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  DISCORD UNBAN APPEAL - TopBirb/|Excess|iveForce#1710
Posted by: TopBirb - 12-31-2021, 10:30 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

 Byond/Ckey Username: TopBirb 

Your Discord Username: |Excess|iveForce#1710
My ban appeal was already accepted. Although I am banned from the discord. I felt like I didn't really need to re-do the entire format for this.

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  URF whitelist
Posted by: ilikesaying - 12-31-2021, 11:48 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): ilikesaying

Discord name: ilikesaying#0446

In-character name: Grif Webb

general character info: A smart fella, he uses the resources around him to his advantage, as seen by the pile of [REDACTED] in the garden of Barbed wire from [REDACTED].

Reason for joining : URF needs more manpower

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  Covenant Application
Posted by: GamingCrusader/CenturionWater - 12-30-2021, 02:21 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: TheGamingCrusader

Discord name:CenturionWater#6790

In-character name: JunJun

general character info: JunJun is a grunt heavy who enjoys boarding the enemy with friends

Reason for joining :
JunJun want to fight not for prophet nor great journey but for food nipple

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  Perma-Ban Appeal: TopBirb
Posted by: TopBirb - 12-30-2021, 04:05 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Your Byond/Ckey Username: TopBirb

Your Discord Username: |Excess|iveForce#1710

Your character name (if relevant): Blapwim

Who were you banned by: thegreytide

Date of ban: 2019-08-17

Length of ban: Permanent

Full ban reason: Posted the CBT Wikipedia copypasta ingame in-character over comms round-end, then posted it in the discord, and did not reply to questioning.

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned:  
I'd like to make some details apparent before I go into this,

I don't remember why exactly I decided to post what I did, likely as a funny joke which I believe was a good 40 seconds after round-end in the native unggoy language. I made sure to do this at round-end as most of us cracked jokes or did something stupid just before round-end and laughed it off. Wasn't the case for me, which I understand- In hindsight I shouldn't have done it at all. Posting a wall of text over comms isn't exactly a little gag. 

Secondly, I did not realize I was being questioned after I think I was put in a muted role channel and not spoken to so I returned to whatever I was doing. I do not have the discord notifications sound on and I went to do other things throughout that day so I didn't return to my computer till after they banned me. I was bummed to see that it was a ban and a perma-ban specifically. I thought to myself, "Oh well... Shame." and I decided to move on.

Flash forward to now, still an avid Halo fan and geek, I saw the server was finally being revived. The only issue was that I was still banned. I figured I'd move on again and then Infinite came out, I got all siked about the Brutes and stuff and remembered my time here on this server. I genuinely liked this server, the staff were alright, the community was pretty alright (For an SS13 Community at least). Was hoping I could come back after two years and enjoy the server again, this time without posting stupid shit round-end.

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  Covenant Application
Posted by: Tea-Thegodemperorofmankind11 - 12-29-2021, 04:16 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord Name: A Tea drinking Addict#4027

In-Character Name: Kib

General Character Info:
Kib a Ruutian Kig-Yar, living only for the hunt, and the bounties, he has no honour, and lives to kill his targets, in any way, that he can. Honour matters not, killing the target does.
Born as a scion and black sheep of the family, he wished to grow more powerful, taking up contract after contract. Raiding ships, and more, the greatest bounty eventually arrived, the guarantee of power, by following the Sangheili and the prophets wish. Of course, this was not without Monetary Compression 

Reason for Joining: I wish, to play the other covvie Species, and to be able to, learn their strong suits and not…so strong suits.

Roleplay Example/History: Dead Space 13, (Commonly Played as a religious cultist, of Unitology.)  Goon, (I've played Majority Security.) TGMC, (Mostly Marine, or squad lead.) I generally tend to play on an extreme when in relation to RP, I'll go all in, this leads to Really, REALLY good RP, or you know, dog shit RP. Nevertheless. I still enjoy it.

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: ilikesaying - 12-29-2021, 10:06 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): ilikesaying

Discord name: ilikesaying#0446

In-character name: Grif Webb

general character info: A pretty average Marksman, he prefers to shoot his opponents from long ranges or from the safety of an armored vehicle, he also knows enough about Medicine and Biology to field-stabilize injured marines.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine/Specialist Marine

Reason for joining : i want to try out some new roles

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  Covenant Whitelist - Aroliacue
Posted by: Aroliacue - 12-29-2021, 09:51 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: aroliacue

Discord Name: Aroliacue#1911

In-Character Name: Til

General Character Info: A proud Ruutian Kig-Yar, Til has served with the Covenant for many years, unofficially leading her fellow kin in brash, often dangerous sorties. Unlike other Kig-Yar, Til prefers to use her natural dexterity up close and personal, wielding a variety of Blamite weapons. While nothing compared to a Sangheili or Jiralhanae, her skills have oft proven to be quite useful, especially when combined with a shield gauntlet. Til likes to keep her prey alive whenever possible, tormenting and torturing human filth with great satisfaction.

