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  Rath Nak Application for Covenant
Posted by: SilentNight - 09-23-2021, 09:10 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: ambercomplex

Discord name: Silent Night#4650

In-character name: Rath Nak

general character info: A T'vaoan Kig Yar.  She tends to be fairly self centered, though cares about her crewmates.  Not enough to take a bullet for them, but its the thought that counts.  Rath also enjoys achieving positions of power, but isn't usually actually very good at it.  Will generally do anything it takes for her own survival.  

Reason for joining : I love the Halo Universe and I was part of this server a while back, though I had gone inactive for a long while.  During that time though, playing as the covenant was always my favorite.  The T'vaoans were also always my favorite, just second to the Kig Yar as a whole.  When I recently got an inspiration to go into Halo RP things, this server immediately came into my mind.  

Roleplay Example/History: As previously stated, I used to play on this server a while back.  Though I also have a lot of experience in SS13 HRP servers.  I also enjoy RP on other games, such as Conan Exiles and GTA 5.  I do DnD as well, though its harder to find times to do that so its not as frequent.

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  Spectre808's ODST Officer Application
Posted by: Spectre808 - 09-21-2021, 09:52 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Spectre808

Discord name (username####): Barbietus#8449

Character Name(s): Mike Barbietus

Do you understand the RoE? Yes

Do you understand that you are not above the law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE? Yes

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for? Yes

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for? ODST Officer

Why should you be whitelisted?

I believe that I have been around for a long time now as a ODST. While lately I have not been active as much seeing as the population is at a low lately again, I've shown my skill as a combative fighter to be a ODST and shown some competence in knowing how to do things on each game mode. I am also currently a UNSC Officer as well, however I lost some interest in that as I enjoy staying on a more combative role rather than just sit on the ship and coordinate everything or remain somewhere in the rear.

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Exclamation Discord Server
Posted by: bloxgate - 09-20-2021, 05:18 PM - Forum: Section II (Announcements) - No Replies

Edit (2021-09-21): After joining the new Discord you may follow the instructions in #newcomers-role-verification to receive your previous roles again. We are working on a way to automate this process.

UPDATE: New Discord link: https://discord.gg/f8jpDfSdfr

Hello everyone,

The Discord server has been disabled due to a compromised admin account. We currently believe that this compromise is limited to the account in question - user data for the forums and the game server is currently safe.

We are working to get the Discord restored. Please be patient. In the meantime I encourage you to use the forums for all of your HaloStation communication needs.

I'm going to leave this thread open so that we can get any questions and answers about this into one centralized place.

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  Discord server
Posted by: Antonio72 - 09-20-2021, 05:05 PM - Forum: The Barracks (General Discussion) - Replies (3)

Now that the server has been raided and deleted, what do we do now? Server is also down and i don't know any other way of comunicating to everyone.

Before the server went dead i read something about a russian server  being more popular on an admin channel, I don't have a word to say who caused this but its always an option. All I know is that Crom got their account hacked and this happened.

If a new discord server is made drop the new link arround the thread or PM it to me, and if its wanted I will change the wiki one too.

I hope everything gets better soon

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: DA. - 08-18-2021, 05:08 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: Doctor Alex

Your Discord Username: Void.#2342

Your character name (if relevant): Michael Brown is mine main character. I also playing sometimes on Alexander Stukov

Who were you banned by: 5crownik007

Date of ban: 2021.08.03

Length of ban: Permanent, i think?

Full ban reason: "Repeated meta-communication and meta-grouping. If you can't play by the rules then leave"

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: First of all, i don't even played on server since 1st August, so idk what has happend while i was in work-trip. I found out about the ban only two days after receiving it, when I tried to log on to the server from my laptop on weekend. Firstly, i tried to get some information about it from James and Crown, but in the end they said me go appeal to the forum so there we are. 

I probably can't understand, what did crown mean by metacomming and metagrouping, cause, for example, you can ask marines like Planetary or PostmanPet(MEKHANE in discord) that i always speaking ingame and also sometimes even commanding marine forces, while there is no Spartans/ODST. Though, if by meta-grouping he means playing with friends on the same side - i rly did that. And not only one time. Like, you know, turbans always walking together, yeah, but i think this is literally what marines should do to survive in the fight with covenant. There is nothing rly special about it

I believe this appeal will be checked and resolve soon so i will be able to play again, or atleast ban will changed from permanent to something lesser, cause i think this shit is not a strong reason to permaban someone

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  Chambers-ODST Officer Application
Posted by: Chambers00 - 08-15-2021, 09:43 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Chambers00

Discord name (username####): Chambers00#7078

Character Name(s): Mack Samuel

Do you understand the RoE? 

Do you understand that you are not above the law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE? 
I understand completely

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for?
I understand that bad behavior leads to removal

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for? 
ODST Officer

Why should you be whitelisted? 

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  UNSC whitelist
Posted by: Killer7luis - 08-15-2021, 06:37 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): killer7luis

Discord name: killer7luis#8296

In-character name: Koji Kabuto

general character info: He's a common soldier, red hair and cyan eyes, few scars on his face and tries his best to follow orders and dont die.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Designated marksman (marine)

Reason for joining : I really like the UNSC and i also like this community, i would love to be accepted as the UNSC because i normally play as a marine.

