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  Bapldap Covenant Application
Posted by: Bapldap - 07-29-2021, 10:05 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: bapldap

Discord name: Bapldap#4733

In-character name: Gunga

general character info: I'm a grunt and have recently gotten back into playing on halo station. It's been fun being a major grunt and I think he has gone through enough battles to be an Ultra Grunt.

Reason for joining : I want to play some of the more fun covenant roles again such as Unggoy Ultra. Also because most of the covenant has been grunts, and I don't see enough of the higher ranks. The faction as a whole is more appealing to join compared to others, and it makes for more fun gameplay.

Roleplay Example/History: I've been whitelisted to covenant before, but I think I was removed when either there was a whitelist wipe when the server went inactive or it was because I was inactive. I am good at roleplay, and have played frequently on many HRP to MRP servers. I have not had any issues with the staff on this server, nor caused any problems either. In roleplay for the server I'd like to take on some leadership roles since there is sometimes a lack of them. I've played SS13 since early 2016, and have completely adapted to RP on it.

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  ODST app
Posted by: DA. - 07-29-2021, 02:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: doctoralex(Doctor Alex)

Timezone: GMT +3

Discord Name: Void.#2342

Character(s): Michael Brown

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Brown is probably team-player. He tried to help their fellas everytime he possibly can, even if it means - Mike will die itself. He selfless man, that join this war, firstly, not to win - but save as many lives as he can. First - he shoot, and only after - asking, he not thinking about consequences, when doing something, but still trying to hold himselfs suicidal ideas inside, when there is any other way to win the fight. Though, he, firstly, focused on other guys from the turban team, he is also trying to help every marine that need it.

Provide a brief description of your character: As i said previously, Michael born on Earth, two years before the great Covenant vs Humanity war has started. He born in family with two sisters, his father and also mother was a part of UNSC forces since first years of war, so soon later, after all three childrens reached military age, they joined their family on the battlefield, though - in different ways. Firstly, Brown was joined army as a private onboard of UNSC Into the Breach. Mainly, ship objective was a destructing enemy lines by sudden attacks from above and etc. Hundreds man was send to the land just for the one thing - to die, while other, more specific forces flanking covenant position from other directions. As you can understand - survival rate of the crew was pmuch low, and if someone has returned from battle without legs or etc - it was an incredible success. Having been in this meat grinder for about two years, Brown finally translated from one ship to another, where first met with Jhonny and others future parts of Turban squad. Their new objective - was capturing the south side of the planet named DT-455, that Jhonny also named as BrazilHill. Bad communication and rash decisions of the command staff was caused big amount casualties and also major victory of Covenant in this battle. Only a few survivors, that manage to call for help - escape the hellish planet. Though, not all of 'em. There was a two squads - one was commanded by Smith, and other by Brown itself. Trying to reach the point of evacuation, most of the team stuck inside one of the building, surrounded by enemy forces. The only way to survive, that Michael was able to imagine - is using one of the damaged, but still able to shoot scorpions, standing on the road between their house and covenant snipers postition for distraction. They was just need a two soldiers, who will sacrifice themselves. This two was sergeant Fedor Yablochkin, and survived Cyclop operator - Sam Gimmer. Both died after tank got hit by two shots from Wraith's cannons. Though, they complete their mission perfectly, and almost all soldiers breached trough alien lines to the safe place.

This day also died private Vladimir Kazak, and Timofey Pronin, that was heavy damaged by coming to evac-site elite, and died soon after escaping, cause of very fast blood loss.

After that fight, both of survived forces - was moved to the UNSC Light Brigade, to the 228 marine platoon. After a few fights, and also battle of Geminus - a few soldiers formed inside it a new team, named by other marines as a Turban squad.

