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  SpanishTomato's Sangheili Application
Posted by: SpanishTomato - 10-10-2018, 08:25 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: spanishtomato

Discord name: SpanishTomato

In-character name: Sa’to Valinee

General character info: Having been born into the House of Valin, known for producing shipmasters, Sa’to was expected to be a swordsman and great military leader. Instead, he chose more a more nuanced religious path, and became fascinated by the holy artifacts that were to lead to the Great Journey’s commencement. Still, he is an accomplished warrior that nevertheless prefers a more subtle approach to combat. What he lacks in excessive combat prowess, he makes up for in his intense faith and commitment to the Prophets.

Reason for joining: I love the Elites and their space-crusader feel. I’ve never been as deep into Halo lore as I am Star Wars, but the Sangeili and various mish-mash of Covvie races fascinates me to no end. I love the marine and UNSC lifestyle, but I have a particular fondness for the spiritual crusade of the Elites and want to help bring that to life on the server.

Roleplay Example/History: I’m primarily a borg player on Paradise, and I lean into the RP aspect of being a big scary emotionless robot pretty heavily. For real RP, I’m an experienced GM for tabletop games and know my way around good acting and improv storytelling – and all that comes from a heritage of text rp from my early teenage years, some of which was Halo related.

Typical attitude(s) towards Unggoy – Pests that are often at best a distraction for the enemy. Good for suicide runs and soaking up damage. The rare competent ones should be used sparingly.

Towards Kig-Yar – Useful scouts. Useful snipers. Their skill is invaluable to the tactics Sa’to tends to employ and he treats them well. Their versatility as both shield-bearers and snipers allow for a variety of tactics, and Sa'to's preferred use of stealthy ambushes and trickery utilize the Kig-Yar's own skills well.

Towards Jiralhanae – Bigger, better Unggoy that create bigger, better distractions and suicide runs. Preferred over Unggoy mostly because they’re less chatty.

Towards Mgalekgolo – Walking heavy armor that deserves respect, both in their usage against the enemy and in their treatment within the unit. Carefully deployed, a bonded pair can change the tide of battle in new and exciting ways. Less versatile than Sangheili and Kig-Yar, but nevertheless very, very good at what they CAN do.

Towards other Sangheili – Versatile, capable warriors. Sa’to respects his brothers in arms and their crusade against the heretics. If under command of one, he shows respect and loyalty unending. If in command, he will try to ensure their survival and success – not necessarily in that order. The key to a true warrior is respect. It is no wonder the heretics show none and die so quick.

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  Ban Appeal (Dr.Arturo)
Posted by: Dr.Arturo - 10-10-2018, 01:58 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: Dr.Arturo

Who were you banned by: bdpuffy420

Date of ban: 9-10-2018

Length of ban: permban
Full ban reason: I was on deck 2 not knowing what to do anymore then I saw an odst and then I decided to continue to see if I could help something in all that time I had an assault rifle which when entering a room next to odst I shot him without wantingand the shot came to a fuel can that exploded and caused the entire deck 2 to be left without light and I was all confused and scared since I was expecting them to yell at me and I'm sorry to apologize then the odst tries to disarm me but I thought he was shooting me and shoot him in "back"

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: Well, it was a very big mistake of mine but I encerio I like your game and I would like to continue playing

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  Discord Ban
Posted by: SpiderPsycho - 10-05-2018, 01:24 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: Bacon_Enderman | Spider_Psycho#5789 / S P O O K - G O L O  on the discord.

Your character name (if relevant):

Who were you banned by: Maxattacker

Date of ban: 5/10/2018

Length of ban: Permanent

Full ban reason: "Given that you've been warned many times, your recent behavior has warranted a ban. If you would like to appeal this ban, go ahead and do it on the forums"

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned:
I was banned because according to staff and Stormtrooper, I made a passive aggressive statement. I recall being warned once, heavily of course, but I wasn't warned repeatedly. I was told to stop at the time of the current dispute and I did. What I don't understand are the limits and applications of this rule. I can be called salty a thousand times but if I call someone a troglodyte, I get grounded. I can say that someone regularly ignores my arguments for what I percieve to just be for the sake of it and they can say that I have poor comprehension, but I get banned. What are the rules? No insulting anyone at all ever? Not even the slightest bit? If so then why is it that I get banned when others who insult each other don't?

