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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: ToroidalZer0 - 12-27-2021, 10:58 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name: RedOctober#0066

In-character name: Walter Seidner

general character info: Wanting to fight for Humanity he enlisted into the UNSC, and eventually became a fully fledged Marine.

Which role is your character's main: Marine

Reason for joining: I liked the gear and roles of the UNSC faction and I usually play Marine

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: shadowww - 12-27-2021, 07:25 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey- alucard#4060

Discord Name- alucard#4060

Character Name- guilherme hurtes

General character Info- A desensitized marine who puts Corps before his own life and has much predominance with the soldiers in his command

Character main roles- Marine sergeant/Staff sergeant

Reason for Joining- Wanted to try being a ODST or ONI in UNSC

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  UNSC Application
Posted by: Dylanishere - 12-27-2021, 04:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey- Dylanishere

Discord Name- Thot Destroyer(Dylanishere)#9929

Character Name- Dylan Wilson

General character Info- A desensitized marine who puts Corps before his own life and like to blow things up.

Character main roles- Marine sergeant/Staff sergeant

Reason for Joining- Wanted to try being a ODST or ONI in UNSC.

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: AlbertBlackwell - 12-27-2021, 02:47 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: albertblackwell

Discord name: AlbertBlackwell#7506

In-character name: Albert Blackwell

General character info: Dedicated fully to the UNSC's Marine Corp, Albert is fully committed to bringing the fight to the Covenant and fighting for humanities' survival. When morale and resources are low Albert often finds himself as a reluctant leader and motivator for those around him restoring their faith in the fight and leading them to victory.

Which role is your character's main: Marine Combat Medic

Reason for joining: The UNSC whitelist is probably the most appealing looking WL for me on this server, combined with the fact that I exclusively main marine. I'll be able to share my experience and learn with other people.

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  Complaint on HomestuckNecktie
Posted by: Domodyl - 12-27-2021, 12:50 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

While it bothers me to be the "Guy" that reports people, being a part of the people who represent the Covenant Factions, id like to report the behavior of a shipmaster I and others encountered, and the user who plays them, HomestuckNecktie.

 To begin with, id like to state that its fine to be goofy, fun, and joking, but once you play a role that is responsible for driving the round forward (I.E Shipmaster, UNSC CO, Spartan.) there is a level of maturity you need to have so everyone has an enjoyable roleplay experience, this not only ensures new players see an example of "What to do" but also as a whole keeps us from being an LRP server, below I have provided some screenshots of examples of what they have done. 

 Secondly, a leader in a round shouldn't take failure on a personal level, this person I believe fell victim to that, it's important to separate roleplay arguments and insults (I.E Calling a fellow Sangheili out on an act of Dishonor.)  and actual arguments and insults. (Blaming, or flamming another player be it with personal insults or a reoccurring grudge.) example below. 




 In conclusion, I think the best course of action is to blacklist them for a short time, or until appeal, from the Shipmaster role, until they can see how the role should be played. I hope if you are reading this Home, that you take my advice and know I don't write this as a personal jab to you, but so the community can see it as an example for bettering their own roleplay standards.

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  Covenant Application- Seferum
Posted by: PostmanPet - 12-27-2021, 12:15 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: PostmanPet

Discord name: MEMESOON#4891

In-character name: (characters that I play: Anthony Mathews, Nipploy. Character that I wish to play as: Seferum)

General character info: 
Seferum will start as a Brute Minor. He's a fresh recruit from one of the numerous Alpha Packs, ready to fight for glory- personal and his pack. He's as most of his species, brutish, barbarian, and essentially agressive, especially to his enemies. As a Major and upper ranks, however, some age, battle experience and other occurances managed to whip up a sense of wisdom in him. He'd lower in outright brutish tactics, instead opting to employ tactical advantages or commanding others. 

Reason for joining: I do enjoy roleplay variety. Through I'm not a fun of Covenant as a whole, alien species in general and attempts to understand the way they think and act, as opposed to humans, were always fascinating for me. Brutes are an excellent example of this- while savage and wild, they can also prove to be quite the wise leaders, and so, it would be nice to try my roleplay capabilities playing as one! 

Roleplay Example/History: I've had quite a long history in SS13, with it being about six years now since I first joined. Tabletop games, forum roleplay games- I was through quite a lot, and I feel like to continue the list would be more of a brag right now, honestly. 

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  ODST officer application
Posted by: Caveman - 12-26-2021, 10:38 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Anderson Favi

Discord name (username####): agent_skipper#8703

Character Name(s): Vivian Keener

Do you understand the RoE? yes

Do you understand that you are not above the law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE? yes

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for? yes

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for? To command ODSTs at the front while getting commanded by the XO and CO at the ship

Why should you be whitelisted? There arent much ODST officers

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  Bill Fillip - UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: nameacow01 - 12-26-2021, 09:13 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): nameacow01

Discord name: nameacow01#3249

In-character name: Bill Fillip

general character info: Bill Fillip is your usual almost cartoonish southern soldier. He joined the UNSC a year back, hoping for something to contribute more to instead of just farming. After the war broke out between the UNSC and Covenant, he began to fight furiously along side his brother, Jon Fillip. One day, his brother went missing in action after a classified deployment. Now, he continues to fight in the hopes of finding his brother, dead or alive.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining : Really liked to switch between the UNSC and Covvie faction as I feel like it, and I felt like putting in this WL too alongside my covenant one. I really just want to experience both factions better, and become a better part in the community.

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  UNSC Whitelist - Aroliacue
Posted by: Aroliacue - 12-25-2021, 08:06 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: aroliacue

Discord Name: Aroliacue#1911

IC Name: Jean-Baptiste Errands

General character information: A young Inner Colony marine of French heritage, Jean is a somewhat rude, relaxed individual who likes to speak his mind, but in a firefight is just as disciplined as his squadmates. Jean earned a bronze star during a major and impromptu station defense action for his contributions to capturing and deactivating a covenant bomb.

Character's role: Combat Medic

Reason for joining: Not part of any factions yet, enjoyed the server so far and thought I'd apply to the UNSC for access to more roles and to eventually apply for ODST.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: dene - 12-25-2021, 02:00 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: AuraSeer

Your Discord Username: dene#5272

Your character name (if relevant):  Mikka Mcloskey

Who were you banned by: farfromthetsar

Date of ban:  12/24/2021

Length of ban: Until Appeal

Full ban reason: Said a racial slur while talking to a NPC

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: 

I'm going to start off by saying i'm a real idiot. Like really really stupid. I even knew i fucked up after i did it. I broke a server rule, and generally what i did was very uncool. I know i fucked up badly, and shouldn't have said what i did, even to a NPC.  I just wasn't thinking right and thought i could say anything to a NPC without it popping up in chat. (My first time as colonist)  So i said a racial slur to a NPC to see what would happen.  I really should have known better than this. I'm really sorry. For the record i've not been banned on any other server. This was the first real fuck up i had. I'm genuinely sorry for what i did. And i promise it won't happen again.

https://ibb.co/h7vdjXh   <--- A link to the Ban Note

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