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  Lionfire1234 ODST Officer Application
Posted by: Lionfire1234 - 12-17-2021, 07:22 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Lionfire1234

Discord name (username####): Lionfire1234#3250

Character Name(s): James Mercan/Jack Knoll
Do you understand the RoE? Yes

Do you understand that you are not above the law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE? Yes

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for? Yes

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for? ODST Officer

Why should you be whitelisted?
        I've been a ODST for quite a while now and I am looking to take the next step up to become a ODST Officer. I've hand first-hand experience as a Marine officer to warrant such step as this. I have shown that I know how to command troops as a Marine Officer and wish for a more combat heavy experience as a ODST officer.

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  Covenant WL
Posted by: Necti - 12-17-2021, 04:37 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: homestucknecktie

Discord: Necti#9441

In char name: Bux

Gen info: Bux is a rather happy kig-yar sniper of the Ruuhtian variant.  He is a mercenary foremost but he wishes for general peace between all the races to operate as a sufficient team, all just for his happy sniping. 

Reason for joining: I want to unlock higher ranks. I also want to play as an elite minor mostly. I am much better at playing as an elite than other races.

RP Ex/history: I am an average who at least strives to add more than 2 sentences for every line. I am sufficient at english grammar and know the inns and outs of it. I tend to add on to flavor text the more I play a character and develop them, starting off as blank slates.

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  WL App
Posted by: The Mysterious Dragon - 12-17-2021, 12:47 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): themysteriousdragon

Discord name: Sheng#9315

In-character name: Voxi ‘Savanam

general character info: An Elite Minor due to my slightly Un-Robust nature. My Split-lip would be a pretty standard Sangheili to be honest. I am moderately inexperienced in more serious roles and am looking to improve my performance in that general area. I can kill things, follow orders, be adequately Robust and generally understand the situation but I feel that I need to improve these capabilities. So I will start out as your run of the mill Sangheili with something to prove and a will to get it done, slowly trudging their way up as they can.

Reason for joining : I love SS13, I love shooty things, I love halo. So when a friend of mine from Bay12 said there was a Halo server I immediately asked for the IP and disc. I am quite excited to see how the server plays and to finally get a chance to play as by far, my favourite races from Science Fiction: Sangheili.

Roleplay Example/History: Shit where to begin. I’ve played on countless DayZ RP servers, been staff on a few of them. Fucked around with a few Arma III Mil-Sim units. Been a cop for a bit on GTA V rp and most recently become addicted to SS13, I’ve played on Bay, Aurora, CM, TGMC, Skyrat and Sojourn For a good bit, been Security, Medical, Command, Engineering, Cent Com/SCG (high command), Service on a-lot of these servers (CM & TGMC I’ve only been your standard MAAARIIIIINE). And now I hope to add this server to my list.

More depth with factions details IE: I aim to gain experience with Elite so I’ll stick as Minor for the foreseeable future and maybe after a few months see what the higher roles have to offer! (TBH I might just hover around Minor/Major).

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  U.N.S.C Application
Posted by: Tea-Thegodemperorofmankind11 - 12-16-2021, 11:35 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed):thegodemperorofmankind11

Discord name:A Tea drinking Addict#4027

In-character name:Jacob Sandford

general character info: Jacob Sandford, is a grizzled 30yr old man, who has served in the U.N.S.C For as long as he remembers, (Which is quite a while give or take.) He's seen his fare share of combat, and tries to cope with the stress, with some quite unfunny jokes. that never tend to hit well (Much like his shots.) But beneath all that is a man that's ready to give his best shot and Aim.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc):Marine

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  Ranno Application for multiwhitelist
Posted by: Ranno - 12-09-2021, 02:09 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Ranno

Discord name: Ranno #1669

IC name: Adrian King

General character info: A patriotic man whose dream was to be in the UNSC. He has high morale and he prefers to be gung-ho while wielding strange weapon combinations

Character role: Marine

Reason for joining: Ever since I got the covvie whitelist I have been sort of neglecting to play humanity, also I do want to give some of the UNSC WL roles a shot since they seem interesting in their own ways.

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  pvtSPEDwarrior's UNSC Whitelist Application
Posted by: pvtSPEDwarrior - 12-08-2021, 11:18 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: spedwarrior

Discord name: pvtSPEDwarrior

In-character name: Dominic Kolchek

general character info: Kolchek's a career Marine who enlisted at the ripe age of 18, having been a extremely patriotic fellow ready to charge into hell and back in the UNSC's name, so far he's come back alive each time, so he's never thought of doing otherwise.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Assault Recon Marine

Reason for joining : I'm a sucker for the Humans, and Especially the Marines in just about any Sci-Fi universe. Also, I really want to work towards eventually applying for an ODST or even a Spartan if I'm extremely lucky, and this seems like the first step.