Til grew up in a well-off family on Eayn, and sought to continue her Matriarchal lineage's history of spaceborne profiteering. She has a strong preference for EVA combat, shipboarding, and other close-up, strenous and deadly combat situations, and has been harmed more than a few times as a result.

Today, she eagerly serves the Covenant, and while she doesn't necessarily hold the standards of the Covenant to heart - Kinship comes first, after all - she will still use it as a fine excuse to inflict dismay upon humanity.

Reason for Joining: Access to other species and roles within the Covenant, particularly to learn the ins and outs of the faction.

Roleplay Example/History: While I don't get to roleplay often due to timezones and lowpop hours, I do try to maintain a somewhat believable atmosphere with my characters. I've had the most fun playing with Kig-Yar such as Sep, Cun and other such common individuals, providing some amount of 'leadership', on a level believable for a lowly Kig-Yar.

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  Yanme'e "Creator"
Posted by: hooligan - 12-28-2021, 09:19 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): definitelynotatraitor

Discord name:hooligan#6107

In-character name: Yanme'e "Creator"

general character info: Creator is a combat engineer, preferring the grenades and plasma charges to building bases and repairing the ship. He is often seen fully loaded with grenades and a first aid kit, and is one of the first people on the ODP (if he's early enough) and is very forward with his opinions of superiors.

Reason for joining : I want to join because it's the main faction I play as, and I want more leeway with what I play when I play it.

Roleplay Example/History: 

"Old." (in reference to a prophet.)

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  How to RP on John Halo Server
Posted by: Aroliacue - 12-28-2021, 07:19 AM - Forum: The Barracks (General Discussion) - Replies (1)

To begin, HS13's main focus is to have fun, and how you accomplish that is inevitably up to you. I want to preface this by saying that while you should never feel forced to roleplay, in can be fun to put some effort into it from time to time.

We will cover the 'Why', 'How' and 'When' of roleplay in that order, to ensure everyone is getting the most out of their gameplay. Always remember the two golden rules: Whatever happens in a round, stays in that round, and to always assume that in-game occurrences (Such as being called a shit pilot for crashing the Spirit) are IC rather than personal attacks.


Why roleplay? Is everyone else just a furry? Is it cringy?

First off, yeah, there's probably a lot of furries (And you can tell based on how detailed their roleplay is) but it should never be regarded as cringy unless it literally does induce physical cringe, in which case you might be better pumping that M90 and filling the overly horny Unggoy with buckshot instead of whatever the fuck 'Jizz nipple juice' is. Roleplay can not only build a personal character that in turn shapes and modifies how you play the game, but it also significantly helps reduce monotony. Everything that happens in a given round is unique, and that progression isn't just made via combat alone. Even the simplest action - A Covenant soldier being called a heretic, or a Sergeant screaming to hold a position with your lives - Can all change the ebb and flow of the round. While you could always just execute the heretical Kig-Yar or ignore the Sergeant because he's bald, playing along gives everyone something to do, even if it's not the most beneficial route to take. If nothing else, remember this: You don't always have to win. Losing can be fun too.


How do I roleplay? What should I say and do? How should I respond?

I'll try and keep this brief, but it should be noted that roleplaying in a manner that's both enjoyable for everyone and not so over-the-top that you're writing whole books is a learned skill. At its heart, HS13 is still SS13, and that means that combat can be quick and punishing. If you're too busy playing out your Marine Sergeant Avery Johnson snowflake to notice the Hunter charging you with its shield, you're roleplaying wrong. This partially plays into 'When', but both questions have their mutually inclusive ideals.

To roleplay, the first thing you should always consider is how your character would react in a certain situation. For example, lets say a marine, 'Rico', just died in front of you, and you kill the Covenant soldier that killed them. You could just go on, but at the same time, your character may be angry, distressed, or mortified at Rico's death. You may try to save him, you may call for a medic over comms, you may try to take his dog-tags and say a prayer. While these seem like pointless actions - He's dead, after all - They build character and make you seem more human. On the other hand, you may butcher the Covenant that killed Rico - This presents you with a grizzled, desensitised character-building trope, and despite being the most common, it's also commonly the most poorly done. If you're ever at a loss or unsure how to present your character, look to the marines in Halo games. Even despite their military status, the game developers knew exactly how to portray them when they're facing the most deadliest and ruthless threat Humanity has ever encountered.

