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UNSC Application
Forum: Finished Applications
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07-20-2024, 10:24 PM
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Covenant Application
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Last Post: BDpuffy420
07-20-2024, 01:48 AM
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05-28-2024, 10:44 AM
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  Pre-alpha preview at 1200GMT (2 hours!)
Posted by: Cael_Aislinn - 09-19-2015, 10:09 AM - Forum: Section II (Announcements) - Replies (7)

Stream will be up at http://www.twitch.tv/cael_aislinn

Join for a chat with Cael_Aislinn, Jim Russle and surprise guest developers from the Project UNSC team. They're a surprise because we don't know who will turn up Tongue

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  Rain7x Moderator Application
Posted by: Rain7x - 09-11-2015, 01:30 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (7)

What position are you applying for (Development or Admin)? 

How old are you? 

Known IC Names Or Ckey: 
Rain Hoth, Rain7x

What timezone are you in?
 Central Standard/Daylight time

How long can you be active on the server everyday?
 Monday - Thursday 5:00 pm -10:30 pm, Friday - Sunday 9am - 1:00am

How long have you been playing Space Station 13?
1 year, 7 months

Have you ever been banned in the past?
I've been banned from Paradise Station for bad roleplay, I was wearing a gas mask running around as a non antag and hitting people. 

Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
I was an Trial-Admin on Hippie-Station, but quit because they removed my trialadmin, and said I had to improve my behavior to re gain it, and so I just quit playing there.

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  Ghost waiting to be reincarnated.
Posted by: Faxlim - 09-08-2015, 08:21 PM - Forum: Career Service Vita (CSV) - Replies (1)

Hi, im Faxlim. This thing you guys/girls or horses ( You never know if someone is horse disguising as human on internet) are making got my attention and i think its very super mega awesome, so im just here to say. Hi!

Much love from Faxlim.

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  What is a CSV?
Posted by: BDpuffy420 - 09-05-2015, 06:01 PM - Forum: In-Character (CSV) - No Replies


     This post will go over what a Career Service Vitae is and what  goes into one, granted you don't have to follow this at all.

      The Career Service Vitae (or CSV for short) is a log kept on each soldier in the UNSC, similar to a civilian resume. Every member of the UNSC Armed Forces has one, as it keeps track of that person's entire military service. PERSCOM keeps track of the CSVs for all of the UNSC soldiers and archives them for public and military access.
Some of the things that a CSV contains include:
  • Service Number

  • Date the person joined the military

  • Background information on the person

  • Battles the person has taken part in

  • Unit or starship assignments

  • Promotions, transfers, and retirements

  • Decorations the person has received

  • Time, place, and cause of death

  • Casualty classification (WIA, KIA)

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  Ship names thread
Posted by: Cael_Aislinn - 09-03-2015, 04:35 AM - Forum: Server Suggestions - Replies (20)

Thought we could start up a list of community sourced ship names to choose from if they're ever needed. Had some ideas today to start the ball rolling:

UNSC Ships

Count of Ten
All's Well
One in the Hand
No True Scotsman
Free Range
Bare Necessities
Core Priorities
Real Cool Hand
None Left Behind
May Contain Lead

Covenant Ships

Redemption Through Servitude
Confirmation of Purity
Courage and Zeal
Essence of Loyalty

Post suggestions if you got em! Themed ship names also good.

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Thumbs Up Cael_Aislinn
Posted by: Cael_Aislinn - 09-03-2015, 04:33 AM - Forum: Career Service Vita (CSV) - No Replies

Hi. I have a long history with SS13 stretching back almost to the early days. Most of my time spent playing Bay12 and TGstation, I've also spent time developing for both servers. Long time Halo fan I have a lot of ideas and the coding ability to make those ideas happen. I livestream my coding to http://www.twitch.tv/cael_aislinn sometimes.

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  Server Donations
Posted by: BDpuffy420 - 08-28-2015, 09:20 PM - Forum: Section II (Announcements) - Replies (8)



We now have a place for donations to be made for the server, this will greatly improve the progress of the server itself also keep in mind this server will run off the donations we happen to get.  The break down of the donations are here on Patreon

Donation Breakdown 

Pledge $5.00 or more per month

Donator rank on the forums

Pledge $10.00 or more per month

Donator rank on the forums plus server rank with access to donator chat on the server.

Pledge $15.00 or more per month

Donator fourm & server rank with donator chat + non-impacting game item.

Pledge $20.00 or more per month

Custom armor skin for your Spartan and Marine, included with the other donator perks.

Keep in mind we'll most likely add more to this list later on providing more perks for our donors!

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Information Greetings
Posted by: bloxgate - 08-27-2015, 03:15 AM - Forum: Career Service Vita (CSV) - No Replies

So, I've been encouraged to post here and tell you guys about myself. I'm the guy who host's the server this website is running on, and who does some of the overmap stuff. I'm currently working on finishing up a base for the insurrectionists.

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  Overmap Report 4
Posted by: bloxgate - 08-27-2015, 03:08 AM - Forum: Development - Replies (2)

I've temporarily stopped work on adding sectors to the overmap in order to try and help get the insurrection gamemode ready for release. Anyway at the time of the last change the overmap was in the following state:

  • Overmap will be in the Eridanus system including an asteroid base and 2 initial planets (WIP) + the existing space weather.
  • Antagonist bases are being considered as possible overmap destinations, to allow the crew to strike back at the home of those pesky Insurrectionists if they are able to repel them.

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  Ayyy lmao
Posted by: Chaznoodles - 08-23-2015, 02:20 PM - Forum: Career Service Vita (CSV) - No Replies

I'm Chaz. I do icons. Yo.

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