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: BulkaGoblina - 12-07-2021, 04:37 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey - bulkagoblina
Discord name - scout gaming#1401
In character name - Nick Angel
General character info - laid-back joker that has high morale no matter the situation. Extremely patriotic. 
Role - usually a field medic
Reason for joining - UNSC best faction ever

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  OuterMostMonk - Shipmaster Application
Posted by: OuterMostMonk - 11-26-2021, 08:17 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: outermonk

Discord Name: OuterMostMonk#2283

Character Name (s): Edo'Tehamee (Sangheili), Edimus (Jiralhanae), Sufam (Unggoy), Alisdair Church (Marine)

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction?

Nearly 4 months, specifically 3 months and 25 days

What are some examples of good Covenant Roleplay that you have been a part of?

I will give two examples. The first would be during a crusade round in which I was an Elite Ultra fighting alongside a Brute captain, we both engaged in small moments of RP in-between the waves, such as me expressing my disdain for Brute weaponry and retorting with disbelief when the Brute implied he would outlive me (he technically did when we got surrounded by Spartans and both died, though me slightly before him)

I enjoy the rivalry between the two species, but I also leave it at as a rivalry and don't instigate hostilities or refuse to help.

Another example would be during a round of first contact, I ready up as a grunt and alongside two jackals we attempt to recover the weapons that can be found in the wrecks on the planet, I was also the victim of a 'funny' prank involving a stun baton (mean jackals).
We return to the ship due to running out of medical supplies from fighting pirates to find two colonists trying to shoot their way in, an argument ensues and one of them suggests to the other to kill us. One of the jackals tries to stun baton them but they fire in response, which leads to all three of us, who are already in a wounded state, dying and the two colonists crawling away, barely alive. 

Eventually I respawn as a jackal, one of the grunts stumbles upon the scene of the fight and it is deduced that the humans were hostile due to evidence left behind (guns, bullets and boots) and dead covenant.
We ask questions to the colonists over the radio to try to understand what happened and they only retort with insults and openly admit to the crime, this leads to us jackals agreeing to avenge the fallen and loot the colony for anything of value.  I do not know what happened to the killer colonists, but we managed to take another colonist prisoner (after a grunt killed his dog) and we stole a jukebox from the bar before flying away.

Do you understand the Faction Rules?

Yes, and as a Shipmaster (well all elites really) you are both expected to be especially beholden to them and also enforce them

Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law, and may be persecuted for not following the Faction Rules?


Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behaviour, even when not playing the role you applied for?


What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for?

The role of the Shipmaster is to coordinate the crew of the ship, they are experienced, zealous and faithfully execute the will of the prophets and are thus entrusted with command of a ship.

As a Shipmaster I would try my best to achieve the objectives given by the prophets, I would do this mainly through commanding rather than brute force. A leader getting killed is bad for morale and can cause disarray, Ultras and Brute Captains are more suited to spearhead a charge, though I will not be afraid to lead from the front if I must.
I would also do my best to ensure the survival of my ship and if it is threatened I will do all I can to save it, as long as it does not jeopardise the mission (usually losing the ship will fail the mission anyway).

Why should you be whitelisted?

I have been playing on Halo Station for quite a while, sometimes in a command position. Lately I have been playing important roles more often, trying to rally forces as an Elite Ultra, Brute Captain or even as a Marine Sergeant.

I enjoy this server most when people are working together rather than running off to die alone in some corner, I intend to provide guidance and encourage cohesion, especially to new players by playing as command roles. Since I often have to take command when playing the likes of Ultra I thought I may as well try to obtain the actual main command role.

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  FarFromTheTsar's Moderator Application
Posted by: FarFromTheTsar - 11-22-2021, 05:36 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - No Replies

Age: 21

Ckey: FarFromTheTsar

Discord Name: YourPalHolidays

Timezone: EST/EDT

Time In SS13: Played SS13 since 2017, then found Halostation around 2018. Stayed with this server and community since then, playing regularly. 

Any SS13 Bans: None.

Prior Moderator Experience: I do not have any experience as a moderator, but I am dedicated to learn. You do have to start from somewhere and since this has been my favorite server I want to offer a helping hand and start from a place of passion.

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: To ensure a enjoyable experience for the people that play and be a positive part of that community. Finally, never let the work you do upholding that community be affected by your own emotions or outside variables and if any issue arises always ask your peers and high ups for guidance and their opinions.

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: Supremez - 11-21-2021, 09:51 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): SupremeMemez

Discord name: Don Fluffles™#1249[/size]

In-character name: Hans Tidemann

general character info: Just another Marksman, Struggling to find his place. He's Partially Battle hardened. Currently he has a Kill count of 3 Grunts.. Using his Sorted set of Rifles being known to Personally Customize them, He has Plenty of skill with using them.. Around 2 Or so years worth, Currently he's 32 Years old with Nothing to Lose, Except for his Knife and Rifles..

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Designated Marksman (Marine)[/size]

Reason for joining : Server seems Really good, And I love All things to do with Sniper Rifles so If I'm able to use them then that'll be wonderful, One day I hope to become a Spartan, One thats Unique with his Sniper.

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