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  Spartan WL App
Posted by: CaptainCamo - 01-24-2022, 07:13 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name (eg Bob#123):
 riot officer#0772

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?:
 Since August Second, 2021, 5 months

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?
 I've only been banned on CM.

Why do you think this application should be accepted?
While I don't play spartan that often, I do find the role fun when I do and do not wish to lose access to it, as such I am applying to keep my access to the role, as I have not abused it or LRPed as was the reason for its re-WL.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Avoid commonly known numbers like -117.): Caleb-096

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  Billy's Spartan App
Posted by: Billy the Dodo - 01-24-2022, 06:42 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKEY: Billy the Dodo

Discord name: cauan1968#1344

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?: Since 12/26/2021

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?: No

Why do you think this application should be accepted?: I'm pretty robust and can command smaller units in battle, plus being able to better combat higher ranking covvies is fun

Name of the Spartan you want to play: Leo-008

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  Spartan Application
Posted by: Caveman - 01-24-2022, 06:29 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKEY: Anderson Favi

Discord name (eg Bob#123): agent_skipper#8703

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?: ive been in the UNSC since 12-18-2020, 04:05 AM

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers? Ive have been banned on TGMC before.

Why do you think this application should be accepted? I would like to play spartan due to its game changing role and i want to make it count (or just die to a singular grunt), i also do know about the heavier RP implications and i think i am capable of them.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Avoid commonly known numbers like -117.): Keener-1337 or 007

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  Jujulion's ODST Officer Application
Posted by: pepega_lad - 01-24-2022, 04:38 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Jujulion

Timezone: GMT-3

Discord Name: Jujulion

Character(s): Usually I went random name, I've settled on Dana Watson

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Depends on exactly who. Officers she heeds to commands of by the letter but she'll usually let them know her opinion on a subject matter if it's relevant to her. She's a very "get the job done" type of person so she's usually not one for games and playing and she has a very dry sense of humor. As for her equals, she holds them to the same expectations as she holds herself, expecting them to be effective in combat and disciplined, keeping formation instead of running off. She's very mouthy when someone acts up.

Provide a brief description of your character:  The most recent case of a high-profile hot-shot veteran. She was part of the enlisted force of the ODST hell jumpers until someone at the brass noticed her ability for unconventional strategies in the defense of Geminus colony, taking a locally requisitioned nuke from (((REDACTED))) ONI Facility in a boarding pod against the invading Covenant Vessel, destroying it in the process and managing to escape in the nick of time. Also known for conducting a devastating raid on another vessel above k7 where she and her team destroyed the entire supply of covenant scanners, forcing them to retreat. Attached are snippets of the news articles:
Due to this, she's under a lot of pressure to act in a heroic manner and keep giving people hope and heroes, which means being put at risk and doing high profile, high risk, high reward operations. The type of thing that will look good in the papers.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: I understand that perfectly. If I have to see another commanding officer talking about "john halo in the soder" I will lose it.

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: As it should be. 

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: I understand that, and I've always respected the game and it's rules.

Some closing words:

Since I'm now an officer of the ODST for administrative reasons, I feel as though I should apply for it to make it official. Apart from that, we don't see many ODST officers, and that often leads to them being disorganized and ineffective. I seek to correct that. It also helps to be able to order drop pods while boarding but that's a story for another day.

It's also very fun to re-invent the meta by using unconventional strategies as I pulled just a couple of days ago, forcing everyone to adapt, and I feel like this can be accomplished better via officer positions who have some benefits that I don't want to spoil here.

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  URF Appilcation
Posted by: nonood - 01-24-2022, 12:37 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKEY: nonood

DISCORD NAME: Nonood_Whatever#0343


GENERAL CHARACTER INFO: Semi-Unknown Origin. He seems to be grown up from the rural place. He joined Insurrection because of UEG attempt to strip him from his freedom, at least according to his words. He has brown hair and black eyes.