After all this mess, he also managed to take part in some other, late-war events, and even lost arm and leg in Metisette battle, where, also, finally been promoted as a communication officer of UNSC Midsummer Night. After the destruction of Rubble, Michael was send to the 228 platoon again, but now - for new fight with his new brothers. With Jhonny, Alex, and many other turbans.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yeah

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yep

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Of course

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  Yacobpo157's UNSC Sidehoe Application
Posted by: Yacobpo157v2 - 07-29-2021, 08:10 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Yacobpo157

Discord name: The Space Force#7285

In-character name: Jacob Stone (Pre-URF)

General character info: I originally had a UNSC and ODST whitelist, then became a funny space roman with the boys, wanting to have a UNSC and ODST whitelist again so when it's say Reclamation I can play in the often under-staffed leadership roles. Reposting the character from my original Marine WL from 2017.

A veteran Marine of the war against the Insurrection, he thinks he's seen it all. While he always tries to be ready for whatever he has to face, an alien invasion certainly wasn't at the top of that list. This 6'2 and 200 pounds of Earth and Freedom is ready to defend his home, or die trying. He has a a tattoo of the UNSC on his left bicep, and his reason for joining is simple: to serve Earth and her Colonies and to drive those damn covies out of our home.

Which role is your character's main: Marine Sergeant

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  Gargantun Covenant Application
Posted by: fizgul - 07-29-2021, 04:39 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name: ??agen#3629
I had an old account in the server in 2019, which died. Right now I'm still pending in newcomers with this one if that matters.

In-character name: Gargantun.

General character info: A simple brute, large among even his own kind. Stereotypical in his behavior, although he's only following the same beliefs as the rest of his pack. While the Great Journey and all it entails goes over his head, his hate of the Heretics is certainly religious, and he's foolishly loyal to the words of the Prophets.
Gargantan is eager to charge in and rip glory from the battlefield, and so he's bound to have a short life expectancy. God forbid his bragging rights if he returns, though.

Reason for joining: I was Covenant whitelisted almost two years ago, and I'd like to play it again. There's only so much you can be as a lowly Unggoy or Kig'yar. They're fun, but a huge part of the Covenant's appeal are their more strange and noble species. Brutes and Elites butting heads for glory, or odd supporting Huragok.

I've tried every other faction on the server before, had a Covenant whitelist before my inactivity, and the Covenant still appeals best to me. Plus, it's more fun for UNSC to be facing waves of aliens instead of a handful. Roleplay in the faction is just starting to pick back up too.

Roleplay Example/History: I've been playing SS13 since 2015, been a huge fan of the Halo franchise far before that, and had plenty of roleplaying experience along the way. In SS13 it's mostly limited to the demeanors of your character, but I like to think I can support a good alien atmosphere as I play. Instead of robotically stating information and orders as people sometimes fall into.

I usually play on non-standard servers, so I'm glad Halostation is making a comeback.

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  Eugene's covenant application
Posted by: EugeneShev - 07-29-2021, 02:55 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: EugeneShev

Discord name: Pufferfish eating a carrot

In-character name: Titus

general character info: Being a Jiralhanae, Titus was among the most savage front-liners in the ship's assault crew, preffering much less so to gun the enemies down with superior distance and far-developed energy weapons, and rather board the shuttle for a direct assault and take over of the vessels. Bloodshed seemed most important until the very day he found himself alone in his pack. Living among the lesser species and sangheili, formally his higher-ups, softened him up severely, though the brutish nature remained, he gained the urge to grow not just muscle, but mind. In his journey if studying and practicing tactics, he quickly reached the rank of a shipmaster, taking over the command should sangheili be absent. As such, having no other comrades, he started treating them as something far more than just weaklings and cowards, and so, even began to recognize the value of unggoy, and their, usually loyal views of serving the bigger cause. After all, he became not just the samely fierce warrior on the battlefield, but one with a clever mind, more resilient than a common leader, with more than enough motivation to use himself as an example for others to follow.

