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  Spartan Application
Posted by: Chambers01 - 03-05-2022, 11:44 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKEY: Chambers01

Discord name (eg Bob#123): Chambers01#7078

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?: To my Knowledge, atleast 3-4 years

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers? No

Why do you think this application should be accepted? Because I've proved myself many times to not be a shitter and actually listen to people

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Avoid commonly known numbers like -117.): Kratos-043

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  ODST App
Posted by: CaptainCamo - 03-04-2022, 01:29 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Ckey: CaptainCamo

Timezone: CST/GMT-6

Discord Name: riot officer#0772

Character(s): Caleb Fisher, Jeremy Smith, Caleb-096, Kristopher Barnes

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?:  Applying with Caleb Fisher as they are the one I use most presently; Rather serious most of the time, tries to be polite to most every other member of the UNSC, this of course doesn't apply to insurrectionists and covenant, whom he definitely does not treat with the same respect. However they are willing to put these differences aside with insurrectionists if the situation requires. Cares about his own life too little some may say.

Provide a brief description of your character: Late 20s, black hair, clean shaven, looks to be about 6'2, usually has a smile on their face.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: I do.

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes.

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes.

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Exclamation Community Meeting #14: Revival 2022
Posted by: BDpuffy420 - 03-01-2022, 10:33 PM - Forum: Section II (Announcements) - No Replies

    Hello everyone this is our host James Russle, long time no speak! Last year 2021 really has taken a massive toll on us all collectively from covid-19 lockdowns to brewing world tensions and more smaller in comparison to those things we lost our original discord server of 5 years  due to a hack that was going around and toxic groups that whom still have it out for us took advantage of situation to further damage our community and  push public smear campaign/griefing  raids etc. which lead to long low pop period, however I'd like to say we made through another rough patch to still be kicking in 2022 just in time as Halo: Space Station Evolved turns 8 years on on the 7th this Month! (3/7/2015)
  With that all that being said folks with current rush of new faces and dev work being picked up again I figured it was the perfect time to bring back the age old tradition of our public community meeting where we open the floor to everyone to get your feedback and suggestions for the server as a whole or air out current complaints so we can work to get them sorted , also bring up other new updates such possible big code updates, rule changes or possible events we will run in the future. We have alot to go over which I will have outlined below from code  topics like talking about the new gamemodes we have lined up to bring back movie nights, so we hope to see all you new faces there and be sure to join in the meeting hall when its time! Sidenote Outer Colony Friday will happen after community meeting and server will be down during meeting!

 We also have another canon event in the works for the 8 year anniversary  to once again move our timeline forward, the time we run it shall be discussed in the meeting and if you like doing wiki work and lore stuff we are also looking for new lore/wiki guys! last but not least if you love the server please be sure to donate via our patron (https://www.patreon.com/HaloSpaceStationEvolved) or paypal !

Be sure to join the discord to stay in contact and attend the meeting!

Topic points:

  1. -Current State of the Server in regards to funding/patreon/donations  
  2. -Game Mode discussion/feedback session  

  3. -Discussion on the canon event (8 year anniversary event)
  4. -Upcoming and current code changes

  5. -Overall discussion of how we're feeling regarding the current direction of the server development.

  6. -General Q&A

  7. -Movie Night discussion

Thank you all once again for sticking with us for these 8 years and welcome the new friends on the ride!

Meeting shall be held on 3/4 6:30 PM CDT

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  Covenant Whitelist Application
Posted by: Natsu-Kashi - 02-27-2022, 07:09 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

ckey: natsu-kashi

Discord: Natsu-Kashi

In-character name: varies; name changes on every death. Some that recycle are Yunyun, Mipmap, and Jimjam.

Characters: My unggoy characters speak Sangheili better than most and can form very complete sentences when not under stress. They are also very used to dealing with idiots and have extra patience for minor incompetence of others (or maybe it's so that the pot doesn't call the kettle black.) They are not above a full panic when all the leaders die, however. 

I joined this server primarily because of the high role-play in the Halo universe, which are two ideas that I was extremely excited to see mated together. The Covenant always fascinated me throughout the games and I love roleplaying well-defined but very odd cultures like that. I would really like to experience it with other races like the Sangheili and Jiralhanae as well.

I play often on medium- and high-role-play servers like Skyrat, Hestia, and Sojourn, and am always excited when HRP scenarios appear in other ones like CM.