For a Covenant player, you are part of a massive religiously motivated Empire. You (probably) believe that humanity is unclean and needs to be destroyed. However, that is only a baseline - There are many races within the Covenant, and each have their own unique mindset. Unggoy are easy to persuade and command, but also prone to break down or be tricked. Kig-Yar are hunters and lone wolves, placing more trust in their kin than in the Empire, and are the most likely to turn sides - A physical item has more value to a Kig-Yar than a Oath. A T'vaoan is a step above this mindset, with less of a focus on Kinship between Kig-Yar and a larger focus on the individual. A Yanme'e operates as part of a hive, and are known for their technical abilities - Not quite as adept as a Huragok, but still capable. A Jiralhanae would fall on its instincts and the rush of adrenaline during combat, making them incredibly brutal, although not necessarily psychotic. A Sangheili is honourable and well-respected, and should use its martial and strategic skills to command the other races and demoralize the enemy.

That isn't to say you MUST portray your character like this. There have been Sangheili oathbreakers, honorable Kig-Yar, persistent Unggoy and (relatively) nice Jiralhanae - But subverting these expectations requires a good excuse and an even better execution.

If nothing else, remember this: Humanity fights for its survival. The Covenant fights for their religion. It is also a good idea to briefly read through something like Halopedia for a more detailed explanation on the species you are playing as.


When do I roleplay? Should I always be roleplaying? When do I shoot the brain-dead Prophet?

The quickest and easiest section to understand, by far. Knowing WHEN to roleplay ensures you're not berated by other players, and more importantly, not interrupting the flow of the round in a negative way. This can briefly be summarized by, 'If someone's shooting, you should be shooting, too.' No matter what species or faction you are playing as, everyone (excluding special cases like AI and Spartans/Honour Guard) should value their lives. Do not expect to live long by running out into a hallway and screaming 'don't shoot!'. Most won't even pay attention to the chatbox and will just shoot you on sight. Do not ruin everyone else's experience by wasting the slot you occupy and immediately giving up - Try and fight, try and save your friends, try and win.

On the inverse, if you do win, it can be worthwhile to take prisoners. This is where the majority of roleplay happens between the UNSC and Covenant. First, ask your leader if you can take prisoners (Or give the order to take prisoners if you are the leader) and inform communications of the prisoner's name. Handcuffs aren't always required so long as they're unconscious, and it should be the highest priority to make sure they don't die. If you have been 'captured' and want to stay alive longer to play into the roleplay, using the 'Sleep' verb in the IC tab massively increases your lifespan and reduces bleedout rate but prevents you from waking up until after a certain time period (Around 30 seconds - You will need to keep using the Sleep verb until either you die or are brought back up to health). From there, take them to a secure location: The ONI Base for UNSC or the Brigs on the Covenant CRS (Depending on gamemode). ONI Researchers can create devices to translate Covenant languages, and many Covenant roles can speak English by default. From there, extracting useful information should be your priority - Torture and experimentation is not always necessary.


While this only slightly touches on the gargantuan behemoth that is roleplay as a concept, hopefully you've gotten some ideas from this post. Perhaps the single most important thing to note is that not everyone wants to roleplay. Some just want to shoot, and they will blast you if you try to make a push. Knowing who will and won't do a scenario is important to enjoying the server and making sure everyone's having fun.

This guide also doesn't cover Colonist or URF roleplay in the slightest, which is its own self-contained thing. Generally, if you're playing those roles, you probably already have a basic idea of what to do.

TL;DR Don't ERP.

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  Yacobpo157's Sidehow Application
Posted by: Yacobpo157v2 - 12-28-2021, 04:20 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Yacobpo157

Discord Name: The Space Force#7285

In-character Name: Sentry

General Character Info: Born into one of the many hives in service to the Covenant Empire, Sentry has experienced over a decade of conflict in invading, oppressing, and destroying the various outer colonies of humanity. Carrying with him a proud lineage as a Drone Ultra, Sentry is quite utilitarian in their actions and mindset. Always carrying a plethora of meds, tools, and explosives, Sentry is the jack-of-all-trades for his fellow Yanme-e

Reason for Joining: With the most playtime out of anyone on Halostation, I've enjoyed playing all three sides and am wanting access to higher roles within the Covenant. I have all WLs for the URF, UNSC, and now I'd like some variation with the roles I can play within the Covenant faction. During typical typical rec/take and hold rounds I try to play the faction that is the weakest or has the least amount of people. With that in mind I'd like to have a wider variety of roles I can play as. This way I can better tip the scales and support the underdog by playing as a brute or a hunter instead of just another drone.

Roleplay Example/History: As an ODST, Jacob Stone, I captured and questioned a T'voan Murmillo named Six. After questioning him in the field following some triage, Stone put the bird under anesthetic and delivered him to the ONI base for interrogation by ONI researcher Joseph Strome. In return of the resources gained by capturing their gear and a living EPOW, Jacob Stone took the armor reinforcements given to him by Joseph Strome, boarded the Covenant ship, and according to his helmet camera footage he killed one grunt minor and an Elite Major named Garme 'Lokamee before departing having utilized C-12 explosive charges to severely damage the interior vendors and machines of the vessel which included disabling their weapon controls.

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