If you want to implement this "no insulting everyone ever, even if its barely passive aggressive and more of a recounting of your previous engagements with someone" rule, then tell me and I just won't speak to anyone other than devs and a select few people. And tell me blatantly. I thought the rules were that you can't heavily insult or be cuntish to someone. Is what you perceive to be passive aggressive really a full blown shitfit?

2) Keep everything friendly and civil, most rules from the server apply here. That includes keeping a friendly environment.

A friendly environment where you can get called salty, a dick, and everything else. People disagree with you by default solely because your username is purple and theirs is gray or green, and people can call you a cunt and insult you and ignore the rules because their username is yellow or red. If you want to enforce the rules, then enforce them and apply them to yourself as well, not just selectively and whenever you feel like it. I've been insulted multiple times by staff and I don't whine about it, but the second someone gets insulted by me, then they get pampered. I don't want to have to stoop so low as to get someone banned because they insulted me. But if you insist on dragging me down to that level then fine, I'll apply the rules to you as well.

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  Ban appeal
Posted by: Deathshot859ks - 10-03-2018, 11:07 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Your Byond/Ckey Username: Deathshot859ks

Your character name (if relevant): Can't recall

Who were you banned by: Can't recall

Date of ban: Mid 2017

Length of ban: Perma

Full ban reason: I had gotten bored and released some phorone canisters to spark things up, didn't get anyone killed but did grief.

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned because at the time I was new to byond and did not know much about servers in terms of rule-sets. If I am unbanned I can assure you in every which way you will never have to deal with this account in terms of appealing.

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  Ingredients Moderator Application
Posted by: Ingredients - 09-30-2018, 11:26 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (3)

Age: 29

Ckey: Ingredients

Discord Name: Ingredients

Timezone: Central Time

Time in SS13:  I'm not sure, at least five years.

Any SS13 Bans: Hah. I was banned from paradise station, because when I asked an admin whether or not I should order a space wizard to be killed on sight, and they said I wasn't fit to be the captain and then perma job banned and I responded by saying that was a "gay" move because I was RPing to my hearts content, but just trying to learn more about the job at hand. They then took dispute with my use of the word "gay" oocly... When I attempted to ask if I could use their forums in order to argue a case for a way to use the word gay without intentionally demeaning homosexual people, the admin who I think was the head admin at the time responded with much hostility. I then expressed the idea that their inability to even hear me out was a form of repression but that I wouldn't say it anymore and the admin responded by permabanning me.  I don't regret that for a moment and fuck paradise station's admins who I now mostly view as people who believe they are "all that" just because they can ban who they like without really affecting their player base. That is my only ban ever on SS13 however, and did happen a few years ago when I was much newer to the lore.

Prior Moderation experience: I've admined on a Fallout 13 Server before. Though I did get cut from their ranks because they claimed I focused too much on the RP instead of the actual job. A claim I dispute to this day as when they first mentioned they believed I was doing this I took the time and effort to do my best to respond to every ticket that came my way when I was online even while I was providing players with probably the most interesting and creative RP stories and quests the server ever had to offer before and after I was an admin there. I am not bragging so you know, just stating a fact as I had never seen any other admin create an entirely new town for instance, and then add quest materials around the entire map for players to find in order to obtain unique weapons (which were not overpowered), and at the same time use the Custom made characters RP in order to attempt to bring players together by having an additional quest to recruit more players to the town in order to cause real-time changes to said town which reflected player population or other secondary quest option which involved player made town improvements. They did ask me to reapply as an admin though as they wanted to give me another chance, but I saw that the server was in a downward spiral with that sort of attitude and decision making so I did not do so. I was right in the end, that server has been dead for quite a while now, again that is also not a brag as that was the most interesting and fun Fallout Server I have ever played on to date, and I continued to RP there even after I was no longer an admin and brought RP to the server as much as I could as a player often playing as a bartender who would attempt to act as a shop and quest giver via the remaining admins help.  *cough* Rengusta *cough* 

Before Fallout I had also admined on multiple Dragon Universe servers, and that only ended when the various server hosts decided to shut down their servers either from lack of funds or available time. I've been offered the chance to Admin more on Dragon Universe servers back when I was super into it, but I refused because at that time I wanted to focus on IC and I knew that all the A-Chat and other messages tended to interfere with my RP capabilities.

