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Covenant application
Forum: Recruiting Citadel
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08-27-2024, 11:07 PM
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UNSC Application
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07-20-2024, 10:24 PM
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Covenant Application
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07-20-2024, 01:48 AM
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  R.Coney UNSC application
Posted by: RoseFlower - 08-01-2021, 02:20 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: winterume

Discord name: Amy #2560

In-character name: Rose Coney

general character info: Marines and ODST have met Coney in the field several times. She has a low bun, several scars on her from the Covenant War, and rumors say, if she was any better, she would be an ODST. Not much is known about Coney, only that her time in the war was spent under black ink. She's a Corpsman by the standard looks, but there's something more that you just cant put a finger on... Anyway, she has deep blue eyes, about 31 years old, and thin stature. 

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Corpsman, Marine.

Reason for joining : I had my fun in SOE, the URF was interesting, and I enjoyed playing with the backstory for Coney. I wanted to return to my roots and humble myself with the UNSC again, perhaps make Coney known like I used to.

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  Nicholasnicky Covenant Whitelist
Posted by: Nicholasnicky - 08-01-2021, 02:39 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey : nicholasnicky

Discord name: NICK#3333

In-character name: Koda 'Vodamai

general character info: Koda 'Vodamai was born on Sanghelios and, as expected trained as a warrior from an early age and is now serving in the Covenant army

Reason for joining : I was whitelisted back in 2019 and lost it as I was inactive due to school, now that I have everything sorted out I have come back and want to experience the covenant again.

Roleplay Example/History: Koda is a very zealous elite, believing in the prophets great journey fully, and will do anything he can to further their goals.

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  UNSC Whitelist Application
Posted by: CaptainCamo - 08-01-2021, 02:12 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed):captaincamo

Discord name:riot officer#2184

In-character name:Jeremy Smith

general character info: Patriotic marine from an inner colony, tall, likes shooting sniper rifles, a lot.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine Specialist, sniper.

Reason for joining : I quite like playing the server and:

1. URF is in 2 modes, one of which is solely non-WLed URF roles, so it basically doesnt exist.
2. I have 0 want to play any cov roles.
3. I solely play UNSC and would like to gain access to more UNSC roles.

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  Colfer's Covenant Application
Posted by: Covvir-Up - 07-31-2021, 11:22 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): colfer

Discord name: Co.LF-ER

In-character name: Custodian

general character info: Custodian is a yanme'e minor, typically focusing on the creation of a FOB or operating the orbital bombardment console and acting as a medic where needed. I've been trying to find more ways to be non-violent in the current meta including with sedatives

Reason for joining: I had this whitelist back before brutes were introduced and I loved my time there, now that alot of the roles are fleshed out I am excited to get to play my favorite creatures, the huragok of which I'd probably main given the chance. Additionally I would like to serve as a guide to newplayers as a whitelisted role so they would know who to flock to for help if they see an ultra unggoy or yanme'e in the area since im well versed in the mechanics having played since the time of covenant ship cloaking

Roleplay Example/History: Back during first contact I would often capture marines as custodian rather than killing them, when I wasnt playing custodian I was typically playing my t'vaoan kig-yar and holding up colonists and marines alike, motioning them to surrender with a macro for assistance. I have played on aurora almost since I left halostation (about 1 year of time) and think of myself as a good roleplayer if the mood suits it.

More depth with factions details IE: roles, etc will be added later.

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  OuterMostMonk's Covenant Application
Posted by: OuterMostMonk - 07-31-2021, 10:36 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): outermonk

Discord name: OuterMostMonk#2283

In-character name: Sufam

General character info: An Unggoy who has a love for explosions and needlers, as most grunts do.

Reason for joining: Been playing the server off and on since 2018, never bothered to get a whitelist until now. I used to mainly play as a marine but have recently been playing Covenant a lot, mostly due to UNSC tending to be more popular and I prefer a balanced fight. I am greatly enjoying playing as a warrior of the great journey and decided I would like to be whitelisted so I can play as more Covenant species (brute especially, I liked the mauler when I used it in crusade) and have more Unggoy ranks I can use.

Roleplay Example/History: When playing a grunt I usually tend to always ask for and follow the directions of the leaders and try to make comments a grunt would. Also used to play ONI guard when that was a thing, plenty of RP was had then especially during lowpop. I also sometimes play a bit of dead space 13, there is good amount of rp on that server (at least before the necromorphs are unleashed).

I look forward to playing some more, and I am glad the server is regaining popularity again.

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  Anderson's UNSC officer Whitelist
Posted by: Caveman - 07-30-2021, 11:39 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Anderson Favi

Discord name (username####): agent_skipper#8703

Character Name(s):Vivian Keener

Do you understand the RoE? Yes i understand the rules of engagment

Do you understand that you are not above the law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE? Yes

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for? yes

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for? To Command troops from the rear (or front if need be) and provide Support to the troops like MAC support, Ammo delivery to the frontlines.

Why should you be whitelisted? Well there arent many that Play command roles and i wanna fill in that gap.

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  Loldaddy5676 Application
Posted by: Loldaddy576 - 07-30-2021, 10:23 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Discord name:Bigchunguss#6067

In-character name:bipbip

general character info: bipbip is generally a run of the mill Grunt that runs around helping or doing its on thing when there's nothing to do.

Reason for joining : i want to have access to the better roles.

Roleplay Example: don't really roleplay much, but whenever i play as bipbip, i act like a unggoy and help around with the other crew.

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  UNSC whitelist
Posted by: Domodyl - 07-30-2021, 03:30 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): domodyl

Discord name: DNR#3833

In-character name: Biggus B. Johnson

general character info: Biggus has been around the UNSC for some time now and enjoys getting right up in the actions with his comrades, he sports an Afro, with a beard to complement it. 

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining : To clarify I still want to be a part of the Covenant, I have all the roles for it but I've been playing on this server for years now, and id like to experience ODST, and maybe Spartans as well. 

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  Ranno Application
Posted by: Ranno - 07-30-2021, 03:18 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name: Ranno#1669

In-character name: Twitch

general character info: A run of the mill Yanme'e who knows his place in the covenant. His personality is bland and almost dead although he shows great annoyance in Unggoy, aswell if communication is not needed with them he will not conversate with one he finds annoying. He shows confidence in his own ability whether it be reinforcing a area or dealing with a adversary.

Reason for joining : Honestly I kind of wanted to maybe try a more leader-ish role such as being a Yanme'e leader. I also kind of wanna try the other covvie roles but I could not think of a backstory or anything, aswell I just find covvies more enjoyable than UNSC.

Roleplay Example/History: Honestly not much RP experience but not blatant ignorance of when it annoys people. I have only had this game for like a year I think and i've only been playing halostation for less than a week but I mean how can I not play a halo server?? (Also if this helps I have played Combat evolved - 5)

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  UNSC application
Posted by: StinkethStonketh - 07-29-2021, 10:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed):

Discord name:
In-character name:
Chaz Bickford
general character info:
A Recon marine who specializes in looking for human and alien enemies alike with the intent of shooting them. He's not especially bright or civil, but he's a loyal unga  marine.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc):
Recon Marine
Reason for joining 

Covenant is overrated, insurgents are meh- I like to gun down aliums.

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