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  WildWehraboo's Spartan Application
Posted by: WildWehraboo - 08-12-2021, 04:49 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)



Discord name:WildWehraboo#7031

How long have you been a Whitelisted ODST?: 10-13-2020 02:42

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?: Cannot count all of them, These are the ones i remember, TG, Bay and a few more, bay one was pretty stupid though, i got perma banned because my name was ''Hans Krieger'' and his excuse was ''We do not need to entertain nazis, go play somewhere else'' yes, he banned me because my game name was german.

Do you understand and accept that Spartan players are held to a higher standard than other UNSC whitelist roles, such as ODST?: Yes.

Do you understand that whitelisted Spartans are expected to comment on and observe the conduct of other Spartans and Spartan Applicants, on the forums as well as discord?: Yes.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Try and avoid commonly known numbers like -117.): Hans-047

Please answer these scenarios to the best of your ability, this is to gauge your playstyle in comparison to the other spartans and to make sure you have a firm grasp of how a spartan is meant to operate, as well as how to best utilise the tools available to the UNSC.

1:The covenant have began scanning at the PD and are roughly 25% of the way through the scan. You are the only person geared up currently, but there is a sizable unit of marines who have just respawned. What do you do?

I First Prepare Landing vehicles, And place the tank into a pelican since the tank is very important from my past experience, I then begin first Tell the marines about the current plan and then begin the assault with the Tank taking the blunt of the damage while Me and a few other marines flank them from the back

2:You are the lone UNSC member currently on the site. You know of the covenant presence on the planet, estimating 2 elites and some unggoy. You are forced to attack them. How do you best use your skillset and abilities to do so? assume the covenant are out on the streets of Geminus City, and have no armoured support.

From my past experience, Hit and run attacks are very effective against small groups of covenant, unggoys have a tendency to go around alone to see who is around, ambush the small unggoy groups then go in for the kill with the elites using a tank, then when the tank is either out of ammo or low on healthy, jumping out and rushing them with the LMG

3:There is an assualt on a strongly defended and reinforced covenant position which the marines and ODSTs cannot break through, however you know of a side passage which, whilst still guarded, is less defended than the front door, however it is guarded by a spirit on the roof which is locked down to provide reinforcements. How do you procede? Assume there are no other roof access points on the map, but you have access to both the full vehicle and weapon compliment the UNSC starts with.

First, I Grab a small team of marines that accept the fact that they can die, tell the main group to stop the assault and hide, I take the group of marines, begin my assault on the small passage, the covenant will call for help and the main force will quickly enter the narrow passage, that is where i tell the main force to begin their assault, rearmed and healed a tank and the ODSTs Should take the lead alongside the marines, quickly overwhelming the main defensive lines, the covenant are stuck in a decision inbetween stop the main force or go for the spartan, But before they can make the choice they are flanked by the main force and quickly destroyed

Well all of these examples hope that there is a group of marines and ODST that actually listen to commands and are not Dumb

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  A spartan App
Posted by: Caveman - 08-12-2021, 04:27 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

CKEY:Anderson Favi


Discord name:agent_skipper#8703

How long have you been a Whitelisted ODST?: since 12-18-2020

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?:yes on TGMC but it got solved.

Do you understand and accept that Spartan players are held to a higher standard than other UNSC whitelist roles, such as ODST?: yes

Do you understand that whitelisted Spartans are expected to comment on and observe the conduct of other Spartans and Spartan Applicants, on the forums as well as discord?:yes

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Try and avoid commonly known numbers like -117.):007

Please answer these scenarios to the best of your ability, this is to gauge your playstyle in comparison to the other spartans and to make sure you have a firm grasp of how a spartan is meant to operate, as well as how to best utilise the tools available to the UNSC.

1:The covenant have began scanning at the PD and are roughly 25% of the way through the scan. You are the only person geared up currently, but there is a sizable unit of marines who have just respawned. What do you do?
Wait until the marines gear up have 1 marine get a scorpion and split the marines in 2 groups and each attack both entrances and i grab a Breaching charge and bust in and hope all goes well. 

2:You are the lone UNSC member currently on the site. You know of the covenant presence on the planet, estimating 2 elites and some unggoy. You are forced to attack them. How do you best use your skillset and abilities to do so? assume the covenant are out on the streets of Geminus City, and have no armoured support.
probably Grab an SRS and pick them off from afar and then go in for the kill with an M90.

3:There is an assualt on a strongly defended and reinforced covenant position which the marines and ODSTs cannot break through, however you know of a side passage which, whilst still guarded, is less defended than the front door, however it is guarded by a spirit on the roof which is locked down to provide reinforcements. How do you procede? Assume there are no other roof access points on the map, but you have access to both the full vehicle and weapon compliment the UNSC starts with.
Send a 2 man marine team(with SPNKRs) with a pelican to the roof to destroy it. And set some marines to attack through the front hopefully diverting the covies guarding the rear to the front allowing for a safe passage and then flank them then blast em with muh M90s

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: Zagarnt - 08-06-2021, 01:38 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): Zagarnt

Discord name: Zagarnt#7244

In-character name: Zander Archibald

general character info: Mostly just a regular marine that specializes in demolition, or attempts to do so. Breaching, explosives, ordanance, etc.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Technician

Reason for joining : I'm whitelisted for Covenant currently, but i'd like to try out for the UNSC whitelist, just so I can hopefully provide an opposing force in lowpop - as most of the cases it's 2 to 10 for unsc and covenant. As well as this, I mostly want to use the UNSC whitelist as well as a gateway into the ODST application.

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