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: Being as fair and balanced as possible, never make a decision admin-wise because you feel personally slighted, and if you are unsure about your own personal ruling you should collaborate with any other admins you can in order to ascertain whether you the admin are in the right, or if the player, in fact, might be. As a moderator or admin you should understand you are fallible and to act without either some sort of investigation or coming to an understanding with the player in question can damage your player base more then you think.

Ingredients' Custom Question:
Why do you want to be an admin on this server?:
I thoroughly enjoy this server's theme, I hope I have shown at least a little bit of that by becoming a collaborator on some of the flavor projects and in-game RP which dozens of players have gone on to enjoy. I also have noticed a lack of any number of admins online at times, especially during low-pop times. I personally dislike that there is more often than not (at least when I am online) no one around to help those players (those who play even in low pop) because those players are the ones who enjoy the game so much that they don't require a certain population limit to join in and try to have a good time despite the obstacles these players face. I think it is important to remember that without our low pop players there would be no high pop at all since no one would ever want to join the game because there aren't enough players on for their liking.

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  Unggoy Application
Posted by: FarFromTheTsar - 09-30-2018, 09:19 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (2)

Ckey: FarFromTheTsar

Discord name: FarFromTheTsar

In-character name: Quinyip

general character info: A young Unggoy who was fortunate enough to be born on his homeworld and not in the many birthing chambers of the Covenant, he has a slight taste of what life was before the Covenant, however he never questions the will of the prophets and the foreboding Sangheili. Quinyip usually takes interest in various eccentric machines and trinkets wherever he find himself. He particulary doesn't like fighting or the Sangheili's strong sense of honor and duty, but always never question it. 

Reason for joining: I always loved the Grunts over any other enemy NPC in all the other Halo games, because they were lovable enemy. Halo 2 I believe gave them better and more unique personalities of which I always liked playing with them on the levels with the Arbiter. Usually they are used as a cannon fodder infantry which you easily blow through in all the games but the lore behind them I found interesting, mainly the Unggoy Rebellion and where they stood post Covenant. 

Roleplay Example/History: I've been playing regularly Halo 13 for a couple months now floating around to different roles and such, before this I played Colonial Marines and Paradise. So I can say I am experienced with the gameplay and roleplay.

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  John Halo's Bizarre Adventure: OOC is meme-able
Posted by: Zergrush - 09-30-2018, 02:04 PM - Forum: The Barracks (General Discussion) - Replies (8)

(The following is a collection of logs from OOC, from a single round, following the anime of John Halo and all subsequent arcs. Enjoy)
Zergursh: John Halo, Hokage of the Gotei 13, fought the Magic Knight's First Angel Bondrewd but eventually died due to Bakugo stabbing him in the back with the Lance of Longinus
Cythes: then he met his rival sonic and they have decided to team up against the forces of pokemon and fight their leader, john halo's brother bill halo as he is the only person who knows where master chief is

Zergursh: Thankfully, his jedi force ghost was still around to mentor Mario in the arts of CQC combat, turning him into "Red boss". Red boss would eventually save the world from the weapon that surpassed metal gear
Zergursh: I can't believe they killed off Waluigi, though. He was the greatest dragonborn of Mother Base
Cythes: yeah his death was pretty fuckin sad

Cythes: yeah his death was pretty fuckin sad
 Cythes: I think he should have survived and they needed to kill link instead
 OnePlusOne: ya'lll ar edum
 ComradeJeff: people say waluigi did nothing wrong, but thing is, he started the eclipse which killed the band of brothers
 OnePlusOne: they should've just killed off shaggy
 Cythes: that's the non-canon version Jeff
 Zergursh: Ahhhh, how did Shaggy survive the 3rd impact, though? I thought Griffith's apostles would certainly be able to win!

