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  AVP3 Covenant Whitelist Application
Posted by: AVP3 - 05-18-2022, 05:17 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): AVP3

Discord name: demetreius1233

In-character name: Always randomized However some consistent names are Jife, Mipmip, and Yapyap.

generic character Info:
 Jiralhanae which I'll name Tirloeum morael

Tirloeum Moreal is a gluttonous type of brute he is always seen feeding on the bodies of heretics in combat. Tirloeum Morael often uses quotes such as: "Our food has taken cover!" and "In the jungle, the mighty jungle the jackals feast tonight!" Tirloeum Moreal prefers to use the Type-25 Spiker to skewer his prey, mostly aiming for their legs or arms so that he can capture them for later consumption. Tirloeum Morael is sometimes seen collecting small bits of armor as "trophies" from stronger targets. however, the majority of the time views humans as a lesser species so he is rarely seen doing this.

For my Unggoy which I'll now name Mimip

Mipmip is like every other grunt, a cowardly weakling that prefers to hide instead of fight. however if Mipmip witnesses a weaker human he will quickly rush in to hit them with a Type-1 Antipersonnel grenade to steal the glory of the kill. he is often seen referring to himself as the world's gruntiest of grunts.

For my Kig-Yar which I'm going to call Kic Zhic:

Kic Zhic, also known as "The scavenger" is always seen at the end of big battles rummaging through the dead for any shinies that he sometimes wears and or collects. Jife is sometimes seen in battle wearing the shiniest of items on his person as he thinks shinies give him "Luck" however all it does is make him a dazzling target for a nearby UNSC Sniper. It's amazing how he survived this long.

For my Yanme'e which I'll now name TigTig:

Zigzig is always seen on the battlefield tinkering with the littlest of things, sometimes he can be seen fixing a dead heretics Flashlight, other he can be seen trying to fix a dropship. TigTig also scavenges parts of armor and builds material from Human settlements. Zigzig is also always seen zig-zagging around the area, going from fixing 1 thing to another in an instant. he takes his job very seriously and when other Yanme'e who are not a part of his hive/Engineer start fixing things near him he gets aggressive towards them. Not seen helping them at all. 

For my Mgalekgolo which I'll name Koyola Yiha Wesi  

Koyola Yiha Wesi is a silent beast never seen talking to any covenant troop besides his bond brother. however those conversations often sounds like deep rumbles to local covenant/UNSC troops nearby. In combat, Koyola Yiha Wesi is a ferocious killer, often tormenting his attackers by breaking their legs with his shield before crushing their heads with his foot. He is almost always seen leading charges with his covenant brothers. He seems to hold a deep grudge against worthogs. he has always seen going out of his way to destroy the worthog and the ones who piloted it in the most painful way possible.

For my Sangheili which I'll name Rtuvo Rofumee

Rtuvo 'Rofumee is an honor bond elite (Who would have guessed!?) however he will do whatever it takes to achieve his place in the Great journey even if it means slaughtering younglings. Rtuvo 'Rofumee is often seen using his energy sword to swiftly take down the heretics that dare oppose the covenant. The majority of the ways he kills his target is by holding them in the air by their necks with 1 arm, before plunging his energy sword into their chest. He does this because he wants to be the last thing those heretics see before they die. This elite has seen his fair share of glassing of planets and is not a newcomer to wars. He also seems to target ODST and Spartans. The reason is unknown.

Reason for joining: I wanted to join the covenant because I always loved the great journey, plus I'm pretty sure the majority of the player's play will join UNSC because of spartan 2 (Soz for soo much typing)

Roleplay Example/History: I play CM, Terragrove, and Dead space Roleplay.

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  Caelum Application
Posted by: Caelum - 05-14-2022, 04:46 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): CaelumZ

Discord name: Caelum#4345

In-character name: Rex 'Chance' Lombardi

general character info: I play a variety of characters, from Rex to Bapbap. I find myself a variety player, playing for the side that's losing (usually).

Reason for joining : I want to better balance out rounds that seem too much in favor of one side, but that's tough when all ya' got access too are the Grunts and Kig-yar. I think this opens things up a bit for me.

Roleplay Example/History: Do I need to put this here? I've played covenant before, on the whitelist even.

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Posted by: Cepper - 05-14-2022, 02:38 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

ckey: Cepep

Discord name: cep #7396

In-character name: Arthur Rowe

General Info: A volunteer from Mars, highly patriotic and highly motivated like most volunteers from the Inner colonies. Comes from a long lineage of military service, so it was only fitting that he followed in his progenitor's footsteps- he preferred being sent to a military academy rather than seek a more lucrative civilian technical school. Befitting to the namesake of his home-planet, one could look over his record and come to the conclusion that Rowe was born and bred for war.

MOS: Recon Marine

Reason for Joining: Follow orders, kill innies, kill crab-faces, kill bugs, save our species.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  ODST Application
Posted by: Deionus - 05-13-2022, 03:38 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Lord Inquisitor Plasmaman

Timezone: EST

Discord Name: Dieter#4237

Character(s): Viktor Orwell.

