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Covenant application
Forum: Recruiting Citadel
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08-27-2024, 11:07 PM
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UNSC Application
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07-20-2024, 10:24 PM
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Covenant Application
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07-20-2024, 01:48 AM
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Thumbs Up Covenant WL
Posted by: Necti - 08-11-2022, 11:07 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: homestucknecktie

Discord name: Necti#6604

In character name: Vipa 'Kasumee

General character info: Vipa is known to be a really buff and muscular elite, but not as much as to be considered a brute. He is a rather soft-hearted individual, not being as ruthless as his fellow brothers. But when needed, he will administer punishments. He is also known to be rather honorbound, as he descended from a long line of warriors, and wants to prove his worth and his family name.

Reason for joining: I had a covenant whitelist in the past that was approved and I simply want to have another approved. 

RP History: I have been rping since 2021, or before such. I have been a lore moderator for a fallout 13 server, which was all about RP and such. I have also played on a few HRP servers from time to time. I have had a hiccup at one point but that was far in the past.

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  Ban Appeal
Posted by: Joe4444 - 08-11-2022, 10:12 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: Joe4444

Your Discord Username:Joe4444#7077

Your character name (if relevant): Not relevant

Who were you banned by: Mactoperfuror

Date of ban: 2021-07-27

Length of ban: Permenant

Full ban reason: Lying whilst under investigation and harrassment of staff. There was an imgur link too but it seems to have expired. iirc though, the meme was a tianammen square copypasta about a staff member.

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: I've thought about the actions I took and I would like to apologise for any harm caused, i've reflected alot in the year since i've been banned and would like to come back and continue playing halostation.

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  Innie application
Posted by: CYFR4434 - 08-11-2022, 10:02 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed):

Discord name: CYFR4434 2.0#5589

In-character name: Jamie Gray

general character info: Jamie Gray is a pissy hag that can get 'nice' if given a chance, but usually she's shoot first ask questions later. Unless if the situation calls for a different method.

Reason for joining : The insurrection is one of my preferred parts of the HALO universe, which is why the URF is my go to.

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  UNSC funny list
Posted by: MrGruntRights - 08-11-2022, 09:02 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): darkincarnate

Discord name: deefoursee#1034

In-character name: Brian Wright

general character info: He was brought up in a relatively wealthy family, eventually realising having it all is fuckin' boring so he decides to join the UNSC and get something fun to happen in his life.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining : Well I've been a covie for a few weeks now and I want to see what the other side is like so I'm deciding to apply for UNSC. Also funny hellflamer.

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  AccointNaim takes up a glassblowing hobby.
Posted by: AccointNaim - 08-11-2022, 07:05 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: accointnaim
Discord name: Someone Random#5544'
In-character name: Floats-Slightly-Higher
General character info: Huragok lifesaver, heals anything in its path unless they get told to stop by a member of the Covenant.
Reason for joining: More roles, more fun.
Roleplay Example/History: I play on Aurora every so often, and I have the Spartan whitelist on this server.

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  USNC Whitelist
Posted by: keebo995 - 08-11-2022, 03:19 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (4)

ckey: keebo885
Discord name: keebo885#9930

In-chaacter name: Warner Gadow (USNC Marine)

General Character info: Warner comes from a military family, with his grandfather and father both serving in the USNC. He was inspired to join after marines repelled a Covenant assault on his homeworld, with his father called up as a reservist and giving his life to defend the planet. He is focused on one thing only now: revenge against the Covenant.

Which role is your characters main: Marine, hoping to try out new roles such as ODST and Hellbringer.

Reason for joining: It would be really interesting to drop pod in on Covenant or spray down a hallway with a flamethrower, trying out the more unique roles in the USNC.

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  Covenant Whitelist
Posted by: keebo995 - 08-11-2022, 03:06 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

ckey: keebo885
Discord name: keebo885#9930

In-character name: Tiz (Kig-Yar) 

General Character info: A clumsy but brave Kig-Yar, Tiz is terrible at piloting and other fine motor skills but a crackshot with a needle rifle and the first to charge in a battle. He hopes to be recognized for his skill one day and bring glory to the Covenant.

Reason for joining: I find the Covenant to be really interesting with all kinds of species working together towards a common goal, with differences that could make for rich RP opportunities. I've played Unggoy and Kig-Yar already, and I'd like to try RPing as some of the other species when I play covenant.

Roleplay example/history: Fallout 13, Baystation, I've been enjoying MRP/HRP servers alot. In fallout 13, I've played NCR and Legion representative where you have to RP with other factions through diplomacy.

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  Trando223 Application
Posted by: Trando223 - 07-27-2022, 12:02 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

ckey: Trando223
Discord name: Sangheili_CSS_Evil_boy#3755

In-chaacter name: Yapnap (Unggoy)

General Character info: Yapnap is a very crazy Unggoy Minor there it loves to throw plasma grenades at its enemies. and then shoot Aggessiv at them with his Type-25 plasma pistol so his leaders can possibly do the rest.

Reason for joining: I found the server by chance in the server list, I've also played on the Halo server and now I wanted to apply for an Active Position Here in the Covenant Empire to get possible access to the Other Species because I usually only players Unggoy Minors/Majors I see or occasionally Kig-yar's and most of them are without a Leader, my goal is actually to play on a Jiralhanae and I would like to realize this dream. to Command smaller species like Unggoy, Kig-yar Yanme'e.

Roleplay example/history: Halo Space Station Evolved , Fallout 13 , Dead Space 13 , CM .

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  Covie whitelist
Posted by: MrGruntRights - 07-26-2022, 01:31 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

ckey: darkincarnate

Discord name: deefoursee#1034

In-chaacter name: Beezle bonkle (Grunt)

General Character info: A grunt of a lineage stolen from their home planet, born in the slums of high charity knowing nothing but 'The Great Journey', he can barely shoot a gun! I usually play idiotic characters because it's funny for everyone.

Reason for joining: Found the server when browsing and it just so happened to be halo which I absolutely enjoy and love the idea of the server in general.

Roleplay example/history: Most prominently Eipharus 40k, I usually play inquisitor on there but I also have a shit ton of playtime on Paradise station, aurora, F19 and CM.

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  Innie application
Posted by: Caveman - 06-27-2022, 02:59 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): andersonfavi

Discord name:agent_skipper#8703

In-character name: Vivian Keener

general character info:  Vivian Keener is a bold and balsy marine sometimes and sometimes a calm and thinking man.


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