OnePlusOne: iirc I'm pretty sure waluigi executed order 6969
ComradeJeff: yeah but tbf kirito is the true blacks swordsman
 Specter56: grrr...crap to play or not too play..
 Cythes: tbh I think Shaggy was the one behind Harry Potter starting to execute people
 Specter56: ...its 2AM...sheettt

Specter56: catch yah
 ComradeJeff: godby s[pecty 56
 OnePlusOne: tbh I feel like
 OnePlusOne: shaggy is the best character
 OnePlusOne: some say he doesn't have depth or whatever
 Zergursh: I loved Kirito's Super Saiyan transformation, though. That fight with Deku was hype!
 Cythes: shaggy sucks mate
 OnePlusOne: but you can really sympathise with him
 ComradeJeff: he;s over rated
 Cythes: waluigi was the best character come on

Zergursh: I loved Kirito's Super Saiyan transformation, though. That fight with Deku was hype!
 Cythes: shaggy sucks mate
 OnePlusOne: but you can really sympathise with him
 ComradeJeff: he;s over rated
 Cythes: waluigi was the best character come on
 OnePlusOne: lao no
 ComradeJeff: i think sans has the best story tbh
 Zergursh: Waluigi died in Fortnite season 7. I mean, even John Doe beat herobrine in that, it should have been easy to survive!
 ComradeJeff: after all he did beat the gogol empire

OnePlusOne: who the fuck likes sans

ComradeJeff: ok pal sans is the one carrying that poomess atm
 OnePlusOne: are you a du m b o
 Cythes: I have this one theory that waluigi is actually hiding his true form since it's too powerful
 Zergursh: Sans vs Bowsette was an awesome fight imo
 OnePlusOne: anyone with more than one brain cell would realise shaggy with a scooby snack is the best

ComradeJeff: sans vs bowsette was pretty good

OnePlusOne: sans vs bowsette was a letdown
 OnePlusOne: not even a single world exploded
 ComradeJeff: but i prefered gintoki vs naruto

ComradeJeff: actually. . i think fart simpson vs naruto was a better fight
 Cythes: sans vs bowsette was cool and all until they started to make peace and kissed each other tbh everyone is shipping them now
 OnePlusOne: I wanted boo-ette x sans tbh
 ComradeJeff: sans doesnt need anyone
 Zergursh: Aww come on, Gintoki vs Naruto? Jotaro vs Naruto was a way better fight!
 ComradeJeff: jotaro vs naruto was alright at best

OnePlusOne: eh
 ComradeJeff: just felt like filler tbh
 OnePlusOne: even the fuggin
 OnePlusOne: shitty toad backstory
 OnePlusOne: is better than that
 Cythes: kirito vs john halo was unexpected tbh
 Zergursh: Part 10 was pretty filler until Toad came back from outer space with all the dragon balls
 OnePlusOne: no it wasn't
 OnePlusOne: you could feel the rivalry
 ComradeJeff: seeing john halo again gave me goosebumps
 Cythes: yeah but like
 Cythes: it was two seasons ago
 ComradeJeff: old but gold as they say
 OnePlusOne: so was your mom, sans-lover
 Cythes: john then parted his ways with kirito
 Zergursh: Yhea. Seeing Luffy hug John Halo pretty much made me know that the 13th member of the straw hat pilots was gonna die
 Zergursh: RIP john Halo

ComradeJeff: majima vs luffy was mental
 OnePlusOne: sad tbh
 Cythes: oh shit hold on

Cythes: didn't bill halo uhh sacrifice his life for his brother?

