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Covenant application
Forum: Recruiting Citadel
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08-27-2024, 11:07 PM
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UNSC Application
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07-20-2024, 10:24 PM
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07-20-2024, 01:48 AM
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05-28-2024, 10:44 AM
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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: James Koper - 01-14-2022, 03:32 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (3)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: James Koper

Your Discord Username: Tech Priest Waffle

Your character name (if relevant):

Who were you banned by: Stingray

Date of ban: 1-12-22

Length of ban: permaban

Full ban reason: toxic behavior.

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: Was not the right user baned from playing, was probly my brother or someone else who was using my network.

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  GLDOS Covenant Application.
Posted by: GLDoS - 01-14-2022, 03:19 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): gldos

Discord name: The Failure#6892

In-character name: Yanme'e Major "Ward" [although I wanna upgrade to leader--]

general character info: Ward is a slight 'jack-of-all-trades' Drone, Whom follows any order given to them and fills it to the best of their ability. Need hull fixed? Ward. Need someone to drive the Spirit? Ward. Need a FOB built up and a vehicle repaired? Ward. Reliable in most fields, except medical, Space Excursions, and Long lasting combat, More of a specialist then anything. Their basic loadout consists of tools, A Type-33 GML, Two clips, And a Type-25 DER.

Reasno for joining : In character reason: Born to serve the Covenant. Out of character reason: Covenant is cooler then UNSC in my opinion, And They're much more fun to roleplay as. Also; Purple my favorite colour. c:

Roleplay Example/History: I've roleplayed on a lot of HRP servers before, Mostly BoH/Vesta, And sometimes Citadel RP. [dont judge p l z]

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  Slicks Sangheili App
Posted by: Slickallx - 01-13-2022, 09:01 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): slickallx

Discord name: Smiley#8563

In-character name: Sora 'Konamee

general character info: A proud Sangheili from the Konam lineage, a proud line of warriors, first for their lands on Sanghelios then for the Covenant after the San'Shyuum War.

Reason for joining : Sora seeks to continue their Lineage and make war with the Humans

Roleplay Example/History: I've been Covenant before, my apps somewhere around here under a different Ckey. I used to main Aurorastation, Escalation and Civ13.

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  UNSC Application/Whitelist
Posted by: LifeLikeLarry - 01-13-2022, 03:47 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey- LifeLikeLarry

Discord Name- The Best Cop

Character Name- Leo Minnie

General character Info- A goofy young man who wants to fight for humanity

Character main roles- Marine

Reason for Joining- I enjoy the server

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  le Covie app
Posted by: Dawson - 01-12-2022, 10:35 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: dawsonkeyes
Discord: Dawson#8115
In-Game Character: Flipflap
General Character Info: Ye ole plasma-pistol unggoy running around, either dying as cannon fodder to marines and ODSTs or somehow defeating them and saving the day. Most often the former.
Reason for joining: I like the covies, and playing as them when I've had the chance. 
Roleplay History: I have a UNSC whitelist here, and for generally SS13-related stuff I'm a dev on Deadspace13 and Stalker13, and all that schnoz.

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  USNC whitelist
Posted by: Bruhman173096 - 01-12-2022, 02:19 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey- bruhman096173

Discord Name- secsu 49#7715

Character Name- Buck Roberts

General character Info- A marine who joined the corps because he had nothing to lose.

Character main roles- Marine 

Reason for Joining- I want to try being ODST after this

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  Planetary's Moderator Application
Posted by: Planetary - 01-11-2022, 04:19 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (7)


Ckey: Planetary

Discord Name: Planetary

Timezone: GMT

Time in SS13: I don't even know at this point, a very long time though, that's for sure. I've been on a lot of servers, seen some through to their end, seen some fall into chaos and seen some just die off. I was on Halostation aaaages ago for a while but left when the discord server got raided but returned like, last month seeing it live again and have been enjoying it a lot since.

Any SS13 Bans: None that I can really recall, I got one aaaages ago on Aurorastation for constantly disconnecting but that wasdue to internet problems and promptly removed.

Prior Moderation experience: I adminned for a server which I regret doing such for, for nearly two years if I remember correctly.

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: I think the most important part of being a moderator is to ensure things run smoothly. Be it helping someone having issues or dealing with someone creating issues. It's also to not be biased, see both sides of a story, collect evidence on issues and deal with them appropriately. Overall I think it's important to keep the game running smoothly (gameplay wise) and keep the game fun.

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  Domodyl Staff App
Posted by: Domodyl - 01-11-2022, 04:09 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (3)

Age: 18

Ckey: domodyl

Discord name: DNR#3833

Timezone: EST

Time in SS13: four years

any ss13 bans: none at the time of writing this

Prior Moderation experience: I have been a Head Admin with a Hoi3 server for the past year now, and a community manager for a gaming community for 3 years now. 

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: to cultivate and maintain a healthy and fun community for anyone who is willing to follow the rules to enjoy.

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  le UNSC gaming
Posted by: Dawson - 01-11-2022, 12:37 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: dawsonkeyes
Discord Name: Dawson#8115
In-Game Character Name: Argen Stone
General Character Info: Formerly an Insurrectionist volunteer that later grew disillusioned with the movement following his own involvement in the bombings of a city center, later joining the UNSC in stride.
Character Main: Marine/Marine Sergeant
Reason for Joining: I like the UNSC! I find humans versus aliens on the side of the humans to be far more riveting than the alternatives. Facing the unknown and you've got bullets! Getting more versatile access to their roles in that manner helps expand on the fact that I generally like Halo myself anyways.
Extra: I'm not really a forum guy, admittedly. Can't say I'd be too active on here, but the Discord's another story.

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  Covenant Whitelist Application
Posted by: lambsie11 - 01-09-2022, 04:09 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: lambsie11

Discord name: Lambsie#0235

In-character name: Jydo 'Hasovee

general character info: A rather skilled Sangheili warrior, Jydo is responsible for countless UNSC deaths during the great war. Despite his ruthlessness during combat, he is very rarely seen directly harming unarmed civilians. This is due to him seeing them as non-combatants, whom he believes killing to be dishonorable.
UNSC personnel are told not to underestimate him despite only being of the Minor rank.

Reason for joining : Being part of a post-schism ARMA 3 Sangheili unit, I do enjoy playing as, and RPing as, a Sangheili. I may be much less skilled with combat in SS13, but regardless it is still fun.

Roleplay Example/History: As already mentioned, I am part of an ARMA 3 Sangheili unit. I have also RPed in other SS13 servers. I do consider myself rather good at RPing, but I typically require some sort of visual element as well to RP effectively.

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