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  UNSC Application
Posted by: verynisepersin - 12-24-2021, 07:32 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): verynisepersin

Discord name: monkieguy104596#1421

In-character name: Konrad McGuff

general character info: Konrad is a very patriotic, to-himself type of guy. His goals are to follow orders to a T, using his training to the best of his ability, and be a part of something bigger than himself. Needing some purpose in life, he enlisted in the UNSC, and now it has become a lifestyle for him. He will make sacrifices for the betterment of his squad and ensure no man is left behind, he is very much so a staple marine with an attitude required to be in the UNSC.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Assault Recon Marine

Reason for joining : Due to my love of ODST troopers and their aesthetic, as well as roleplaying as a marine in the Halo franchise, I'd like to join the UNSC. Also, years ago, I was a Sangheili, so I'd like to try out the inverse. I'm hoping for ODST specifically here.
general character info:

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc):Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed):

Discord name:

In-character name:

general character info:

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc):

Reason for joining :

Reason for joining :
Discord name:

In-character name:

general character info:

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc):

Reason for joining :

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  Perma-Ban Appeal
Posted by: Nautilus23 - 12-24-2021, 08:59 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: Nautilus23

Your Discord Username: A Cup of Tea

Your character's name (if relevant): Elliot Kuster

Who were you banned by: BDpuffy

Date of ban: 10/27/2019

Length of ban: Until Appeal

Full ban reason: Griefer attacking the IWO and people around him.

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: This Ban was applied like 2 years ago, I'd consider myself more mature and significantly less shitter like, I don't remember much of what actually happened ICly or OOCly I'm pretty sure I was in wrong. From what I do remember of my behavior it was impulsive and I intend on acting differently in the future. I enjoyed my time on this server and I'd like to play some more, I hope you consider forgiving my dumbassery.

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  Jon Fillip - URF Whitelist
Posted by: nameacow01 - 12-24-2021, 04:50 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): nameacow01

Discord name: nameacow01#3249

In-character name: Jon Fillip

general character info: A slightly scrawny man, he abandoned his mission during a flood infection on a colony. He used to be a farm hand, but he joined the UNSC to join his fellow brothers. However, his friends would soon die in battle. On a un-fateful day when a un-distrubed flood was activated, he fled from the battlefield, and was inducted by the URF.

Reason for joining : Played URF for some time, back when it was actually a thing that was played. Really want to get this WL to enjoy the faction when it is selected again.

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  Kig-Yar "Sep" - Covenant Application
Posted by: Bebeskidz - 12-24-2021, 02:30 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (3)

Ckey: Bebes_Kidz (http://www.byond.com/members/Bebes_Kidz)

Discord Name: Bebes#9262

In-character Name: Sep (Kig-Yar)

General Character Info: For the better or worse, Sep is a very average Kig-Yar. That's to say, he's cowardly, self-centered, yet shares a strong sense of kinship with his fellow Kigs. One thing that does set him apart, though, is that he's very quick to latch on to the respect or kindness of others, extending that same kinship to anyone who gives him a reason to, often to his detriment. Although being a Kig puts him in the covenant's 'cannon fodder' category, he's not one to blindly run into combat, and if he knows he's part of a common covvie suicide mission, he'll make very 'subtle' hints about how he feels about it, and make double-sure he has exit plan when the mission's SOL. He won't stand up to authority, and his secondhand experience has driven home a wise fear of angering his commanding brutes or elites, but he'll still subvert that command if it means his own survival and benefit, and that of his kin. 

Despite that, he's a force to be reckoned with when he's confident in his leadership, favoring daring sniper maneuvers and shield-play when he's not setting down fortified emplacements.

Reason for Joining: I've been a fan of the Kig-Yar character for some time now, but during my time here, I've had a few run-ins with T'vaoan and Sangheili as a marshall. Being able to talk to the enemy, be it banter or demands, is just a lot of fun to me, and I see a lot of potential for interaction as a T'vaoan that you miss out on with the other species. So mainly, I'd like to switch up my Kig-Yar maining with some T'vaoan spec-ops, and see what sort of fun mischief I can get up to!

