gate or if ONI comms goes silent. 
If the situation is deemed worthy enough of a spartan deployment (such as overhwelming numbers or numerous power units such as elites and brutes) I would ask the RD (as they are the commander for ONI, if none is present or they died during the assualt, it would go to the aRD) if they have any specific mission for the Sierra team to achieve. If this is deemed too vuage, I would assign an objective fitting of the situation (such as securing the artifact if it is in the base, or base personell etc) then deploy to complete said objective. If the threat is not deemed enough to warrent a spartan deployment, I would inform ONI of the situation and, whilst not helping myself, would move to inform any UNSC forces in the sector of ONI's situation in the hopes they can assist.

Scenario 2:

You’re on the ONI Aegis and receive an urgent request from a Platoon Leader to deploy onto the UNSC Warship as the Insurrectionists have deployed a sizeable force and are taking control of the ship, and arming the nuclear device as they request assistance. What do you do?
First step is to determine the CO of the UNSC forces in the area. Is it the Platoon leader or is there someone else higher up who would be the one to call in a sierra team? Once that has been established, you would determine the serverity of the assualt. Considering it is described as sizeable and the URF are not only taking over the ship, but arming the nuclear device on board, it is safe to assume the marine forces have attempted, and failed, to stop the boarding process. The ship itself is also a valuable asset for the UNSC, so the deployment of a spartan fireteam to safeguard it is a worthy goal.
The next step would be attaining a mission from the aCO for the spartan team to complete. If the aCO can not assign us a mission, I would deploy to the site itself and determine the best possible objective for the spartan team (which, given the scenario, would likely be to secure the nuclear device from the URF boarders)

Scenario 3:

You’ve been deployed on a mission to give the covenant back their bomb. You manage to arm the bomb, but your fellow spartan has been cut down and his body is being dragged away by the Covenant towards an escape pod. What do you do?
The safeguarding of our gear is our utmost priority, hence I would give chase to secure the spartan's gear. If unable to reach and secure the Dead spartan, I would attempt to delay the covenant force dragging the body away until the bomb goes off, ensuring the destruction of not only my armour, but the dead comrade's armour too. If I was able to reach it, I would set it to Self Destruct, before moving back to secure the bomb until it can no longer be disarmed. Depending on the severity of the covenant assualt (which I assume would be rather high, considering we're on their ship) it may be possible to bring the Spartan's body off with me, when the bomb is past the point where it can be disarmed. If this is the case, I would take all steps to ensure the body can be brought back with me. After all, it is much better to keep our armour and repair rather than blow it up and waste billions of taxpayers money if it could easily be retreived.

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  Nicheman's Covenant Application
Posted by: Nicheman - 12-20-2019, 06:37 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Nmuncie9618

Discord Name: Nicheman#4128

In-character Name: It changes often, as I play many different races, my Sangheili that I've made is called Isan 'Kosumee

General Character Info:  Varies with the species, generally an obedient if not slow or dimwitted cannon fodder

Reason for Joining: I find the Covenant more interesting, especially the variation in species, I like their aesthetic and I figure the "bad guys" are the underdogs on the server and could use all the support

Roleplay Example/History: I've played abit on other servers RPing, CM13, Bad Deathclaw (no ERPing, BIG no), and IS12. I've spent time on server serving as some of the lesser races to get to grips with things. 

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  UNSC Application
Posted by: not-so-quick - 12-20-2019, 04:18 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: not-so-quick

Discord name: INDIAN HORSE#2449

In-character name: Sullivan 'Blue' Adonis

general character info: Sullivan aspired to join the Helljumpers from a young age like his older brother, who was a hardened Staff Sergeant ODST. He took a shot at training and enlistment into the Helljumpers at age 18, and eventually washed out. Feeling dejected, he refused to serve in the UNSC until 5 years later, when first contact between the Covenant and humanity was made. His older brother perished in 2526 during the Covenant invasion of Circinius IV. He now fights the Covenant with a deep fury, aiming to avenge his older brother and, with renewed vigor, strive to earn the title of Helljumper. 

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): UNSC Marine

Reason for joining : Mainly want to flesh out my experience on this server. I love Halo, enjoy RPing well-thought out characters. My usual style of RP is to make one character, then when they die, make a completely different one (appearance and personality-wise), but I want to try something new for me and have a longer-lasting character. Also aiming to apply for ODST whitelist one day.

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  Covenant Re-Application
Posted by: Baybell - 12-19-2019, 11:20 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Baybell

Discord name: Elzenio#6194

In-character name: Didil

general character info: Standing at 5'4" ft, Didil is one of many Unggoy produced for the Covenant military, joining whether they wished to or against. Typically, Didil shows a nervous personality when in the presence of Kig-Yar, Sangheili, and generally all other species that hold a higher position than the Unggoy Grunts.

Reason for joining: Getting myself back into Halo. Wanted to rejoin the Covenant for Unggoy shenanigans that wont get me banned this time around.

Roleplay Example/History: Was in it before. I think I did decent as a T'vaoan and Sangheili. Got banned once for heretic Unggoy. Going to be avoiding incidences like those from here on.

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Exclamation Community Meeting #12
Posted by: BDpuffy420 - 12-19-2019, 06:12 PM - Forum: Section II (Announcements) - Replies (1)

Hello everyone I know its been awhile since the last community meeting and such, mainly we haven't had one due to poor turn out and lack of support at the time but that has changed since the last time.  We now have a more lively active community and I feel its time for us come together for the last meeting on 2019 strong. We've had many changes and upcoming features to discuss and such this is will be an open mic meeting open to everyone so we can get feedback from everyone and move forward as a community!