REASON FOR JOINING: I wanna be human OpFor

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  covenant whitelist Application
Posted by: Sarggge - 01-24-2022, 07:39 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Ckey: Cheifsargee

Discord name: Peace through superior fire#3495

In-character name: Gab

general character info: i had other covie character's on another account my most recent covie is gab the skirmsher
Which role is your character's: my covie is a skirmsher

Reason for joining: My reason for joining the covenant is my fixation with the halo universe, starting with Halo 2 and going on to reach. Later went to halo combat evolved so that I would be able to grasp the lore to the best of my ability. And throughout all the games my love and excitement for the covenant has been undying, My personal favorite being Sangheili, favorite being the arbiters right hand man (Can't recall his name do to well.. alien speak) Their hierarchy is refreshing compared to how the UNSC has things set up, having different caste systems for each race and having subraces aswell that benefit in different occupations (I adore variation). I am also a loving fan of SS13 and pairing the two is just hands down in my eyes the yin and yang of gaming experiences. My time on the server may be short but my passion for both style of games is infinite (Pun intended) And I would love the chance to better serve the covenant as that is the main role I play as, though hoping later to complete whitelists for all the other factions, if at all possible.

Wave to Cheeky Breeky Comrade

Message @Cheeky Breeky Comrade

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  Tupina: UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: Tupina - 01-24-2022, 06:24 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): tupinambis

Discord name: Tupina#1837

In-character name: Isaac Carmine

general character info: Being a marine was not Isaac's first career choice, but in his eyes what good was investing his future in anything else when the covenant threatened everything. He is willing to defend his home at the risk of his life if it means he might have a home to return to.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining: I've played for a while as a covvie main and wanted access to ODST and Spartan roles, specially since I tend to jump between roles a lot.

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  Aroliacue's Shipmaster Job Ban
Posted by: Aroliacue - 01-24-2022, 03:48 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Your Byond/Ckey Username: Aroliacue

Your Discord Username: Aroliacue#1911

Your character name (if relevant): Ryto 'Volirai

Who were you banned by: SharkLordSatan (I think, I SSD'd as soon as I died but they're the one that messaged me when I returned)

Date of ban: 23/01/2022

Length of ban: Indefinite(?)

Full ban reason: Committing suicide as leadership role (Shipmaster)

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: By the point I had committed suicide, the CRS had had half its atmosphere breached, we had lost the main bomb and the backup Slipspace Core bomb was what I assumed at the time to be missing on a Spirit, and all of our breaching pods/second Spirit were either used or destroyed. Medbay was completely gone. I was not aware that the Starboard Hangar was depressurized when I went in, and my lungs popped from it. At this point we had failed two attacks with very little progress made, and when I went back to Medbay to get Dexalin, there was apparently an Arbiter.

Now, I was never aware that comitting suicide was job-bannable as it isn't mentioned anywhere in the rules on Discord, and I haven't read over the rules listed in-game to see if it's any different. I was already 'dead' as my lungs were gone and I couldn't fix them without access to the operating room or the medical vendors, and my assumption was that the Arbiter would suffice as a backup Shipmaster (I will admit I was also malding at the time and just wanted to Alt+F4). I was ahealed after my first attempt but I was still not told that suicide was against the rules, and I SSD'd after my second (and successful) attempt.

I rejoined to get messaged by Shark that I was jobbanned from Shipmaster. Now, I never would've done something like this if I was a human as it'd thematically make no sense, but for Sangheili I assumed that my reasoning was good enough to justify it. Had I been told otherwise I wouldn't have attempted. This is entirely a mistake on my part as I should've ahelped it first, but I was seething too hard to think of that.

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  URF app
Posted by: SuckMySocks - 01-23-2022, 06:31 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): ComradeSocks

Discord name: canadian#1403

In-character name: Texus Red

general character info: yeehaw am URF faction leader but apparently need to reapply for the WL even though this role was thrust upon me

Reason for joining : idk bored I guess

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  Da Unsc Whitelist
Posted by: sssssssss - 01-22-2022, 07:27 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): eosfolpray

Discord name: ████████#8592

In-character name: Lennox Jenner

general character info: A average guy that is ok

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine, (mabye corpsman)

Reason for joining : Because Yes y'know?

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