OnePlusOne: I hated it when it showed devito destroying a sun
 OnePlusOne: and it turns into a blackhole
 Cythes: bill halo was fighting john halo why the fuck did he sacrifice his life for john after all of that evil work
 OnePlusOne: but then superman couldn't fix it for some reason
 Tristain01: i made the best sandwich ever
 OnePlusOne: when three eps ago it showed that he could patch black holes
 ComradeJeff: i still cant believe kirito beat dio tho
 Tristain01: SAO?
 Zergursh: Superman's introduction was awesome but his quirk, chakra construction, was a lackluser nen ability
 OnePlusOne: no wtf are you talking about
 OnePlusOne: it's halo13
 ComradeJeff: not to mention ainz ooal gown didnt do shit

ComradeJeff: not to mention ainz ooal gown didnt do shit
 Cythes: I think dio is supposed to bring back the dead johnny johnny from the undergrounds
 OnePlusOne: he felt like he's just a generic copy paste tbh
 Cythes: he is going to come back soon I feel it tbh
 OnePlusOne: kirito was the original copy paste
 Tristain01: ah nacho checce ham sammich
 ComradeJeff: wat
 OnePlusOne: man I liked ainz
 Zergursh: Kirito's Nen ability was pretty cool against Netero, though, Dio coming back was certainly a surprise! Ainz was pretty cool
 OnePlusOne: sad when he lost his shitty world relics to jotaro
 ComradeJeff: ainza was abit of a cuck tho
 ComradeJeff: he had it comming
 Cythes: guys who do you think will win? john halo and jotaro or kirito and luffy
 OnePlusOne: meanwhile, what about bowsette
 OnePlusOne: do you guys felt the reveal was a bit rushed?
 ComradeJeff: yeah
 Cythes: mmm yeah
 OnePlusOne: john halo and jotaro
 ComradeJeff: they just wanted to get it out the way
 OnePlusOne: the subplot was pretty sweet doe
 Cythes: there were also hints in previous episodes but like
 Cythes: they were too obvious
 ComradeJeff: i hope nagatoro makes a debut thou
 OnePlusOne: what about El President's aarc
 OnePlusOne: when he launched nuclear missiles at Namek
 Cythes: guys you think luigi is going to come back?

OnePlusOne: fuck no
 OnePlusOne: he died to frieza and got tossed into the black hole
 OnePlusOne: he ain't coming back
 Cythes: he was too powerful to die like that
 Cythes: some people have theories that he will come back
 OnePlusOne: those theories aren't even good
 Zergursh: Eh, I'm just disappointed in Shinji. He only got in the robot twice
 OnePlusOne: like, they 'think' he owns some world relics and dragon balls
 OnePlusOne: but it's just stipulation at best
 ComradeJeff: its for the best that luigi doesnt come back
 OnePlusOne: fuck Shinji imo
 Cythes: oh shit I just got a leak!!
 OnePlusOne: now what about Goku and his quest to find Lostech

OnePlusOne: omg yes
 Tristain01: yall just memin
 ComradeJeff: goku is a lil bitch
 ComradeJeff: sans is just playing with him at this point
 OnePlusOne: jeff you better fuckin
 Cythes: mario was too sad because of his death and he sacrificed his right arm to bring his brother back
 Cythes: tbh I agree with jeff
 ComradeJeff: sorry one minus one
 OnePlusOne: fuckin jeff
 OnePlusOne: cythes I thought you were my brother
 ComradeJeff: but goku is san's punching bag
 Zergursh: What about Saitama? The one punch man? Who do you think he's gonna fight next?
 OnePlusOne: like how vader thought gohan was his brother
 Cythes: uhhh god probably lmao

Cythes: yeah pikachu was a cool char ngl
 OnePlusOne: what did they even do with misty's waterbending arc anyway
 OnePlusOne: it just ended like, suddenly

Cythes: ikr

ComradeJeff: guess they couldnt be cocked to finish it properly
 OnePlusOne: also, who's yer favorite villian?