Topic points:

  1. -Current State of the Server in regards to funding/patreon/donations also  XO's new AI implementation has room for custom sprites for AI Hologram
  2. -Overall discussion of how we're feeling regarding the current direction of the server development.
  3. -Segment on Spartans and how people are feeling about them balance/rulewise
  4. -General Q&A
  5. -What happen to mentors
  6. -Movie Night
  7. -Upcoming Server Events

This whole year has been one hell of a wild ride and I'm hella proud and thankful/grateful to everyone who contributes to this community at large who helped us grow over the year and many more to come and as always please bring your questions and concerns to the table we want to heat them!

Meeting shall be held on 12/22 3:30 PM CDT

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  URF Application
Posted by: Murgel - 12-19-2019, 05:12 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Murgel

Discord name: Murgel#1559

In-character name: Jonathan Lionheart

general character info:  ONI Report R07G4E 

Classification: TOP SECRET

Subject: Rogue ONI Asset [Jonathan Lionheart]

Jonathan Lionheart was once considered a prodigy by his peers, from a young age he was always ahead of his class and joined the Naval Officers Academy on Reach at the age of 17. During his time at the academy he developed a prototype exosuit that would later be the inspiration and serve as the basis for the HRUNTING/YGGDRASIL Mark I. After graduation he was recruited into ONI's Section 3 Weapons Research Division and deployed at Kodiak Base stationed on Northwind to assist with the construction of the new powered exoskeleton. Reports from other ONI personnel at the time describe Lionheart as a pleasant person to work with and quite humorous at times. At an unknown time after his arrival he learned about the Far Isle  incident. One day he vanished from Kodiak with his last words to a trusted colleague being "It's time to even the odds.". Currently he is believed to be hiding on Geminus City and possibly in league with the URF and X-52. ONI considers his capture a TOP PRIORITY, if that is not possible, due to his knowledge he is to be exterminated on sight.

Reason for joining : Lionheart was shocked when he learned about the events that took place at Far isle and was unable to support ONI/UNSC anymore, even more so when he himself was helping in the production of a deadly weapon.

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  RTs UNSC application
Posted by: RTD2 - 12-19-2019, 11:39 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Art671

Discord name: RT#1947

In-character name: Jack Sutton

general character info: Jack Sutton was born and raised on Earth. He joined the UNSC as soon he was of age for a sense of adventure and travel across the milky way.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Assault Recon Marine

Reason for joining : Been a UNSC player for well over a year figured it was time to pledge to a faction.

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  Terrormachine - Ban Appeal
Posted by: andalus - 12-18-2019, 07:46 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: Terrormachine

Your Discord Username: does not exist

Your character name (if relevant): irrelevant

Who were you banned by: allakai 

Date of ban: 2019-12-18/18:19:10

Length of ban: permanent

Full ban reason: in screenshot

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: 
The reason why I gunned down PD is very simple. I was alone marine planetside and so I decided to capture as many checkpoints as I can to gain some advantage. As I made my way to the PD I encountered resistance. No, nobody was killing me. But I was outnumbered by PD officers and they were overtly hostile towards my presence in PD (actually, one of them even wrote in dead chat that was going to kill me regretting that he didn't do so earlier). 

I wonder if those officers got their bans if killed me as some of them intended to do. I had to kill them, otherwise they would have killed me. Their problem is that they couldn't use advantage in numbers in-game so they decided to do so through reports. Unfairly, they're just bunch of offended players trying to compensate their lack of robustness this way. However, they had much boldness to say "No, just no" when I (armed to teeth marine) asked them politely to escort me to the checkpoint console.

Honestly I love this build and everything, I apologize if I did something wrong, but I see illogical first to deny cooperation between PD and UNMC and then whining why conflict escalated to "gunning them down". I mean that was revolution and you're either with insurgency or UNMC. I know town is kinda neutral but I forced them to make a choice.

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  UNSC app
Posted by: zzurge - 12-18-2019, 06:48 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Name in the discord:Veronica taggart
Name in game:Veronica taggart
General character info:
Hair color-Blue
Blood type-A+
Background-A chatterbox of a woman,Veronica taggart spent her young life in the relative comfort of the inner colonies,as a result she has a strong standing with the UEG being closer to their protection and care,when she became twenty she lost her father in an attack on the outer colonies from a mysterious and growing adversary,ONI Censors prevented her from looking into her fathers death beyond recognition of his loss,To this end She joined the UNSC in the hopes that She will be deployed to engage the foe that ultimately lead to her fathers demise,In current times she is a freshly trained IWO serving onboard the UNSC Light brigade eagerly waiting for her first field assignment...
Main role:IWO
Reason for joining:Her hunt for the truth behind the death of her father,and to honor the family legacy

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  UNSC Whitelist Application
Posted by: LeeDoomer - 12-18-2019, 06:21 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: LeeDoomer

Discord name: FreezeGlitch#7060

In-character name: Lee Alexson

general character info: Lee is a slightly cocky and overzealous marine. Always on the hunt for some alien killing action. He watches his back and will do his best to watch his comrade's. As cliche as it is: no man left behind.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): EVA Combat Marine 24/7

Reason for joining : I mostly play as marine here. I personally see the UNSC as the most fun of the three factions and I'd also like to get ODST at some point. 

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