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Covenant application
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08-27-2024, 11:07 PM
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UNSC Application
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07-20-2024, 10:24 PM
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  Da Covenant
Posted by: sssssssss - 01-22-2022, 07:25 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): eosfolpray

Discord name: ████████#8592

In-character name: Examines The Sun

general character info: A robot of the covenant that heals people and he is the neutral of the war to human covenant war because he heals both sides

Reason for joining : Because yes

Roleplay Example/History:  Huh

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Bug Da Flood
Posted by: sssssssss - 01-22-2022, 07:20 PM - Forum: Growth Pods - No Replies

Ckey: eosfolpray

Discord name: ████████#8592

In-character name: Uhh. Flood Man? i dont know how do u call a flood spore? or whatever im gonna play as

General character info: A flood spore or something flood infector

Reason for joining: Because why not? i would like to infect some marines and stuff

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  faction change to urf
Posted by: Loldaddy576 - 01-22-2022, 02:04 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed):Loldaddy5676

Discord name: The British#6067

In-character name: Mike Barker

general character info: He is a average man that seems to be ready to fight for whatever he finds right. tired of working for the unsc and having to watch civilians  suffer  for a corrupt government that does not care, he attempts to work with the local urf forces to help the outer colonies.

Reason for joining : i want to switch factions to be in the urf. kinda wanna switch things up a little.

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: Boblin23 - 01-22-2022, 12:11 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name: BoblinTheGoblin21

In Character Name: Tanner Burris

General Character Info: An Irish man with long hair, a beard, and a crippling nicotine addiction.

Which role is your character's main?: Marine

Reason for Joining: I like the UNSC's vibes, and I also love charging mindlessly at an elite that will kill me in an instant

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: HondaT - 01-21-2022, 01:49 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): hondat

Discord name: Mars#1267

In-character name: Kirk Owen

general character info: Kirk can't remember a time when he wasn't fighting for something, the UNSC gave him a place to feel like what he was fighting for was just and for that, he's never been more grateful. Since enlisting Kirk has been a member of many operations, attempting to spread out his expertise rather than focusing on one path resulting in a jack of all trades, master of none, skillset or at least for now.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining: I've played the server for a while now and wanted to finally actually join the UNSC and potentially try for something else within it down the line

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  unsc Whitelist
Posted by: TWE - 01-20-2022, 12:25 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: twinbornsoftemu

discord name: TSE

In character name: Thakan 'Vuromee

general character info: Pretty much a standard elite. Very honourable and would consider a knife duel if someone pulled a knife in the middle of battle.

Which role is your characters main(Ex: technician, Marine, etc): Minor elite.I know all the examples are human and maybe i need to play human to get a UNSC whitelist, but the thing is i am not really interested in playing a marine since i have already done that in CM since they are pretty much identical in behaviour to halo marines, equpment too to a certain degree.

Reason for joining: I dont want to play a marine anymore i want to be an ODST/spartans and what have you.

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  ODST Application/Whitelist
Posted by: LifeLikeLarry - 01-19-2022, 12:04 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: lifelikelarry

Timezone: GMT-5

Discord Name: The Best Cop

Character(s): Leo Minnie

Provide a brief description of your character: He's A goofy man who's ready to fight for humanity

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Usually with a great attitude towards things tries to see the best in people he meets he also tends to come off as oblivious because of his positive careless attitude but at the end of the day he knows what he's doing and he loves it.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes

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  Covenant Grunt Application
Posted by: Joe_Knuts - 01-17-2022, 11:38 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: joe_knuts

Discord name: Finch#6943

In-Character Name: Skibdubap

General character info: Skibdubap is an Unggoy who was born on High Charity. He's pretty typical for a grunt besides his name, and the fact that he prides his family history due to one of his ancestors having fought in the Grunt Rebellion that got Unggoy more respect and rights in the Covenant. Other than that, he's completely unremarkable. He's a bit of a coward, but if he gets a stern preaching too by a Prophet or a stern yelling session by a superior, he'll hold the line like any other.

Reason for joining: You've made a Halo sever, which is dope, but I don't want to be a marine or stick around as one for a long time. Also, I've never rp'ed on SS13 seriously before, so I figure this'll be a good way to ease into it, or, if I don't like more serious or intensive rp, have something more laid back to fall back on. However, I used to do a bunch of GMod stuff, and if SS13 RP is similar to that, I'll ease in well.

Roleplay History: Goonstation, a little bit of Colonial Marines as a basic jarhead. GMod on a variety of servers, like Halo, Star Wars, Warhammer. Been through mostly ground forces roles and officer positions.

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  Insurrectionist Application
Posted by: CaptainCamo - 01-17-2022, 11:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): captaincamo

Discord Name: riot officer#0772

In-character name: Hayden Sanders

General Character Info: Standard insurrectionist foot soldier, rather good at sniping.

Reason For Joining: In the few modes URF are in I like playing them, I already have UNSC WL so why not, URF stuff is all else I'm interested in.

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  Insurrectionist Application
Posted by: WarlordToby - 01-17-2022, 09:13 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: warlordtoby

Discord name: WarlordToby#8551

In-character name: Maxwell Hunter

General character info: Maxwell Hunter is a former UNSC marine Sergeant, finding disdain towards the government after four years in service as he witnessed first-hand his home colony on the rim suffer from poor decisions on the behalf of the local government. Initially he sought to join the first protests, although was banned from doing so due to being a serviceman, he instead started to vent his frustration on his fellow soldiers. Accompanying a military police patrol, he caught several vandals painting pro-Insurrection graffiti near his stationed base in a large urban center, letting them go on the basis that "they are exercising their civil rights". This event caused a lot of the higher ups and equals to harass him. As he was practically socially isolated from this point on, he chose to embrace the message of the Insurrection and seek out underground groups those share his ideas of freedom.

Weeks after he made contact with a cell, he started to actively cooperate and assist them. Altered cargo manifests, missing stocks and finally, an act of sabotage. He directly caused the destruction of a local power station, causing blackouts across his city as he and his fellow insurrectionists begun a violent coup d'etat.

Although the coup failed and most of the insurrectionists were sooner or later caught or ratted out, he managed to hide in the shadows using stolen UNSC credentials to get off-world. His knowledge of military protocol saved him several times from being exposed by military police and once by Office of Naval Intelligence at the cost of him revealing the identity of a fellow co-conspirator.
Since then, Hunter has been travelling from a colony to another, seeking out the means to repeat the coup. On his terms.

Reason for joining: Being a veteran of the server, I think that the best way for us to hang around our old friends is to join the same faction. I have played Insurrectionist before and to this day I think they have the most action going on that's not necessarily combat at all times.

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