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  UNSC Application
Posted by: AccointNaim - 02-21-2022, 06:04 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: accointnaim

Discord name: Someone Random#5544

In-character name: Zane Willey

General character info: Zane Willey was recruited from the core worlds as part of a recruiting effort, they were trained in EVA and boarding. Though they have only boarded vessels twice so far, one on a small URF ship, and another on a Covenant scout.

Which role is your characters main: Marine. Hoping to change it to ODST.

Reason for joining: marines cool. covvies bad. want to kill covvies. also ODST whitelist is probably better for boarding operations and I want to board more.

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  Staff Complaint - Mclovin/The_grey_tide
Posted by: Aroliacue - 02-17-2022, 09:16 AM - Forum: Finished Complaints - Replies (2)

Your CKEY/BYOND username: Aroliacue

Admin's CKEY/BYOND username: The_grey_tide

Details of complaint:
The majority of the evidence in this complaint is in regards to the events of a single round, however Mclovin has repeatedly caused issues which have generally been ignored or otherwise overlooked. Despite being head admin, he consistently does general admin abuse that while can be funny at times, is overdone to the point of being incredibly annoying or just otherwise disruptive. When confronted about it, he's generally dismissive. I haven't had any 'direct' issues with him and he's not a bad person, but at times it feels like he treats the server as a shitpost.

I will start by saying that a lot of the issues relating to the match stemmed from voice chat, which really shouldn't have been happening in the first place (This is partially an oversight on my part, but as head admin he should know when to use in-game tickets for generating logs). As the round was spicyextended, it's likely that people weren't taking it very seriously either, which really shouldn't be the ideal mindset for a game admin.

Initially I asked in staff voice chat if I could be given the ability to speak the brute's language so I could communicate with another player that apparently couldn't speak English. I made an ahelp, and Xor set themselves to handling the ticket after agreeing to roll a dice for it. Xor then gave me the language, but removed my ability to speak French.

Without saying anything, Mclovin then assigned me to become a cultist, completely against my role availability and without asking me beforehand, citing it as a 'trade for speaking Jiralhanae'. I have no idea how to play cultist, nor do I like playing antagonist roles, and I really just wanted to relax that round and enjoy something that wasn't constant TDM. I didn't want to start any problems, however, so I sort of just went along with it, trying to obey the 'avoid direct conflict' thing Spicyextended is all about due to another issue I had yesterday with Stingray (Which was just me not understanding the premise of the gamemode). Whoever my deity was kept spawning in random artifacts on me and stole my blood, giving me brain damage, and Mclovin had also given themselves the cultist role, building shrines in obvious places around the map.

Admittedly after I had died from an antagonist who killed me completely wordlessly after firing the ODP at the CRS, I was very angry and wrongly took my complaints to voice chat about having been forced into an antag role. Once again Mclovin was dismissive and said I shouldn't have asked for a language.

I was happy with how Xor had handled the ticket, however Mclovin interjecting to give me an antag role and then undermining me when I'm in that antag role rubbed me the wrong way. If I was asked first and agreed to it, this would 100% be my own fault. I honestly think this is due to either a lack of communication or just general disregard for how players feel about having their game experience changed on an admin's whim, and I doubt its[attachment=28] intentional admin 'abuse', although I still feel like it should be mentioned.

Date and Time -
17/02/22 GMT
7:00 am - 8:00 am GMT

Server Revision (For game ID) -

Client Version: 514
Server Revision: e10a240c146b3fa5c070576038574dbfb2655638 - alpha -
Game ID: cgx-bdBj

Chatlogs -
Relevant Screenshots -
[Image: unknown.png]

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  M.Green honor guard app
Posted by: M.Green - 02-15-2022, 05:48 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: M.Green

Discord name(username####): DrDogler#3408

Character Name(s): Sya'tenee

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction?

4-5 years

Do you understand the restrictions that Honour Guards have placed on them?


Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE?


Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behaviour, even when not playing the role you applied for?



Your fellow Honour Guard has been killed, as well as your prophet, by a human. You saw the human do this and follow him to find a group of humans. After engaging, you manage to kill the offending human, but the others manage to retreat where you could easily follow. What do you do next?

Since the prophet is dead, I would have to report it to the current Sangheili highest rank, and to the other troops that are present, I would then tell them about the group of humans, and inform them that I will be hunting them down, for conspiring and aiding in the killing of the Prophet, and Unless ordered otherwise, I would hunt them down.