Reason for joining: I've seen a number of people in The Covenant joining in and frankly, doing a little bit of a lackluster roleplay-wise. Outside of that, it's safe to say that compared to spartans, Covenant-restricted roles are severely underpowered and need not just skill, but sheer numbers to accompany it with, which is, safe to say, pretty lore-friendly, knowing they use melee charges and cannon fodder. Outside of that, I'd simply love to explore the in-game feeling of being moderately higher in command than the rest of the folks on the ship. The only way we can experience The Covenant's side in any of the games, or books, is through a different character. Hell, even the main character of Halo games that we're supposed to feel the role of, as we're playing as him, isn't technically the character some would like to play, so simply having your own creation to roleplay as is a great deal to me, if not anyone.

Roleplay Example/History: Usually I try my best to roleplay as a more unorthodox character; As such I have Cade Prescott, who is about the most pathetic person one could meet, being a nervous wreck who is completely non-pain tolerant. I have fun joining the MRP and HRP servers with more or less high roleplaying standard to get into the role of someone who doesn't quite handle threats like giant spiders or all-consuming sentient blobs well; has breakdowns, and reacts to pain the way a normal person would, rather than just mechanically; trying to actively avoid such. I've recieved a number of feedback that this concept is great to explore for others and gives the idea that space station 13 is, after all, a roleplaying game. For me personally, all the mechanics are pretty lackluster most of the time, easy to explore and get bored of, so eventually I just result in roleplaying. Though Cade isn't my only character, some of them follow the same concept on other servers, under different names. While it's safe to say that war-based games like Halo, or CM are difficult to roleplay in, as most people do, after all, focus on fighting, it's easy to find people who share the same idea and want not to just fight, but roleplay being a warrior. As such, I'm having great fun in IScal, IS12:Reborn, Farweb, Cadiastation, and DS13, as unorthodox examples that surprisingly, not many people play, much like this server.

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  Haha flamer goes bshhhhh
Posted by: KlueksonLeggins - 07-29-2021, 12:20 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: LimboBaggins

Timezone: GMT +3

Discord Name: LimboBaggins#4624

Character(s): Jhonny Smith, but I will use Dennis Bateman for my hellbringer char

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: If you are asking about my character which I play right now, Jhonny acts like usual marine with some funny moments, but if I will be using hellbringer I need to be the stone faced suicidal killing machines the Hellbringers are proud to be seen as but obey like a usual marine (not copypast!!!)

Provide a brief description of your character: -"Only two things are known for sure about the mysterious Pyro: he sets things on fire and he doesn't speak. In fact, only the part about setting things on fire is undisputed. Some believe his occasional rasping wheeze may be an attempt to communicate through a mouth obstructed by a filter and attached to lungs ravaged by constant exposure to his asbestos-lined suit. Either way, he's a fearsome, inscrutable, on-fire Frankenstein of a man. If he even is a man"
( At ) Some random URF soldier words from interrogation

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes, I fully understand that I need to don't do funny marine stuff and try to be more serious (like trying not to wear towel on my head(but if you allow me I will gladly do it))

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes ;(

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes ;((


Тюрбан генг вперде

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  What's make me a good ODST
Posted by: DA. - 07-28-2021, 12:29 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): Need to be written as doctoralex(Doctor Alex is normal look)
Discord name: Void.#2342
In-character name: Michael Brown

general character info: Born on the Earth, Brown was rised in the large family with two sisters. His father and also mother was a part of UNSC forces since first years of war, so soon later, after all three childrens reached military age, they joined their family on the battlefield, though - in different ways. When both sisters was forced to the rear, Michael, instead, was sended to the one of the hottest points in 2530-2535. First - BrazilHill and Geminus, then - to the Metisette, where after few days of bloody fight he was technically promoted to new telecommunication/radio officer because of dead of the old one with Rubble explode. They experience in coordinating forces and also absence of fear after Covenant - saved many lives this days, though, this fearlessness also made Brown the cripple - he fully lost his right arm, that was replaced as a prosthesis after UNSC Midsummer Night left the frontline. In 2538 Mike was transfered back to UNSC Light Brigade, where, again, became a part of 228 marine platoon, now also known as a Turban Gang.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine, Marine Anti-tank specialist. Also played alot on pilot, when there was a access to Sparrowhawks and ship vs ship combat