Zergursh: The best villain was Bakugo imo

ComradeJeff: kiriyu kazama

Cythes: no tbh I think the best villain was scooby doo with his plan to kill merlin and make world war three

Cythes: no tbh I think the best villain was scooby doo with his plan to kill merlin and make world war three
 Cythes: he isn't confirmed dead yet too
 OnePlusOne: ww3 wasn't even good

Zergursh: Merlin was the worst of the seven deadly slaps tbh. No idea why they aren't dead
 OnePlusOne: when superman and el presidente was there

OnePlusOne: also guys
 OnePlusOne: what about john halo
 Cythes: john halo tbh is a bad mc imo
 ComradeJeff: john halo is
 OnePlusOne: remember that he still has the infinity gems
 Zergursh: 3rd Impact > Griffith's Eclipse > WW3 > Adventure time's Candy Kingdom civil war
 ComradeJeff: he's a good character but he's a shit MC if that makes sense
 Cythes: john halo is too fucking op
 OnePlusOne: Eclipse was breddy good

ComradeJeff: seeing shou tucker die was pretty shitty
 OnePlusOne: oof
 ComradeJeff: like it wasnt needed ya know

Cdr_Riley: i come back form alking ma dog and is ee this
 Zergursh: Shou Tucker didn't deserve to die, they didn't even bring him back with the noble phantasm either

Cythes: ikr
 OnePlusOne: >tucker didn't deserve to die

OnePlusOne: are you dumbo
 Cythes: ikr
 Zergursh: Shou Tucker was a good dad, though, not as good as Bondrewd
 Cythes: he turned papyrus into a dog

ComradeJeff: thats like two of the best things put into one

Cythes: there was a leak that in a backstory episode there will be everything revealed about shou tucker

ComradeJeff: fuck man i cant wait

Cythes: yeah ikr
 OnePlusOne: hell yes

Zergursh: Though, if it's like Naruto's flashbacks, I hope it won't be 200 episodes

Cdr_Riley: waht are you talking about?
 ComradeJeff: i heard shinji might even get into a gurren lagann
 Cythes: I think it will be just two episodes

ComradeJeff: im hoping it isnt filler
 Zergursh: Get in the Gurren Lagann Shinji

Cythes: oh shit the first backstory episode is out!!
 OnePlusOne: yeet
 OnePlusOne: get the drill shinji
 ComradeJeff: like if shinji wasnt such a little bitch boy i'd like him

ComradeJeff: but he's got robo-phobia or some gay shit

OnePlusOne: imo lelouch should've gotten the infinity stones
 Cythes: the first backstory episode of shou tucker is out guys!!
 OnePlusOne: WEW
 Zergursh: I really liked Shinji, especially when he got Yogurt on his hands in the hospital with Asuka
 ComradeJeff: wooo!111! shou tuker!111

Cythes: I think there will be bad things revealed about him

Zergursh: I can't believe his dad gave him Yogurt to the hospital, still though, Asuka living was good!

OnePlusOne: tfw the yoghurt was actually egg mayo

ComradeeJeff: some people are shipping kirino and kirito
 ComradeJeff: what do you guys think?

OnePlusOne: dumb

Cdr_Riley: Sao?
 The_Walking_Problem: question
 Tristain01: not even sure what your talking abou

Cythes: dumb yeah

Cdr_Riley: i belive SAO the new thingy
 OnePlusOne: el presidente's invasion of namek, now that's a good arc
 Tristain01: i just hear a shit ton of anime names

The_Walking_Problem: if my race is set to elits, and  i join as kig yar minor, i still stay kig yar ?
 Cythes: oh shit remember the imperium arc?
 Zergursh: El' Presidente got shafted in the Buu saga, though.
 OnePlusOne: sad tbh

Cythes: where john halo has fought for the emperor and killed the heretics

Cythes: tbh I think that is an underrated one

ComradeJeff: akko is gonna come out on top

Cythes: it had pretty good visual effects

ComradeJeff: john halo wont be able to defeat akko

Cythes: I think there was another leak that john halo would kill akko via infinity dagger

OnePlusOne: gay

Cythes: ikr

Zergursh: Inless the Samurai Jacksoff there's no help

ComradeJeff: half the time john halo just cheeses through his fights

OnePlusOne: you shut your mouth
 Cythes: yeah

ComradeJeff: it's straight facts im sorry man

Zergursh: John Halo's Bankai is pure hax, but I really enjoyed it when he used it on Sasuke

OnePlusOne: fuck you
 Cythes: remember when john got cornered by kamikaze samurai from the fourth dimension?