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Viktor is a very commanding individual, often demanding and screaming orders out rather than simply speaking because he feels as if it's the only means of getting messages across and being heard. This being said, though he does scream at people he often does it for what he believes to be rightful reasons. This can range from saving someone's life, to preventing property damage, or preventing injury. He's very belligerent, loving to fight on the battlefield. Though he is very belligerent and enjoys warfare, he does not harbor any hate for his enemies. He knows that he has a job, to eliminate targets. Harboring feelings, he believes, is how you lose to your enemy. You must be neutral towards your enemy, and kill them without feeling. You must be cold and calculating when fighting to win the battle. He enjoys the feedback from high-rate of fire weapons, often telling others at the training firing ranges how satisfying it is to feel the machine roar back as it spits pure death. He believes that unit cohesion is important, and is a strong believer in keeping a battle-buddy with you; someone who will hold your back when things get tough, someone who can assist you in evacuating if you are injured, or simply someone to assist you in moving around so that you do not get ambushed alone. The URF he does harbor a disdain for, as his brother Ogden Orwell defected to the URF after serving in the UNSC for less than a year. This is when he breaks his creed, he believes his brother must be put down for turn-coating. This belief stems from his strong feelings of loyalty.

Provide a brief description of your character: Arab-African mid-thirties man born into a military family, his father having served in the Office of Naval Intelligence. He harbors no hatred towards the covenant, but believes it extremely necessary to destroy every and all non-human covenant sympathizer to protect humanity as a race. This coincides with his former following of the religion of Islam, where it is believed that you must not harbor any hatred towards your enemy, but must justly slay them as is required and spare them as discretion decides.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes, I understand.

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  faction change to unsc
Posted by: Loldaddy576 - 05-06-2022, 11:43 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey :Loldaddy5676

Discord name: The British#3970

In-character name: Mike Barker

general character info: A guy that loves to dive into combat head on, not wanting to wait a long time in between engagements 

Which role is your character's main: Marine Specialist, Machine gunner

Reason for joining : want to become a odst, dont know if i have to first become unsc then odst. gonna make this app though

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  Server Unban
Posted by: Caelum - 04-16-2022, 06:17 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: Caelumz (Also use the keys Killinkyle/Gogetablue/probablysomeothers)

Your Discord Username: Caelum#4345
Your character name (if relevant): Not relevant

Who were you banned by: thegreytide

Date of ban: 2020-01-17

Length of ban: Doesn't say, but considering what I remember of the conversation, it was likely permanent.

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: It's been two years. I recall being a bit of a dick, faint memories of rule breaking, and a lot of unnecessary drama. Well.

Two years is a long time, and since then, I like to think I've changed as a person. I play games, I have fun, I don't take things overtly seriously anymore (Outside of my own health and college work) and I've been a good bean on other servers (If you want a reference, uh, I'm whitelisted for Predator over on CM13). I'd love to play the game again and I do enjoy Halo and the community around it. I understand if you'd rather not though, if I recall correctly it was not a clean ban and some wounds are hard to heal, if they ever do at all.

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  UNSC Application
Posted by: blank cat - 04-01-2022, 11:46 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey:blank cat

Discord name: va#9212

In-character name: Liena Sierris

general character info: She is originally from one of Jupiter's moons, Europa. With no better job prospects and a war against the Covenant ongoing, she decided to enlist. She later found she had a knack for marksmanship and became a scout sniper.

Which role is your character's main: Scout Sniper Marine

Reason for joining: I enjoy playing as marines.

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  theakboyy whitelist application
Posted by: theakboyy - 03-09-2022, 12:41 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed):
my ckey is theakboyy

Discord name:
my discord name is russianfederation616

in character name hanz zimmermann though i haven't succesfully saved it to a slot on all maps due to the way character slots work and peoples reluctance to play some maps

general character info: hanz is an aging vet who one day was called back into service seeing as he is an agin old coot he has quite the ornery personality and has enough of this alien nonsense and decided if he's going to die might aswell do the corps proud one last time

my typical role is advanced recon marine or gunnery seargant though i would like to primarily become a helljumper both because it fits the old mans wish to go out like any brave marine

and his experience would lend him to special operations

my reason for joining well for one the aformentioned RP reasons and because i would like to have more variety in my UNSC gameplay
In-character nam

general character info:

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc):

Reason for joining 

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  AccointNaim's Spartan Application
Posted by: AccointNaim - 03-06-2022, 06:23 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKEY: AccointNaim

Characters: Zane Willey, Walter Zavodsky, Lance Scott, Zikz, and Milsik

Discord name (eg Bob#123): Someone Random#5544

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?: Around five days at the time of posting, however I played marine for about a week and a half before the application was accepted.

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers? I remember being banned here for three days for rebelling against the Covenant as a T'vaoan and fleeing the ship. This was around a year or two ago now.

Why do you think this application should be accepted? I think I've proven myself to be a capable roleplayer, I try to make fights a fun experience for both sides, and I take criticism well. I'm not the most robust person in the server, however I can handle a 1v1 pretty well. Besides, people aren't looking to get stomped by a Spartan after the ODP phase is done, they're looking for a fun fight. And for the marines, a person to rally behind and lead the push to destroy the Covenant scanner. I'm hoping I can provide a fun experience to both sides as I play Spartan.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Avoid commonly known numbers like -117.): Tirin-121

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  ilikesaying Spartan Application
Posted by: ilikesaying - 03-06-2022, 12:22 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name (eg Bob#123): 

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?: 
around 2 months

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?: 
i was permabanned on TGMC on July 2020 for extreme lrp but have grown since then 

Why do you think this application should be accepted?: 
i know enough medical to treat myself, i can roleplay pretty well and i know how to play a spartan.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Avoid commonly known numbers like -117.):

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