Roleplay Example/History: Lately I've been trying to square up my roleplay game, jumping at any opportunity between assaults or combat to interact and make a compelling story. I've had some good success, one of my favorites happening just today, when my thoroughly-disgraced Kig-Yar, after repeatedly failing his superiors, was marked for execution by the prophets themselves. He was swiftly ordered to the bridge, and almost killed on the spot, only escaping by the sheer surprise of Unggoy that was meant to block his path and his trusty shield. His only escape from righteous punishment were the escape pods, and the distrustful, but marginally safer hands of the UNSC, and facing execution, he lost all shame and allegiance in the pursuit of survival. Fortunately, be it pity or the pursuit of intel, the UNSC AI 'Excalibur' answered the Kig's desperate pleading on the radio with an offer of sanctuary, and given the Covenant's 'merciful' offer of a 'swift' death between calls for bone breaking and quill-plucking, that became his new mission.

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Rainbow Cov Application
Posted by: Dagger17 - 12-23-2021, 09:30 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Dagger17
Discord Name: Explorer#6666
IC name: Lukan 'Morumee
General Character Info: Lukan 'Morumee - just another Sangheili, who tries to find the way of Honour and Glory. 
Reason for joining: I love Halo. Finished Halo: CE/2/3/ODST/4 on Legendary with my friends. But i guess i really want to get a new experience as some "alien", not just as some spartan/odst/marine from Halo games, and since my laptop can't launch Halo Infinite properly. 
Roleplay Example/History: Skyrat, CM-SS13, Halo: Space Station(Like 2-4 years ago, when russian server was a thing for some time).
More depth with factions details IE: roles, etc will be added later.

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  staveol's 1st whitelist application
Posted by: Staveol - 12-23-2021, 08:28 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKEY: Staveol

Discord name: Scratte 

In-character name: gruze 'muramee

general character info: a generally tall and muscular sanghelli that is quite aggressive at times and a fairly good warrior with pride and likes to goof around at times of peace 

Which role is your character's main: Marine

Reason for joining: i really want to try out the whitelisted species to play with them

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  Cross Faction Application (Antonio72)
Posted by: Antonio72 - 12-23-2021, 06:14 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name: Antonio72 (Antwon72) #0589

InCharacter name: Jorge Martinez

General character info: A combat doctor recently enlisted into the UNSC to find further purpose in his life, before doing so working as a volunteer in an hospital, he found that life boring and decided to join the military.

Which role does your character main?: Usually combat medic, but I also use a lot designated marskman.

Reason for joining: I have been enjoying both factions all time, and since recently now we can cross faction I want to enjoy both of them fully.

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Posted by: EmperorAuryx - 12-23-2021, 05:47 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Vaktus4

Discord Name: Valkorian#0746

In-character name: Johnathan "Iron" Smith

General character information:  Born in a small village in the northwest United States and bred for military life, Johnathan lived a harsh and strict life, this would include daily wake up calls by his "father" which was an ex-ODST Squad Leader and his mother which was a simple farmer later on it would be known that he was kidnapped by ONI Operatives for the SPARTAN Program, he was trained and modified to become the super soldier which he is today, but in the training he has lost one of his eyes due to a knife fight with one of his trainees.

Reason for joining: I wish to obtain Spartan, simply because they are one of my favorite UNSC special forces roles.

Which role is your main: Marine

Reason for joining: My roleplay experiences is average up to the point in which I know how to make each experiences fun and exciting for other players.

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  UNSC Whitelist - Mike_Mirra
Posted by: Mike_Mirra - 12-23-2021, 04:15 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (3)


Discord Name- WockySlush#4013

Character Name- Preston Faust

General character Info- Preston is a pessimistic, older marine who often jokes about grim situations to his squadmates

Character main roles- Marine

Reason for Joining- Wanted to branch out and try new roles within the UNSC

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  Covenant whitelist
Posted by: EmperorAuryx - 12-23-2021, 04:10 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord Name: Valkorian#0746

In-character name: Gruda 'Rezumee

General character information: Our story begins in the House of Rezumee, the birth house of warriors and leaders, another child which grew from their egg to see interesting combative skills from the other warriors.
His fist goal was to achieve greatness in fighting against a Spartan, of course he failed but the Spartan was outmatched by the other warriors at the time, this is where the story concludes and more information about him will be made later.

Reason for joining: I wish to obtain elite due to the fact that it's one of my favorite halo alien races in game, I have achieved this in another halo server that was owned by my friend.

Roleplay History: My roleplay experiences is average up to the point in which I know how to make each experiences fun and exciting for other players.

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