Why should you be whitelisted?

I am a dedicated member of this community and would play my role to the best of my ability, I also want to create fun, and new RP opportunities for everyone I am able to interact with

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  Covenant Whitelist Application
Posted by: Sampy901 - 02-14-2022, 02:49 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: sampy901
discord: Val #6503
In-Character Name: Slapnar (unggoy), Bamboom (Backup unggoy), Beep (Kig-Yar)
Character info: Slapnar is a grunt full of clueless confidence, wearing a pair of coding socks. Terrifying.
Bamboom is a soot-smeared grunt, with jittery hands. Looking at him, you are unsure if he should be trusted with those explosives.
Beep is a Kig-Yar who has eyes that shine especially bright for geks. (Quirks to be fleshed out more soon, I really like playing as my grunts for now.)

Reason for joining: I really like the Covies and want to be able to play as more roles to expand my options.  A character with a clear but non-disruptive quirk such as Slapnar can make for a few amusing and memorable moments, and it would be nice to have a broader canvas to paint with, so to say. Plus, as it seems the Covies are the less popular faction it'd be nice to play as slightly stronger variants to give the humans more of a fun challenge.

Roleplay History: I have been doing roleplay-related stuff for 5 or more years now, so I've gotten a good grasp on the sweet spot between being serious and casual. I always enjoy making a good story, and don't mind it being me leading the narrative or helping someone else with theirs. Earlier today during an extended round I was the shipmasters confidant in taking out a flood infiltrator and was part of the standoff between the imposters.

More depth, roles, etc: Not quite sure what you want here but I think you are asking what roles I am looking at? I'm aiming for unggoy ultra, and maybe doing some engineer gaming or being a hunter bro later on.

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  M.Greens Staff App
Posted by: M.Green - 02-13-2022, 02:28 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Age: 20

Ckey: M.Green

Discord Name: DrDogler#3408

Timezone: EST

Time in SS13: I have been a member since 2018, I have played and RPed on everything from HRP to low RP

Any SS13 Bans: No

Prior Moderation experience: I have been a mod on only one SS13 server and it was flupstation about a year or more ago, other than that it has only been Gmod, and Arma 3 server where i have modded, for Gmod I have admins and gamemastered for halo alot

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: 

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  VaultDweller69 Covie Whitelist
Posted by: VaultDweller69 - 02-13-2022, 09:03 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): vaultdweller69

Discord name: Cheeky Breeky Comrade

In-character name: Wisus (Unggoy), Servant (Yanmee), Riq Roq (Kig-Yar), Lookout (Yanmee)

general character info: Wisus likes to refer to himself as the "Wisus" (Wisest) Unggoy around, doesn't take no for an answer and has a pretty optimistic attitude, Servant and lookout are basically the same, refer to themselves in third person and have no self preservation, often leading a charge into battle in hope to even disorient the enemy to the slightest in order to gain the advantage for his hive. Riq Roq is very religious in the fact he believes in the great journey and seldom thinks of it merely for pay, though he shuns cowardness and even if the highest of ranks were to resort to running he would take it as a sin and stay on the field until he drops or his objective is complete.

Reason for joining : I adore the covies, don't get me wrong the UNSC are cool and what not, but the variety of the covies has always been the apple of my eye, having so many flavors of races helps for more story telling and even greater chance of having a meaningful experience, I also tend to take up a leadership role whenever I play either side, I try to think of everyone as my subordinates and wish only to keep them well. Therefore I want to expand my roster of characters to assist in the atmosphere and better my experience on the server as whole to be frank.

Roleplay Example/History: It's hard to get a solid example, I've had so many experiences, Riq Roq was staying behind till the 40 second mark to guard a bomb, and survived the blast only to crawl out of the rubble and try to make it to an umbilicle. 
I've also had an experience with one of the admins, a simple 2v2 he was a brute and I Riq Roq, i had a thruster pack and ended up losing both of my arms, so I asked him to drug me up and I flew towards the enemy only trying to distract them, which is worked wonders, even after loosing a foot in the process Riq Roq kept pushing until his duties were fulfilled.
Wisus has been in charge of a few squads of fellow unggoys but I think the main highlight I've had with him was being captured by the marines and tortured, added some nice flavor.

More depth with factions details IE: I'm unsure if I am supposed to write in this bit, but my knowledge of the Halo universe is vast and I try to learn any new bits as they come by.

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