Reason for joining: Why not? I want to walking in towel but also in tacticool ODST armor

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  yet another ODST app
Posted by: jdeuce22 - 07-27-2021, 08:25 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Timezone: US central

Discord Name:Jdeuce22

Character(s): Jack Nack

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: mainly by being very friendly, unless the person is part of the covenant, then immediately drop everything and kill them

Provide a brief description of your character: I don't really know how to, so here's a good try, Jack Nack is a good person, usually liking to stay masked for whatever reason and being incredibly friendly, unless you're a covvie, if which they'll make it an objective to kill you if it's related to the current mission.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: yes, I think it's fun to play in a high RP server!

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: yes, and I will do my best to avoid acting inappropriately!

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: yes, and I would have appreciated a way to remove that if it's a weird new rule that was updated about 30 minutes ago and I didn't check.

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  How do I swap hands and become marine with flamer
Posted by: KlueksonLeggins - 07-27-2021, 08:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: LimboBaggins

Discord name: LimboBaggins#4624

In-character name: Jhonny Smith/Wick

General character info: (100% needed to listen OST for background theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq2w_Zm2K3c) Born in the village named "Pillager", Jhonny grew up as christian and nice boy, as his father raised him. After his 21`th birthday, his village got attacked by Black horde, consisting of strange-looking Ungoys and Kig-yars. Young Smith was the only family member who survived this attack, hiding in a pickle barrel and because of it smell no one came to check this place. When the screams silenced, Jhonny got out of barrrel, grabbed a towel to clean himself and ran. Far away. He ran until he reached Reach, where marine squad found him. They took him to the camp, where private Jora took a good care of this little boy and evaced him before the explosion of the planet, but Jora left with his fellow marines to protect the homeland. His last words to young boy was:"Remember, dying is gay, son."
Jhonny got to the marine base named "Donbassa", where his only way to sruvive was become a marine. After the boot-camp, he and his 228`th platoon dispatched in hotpoint named "BrazilHill". Smith`s platoon was attacked and suffered heavy casualities. Smith`s helmet got kicked off during meele fight, so he took his towel to protect his head. It was pretty hardened after years of pickle juice, so Jhonny wasn't able to took it off after. Only private Jhonny, Corporal Daniil Bassow, Radio officer Michael Brown, Staff Sergeant Andrey Kasperov, lance corporal Alex Smit, first sergant Nikita Buyanov and private Vladimir Kazak (who died after serious brain damage caused by biofoam OD(500u)) survived. Their brave defense against superior URF power wasn't undetected by High Command. Leftover of 228`th platoon was assigned to serve on the UNSC Light Brigade and protect Geminus Colony. In support, all his survived soldiers, who became one big family, weared towels on the head too to support poor Jhonny. They named themself Turban Gang and started their long duty for the Humanity and Earth.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): https://youtu.be/N0u1wgMp05A Anti-tank marine specialist

Reason for joining : My turban fellows said we need a flamer so I'm here to get one (It's hellbringer if I remember right), there is no ruhalo so I need to play 


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  Capesh's UNSC whitelist
Posted by: Solaris5 - 07-27-2021, 06:08 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Capesh

Discord name: Capesh (CRISPR#3216)
In-character name: Carl Harrison

general character info: Born to a close mother and distant father, Carl's childhood was specked with simulated wargames in the backyard for when the purple sharks would arrive - as with most outer colonies they, of course, did. Carl was fortunate to escape, opting to enlist like his father in the wake of his burning homeworld.

Which role is your character: Marine.

Reason for joining: Was here before whitelists and revivals happened. Humanity good, ODST gooder.

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