ComradeJeff: like how tf did he even make it out of that

OnePlusOne: what about kamikaze failure frnak

ComradeJeff: if he wasnt a MC he woulda died for sure
Zergursh: Chimera Ant > Namek > Buu > Red Ribbon > Yorknew arcs imo

Zergursh: Yorknew was pretty bad

ComradeJeff: trash tier
OnePlusOne: ree what about john halo
 Zergursh: Kurapika's Chakra ability was pretty cool, though. His sharingan was really powerful
 ComradeJeff: they added sergeant john johnson
 ComradeJeff: and he's poo poo
 Zergursh: John Halo wasn't even born in the Red Ribbon Arc!

OnePlusOne: what about hideo kojima

ComradeJeff: hideo kojima is pure mystery atm
 ComradeJeff: i dont even think he's real
 The_Walking_Problem: where do elites get their gear ?

Zergursh: I hated when Konami assasinated Hideo Kojima, though, he's probably gonna be brought back to Sega later on in the arcd
OnePlusOne: sad tbh
Cythes: konami fucking sucks
 OnePlusOne: what about prussia
 ComradeJeff: they're a necessary evil
 Cythes: kojima didn't deserve that

ComradeJeff: kojima deserved alot better
 ComradeJeff: but well
 OnePlusOne: I hope he gets turned into a Ghost In The Shell tbh
 ComradeJeff: it really be like that sometimes
 Zergursh: Kojima and Shou Tucker and Bondrewd and Lelouch's Father (Thanos) didn't deserve all the hate they get

ComradeJeff: guts from adventure time is abit of a dickhead

Zergursh: Yhea, Griffith from Regular Show was alot better

OnePlusOne: omg
 OnePlusOne: they just announced ram ranch arc

ComradeJeff: gonna be shit
 Zergursh: Ow damn, what about part 9, has the anime adaptation come out?
 ComradeJeff: i already feel it in my bones
 OnePlusOne: heck yes

Cythes: oh fuck netflix wanted to make an adaptation out of it too fuck

OnePlusOne: fuck

Zergursh: Netflix adaptation of WW2 was pretty cool, though. Pewdiepie as hitler was totally justified

Zergursh: Too bad Phil swift killed him
 ComradeJeff: hecking libtards

OnePlusOne: ikr
OnePlusOne: that shitpost was fun
 OnePlusOne: seeyall

is this loss?

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  New Red Flag Mode
Posted by: Zergrush - 09-28-2018, 10:57 AM - Forum: The Barracks (General Discussion) - Replies (1)

Now, I've yet to play it, but I've heard that it's Spartans vs Covenant (which sounds awesome) attempting to protect or kill a prophet. So, before I play it, I just wanted to gather opinions on the mode down as replies, perhaps even explain how it plays, down below. It would also be nice if you could post improvement ideas for the mode down below (James checks occasionally). I'll probably be posting my own opinion once I get the opportunity to play too! 
-generic ending "thanks y'all" or "so guys we did it"

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  Gao battle-jumpers
Posted by: emoats18 - 09-26-2018, 02:24 AM - Forum: Server Suggestions - Replies (5)

Basically the URFs bootleg version of the ODSTs. Might be cool to have these guys as a whitelist thing like ODST for events and whatnot.

After some thinking and people talking about it I've kinda thought about them being an EVA type unit for ship boarding and such, let them have a space worthy suit that can only accept emergency oxygen tanks or something. I know they can just use voidsuits but this is as good or equivalent to an ODST suit in terms of armor. I know we have the zeal suits and colossus armor, but having people trained and whitelisted to do certain things would balance the URF a bit I hope. Give them a unique role that UNSC doesn't have (yet). This idea might be stupid but a commando type unit that doesn't drop in SOIEV pod, and as far as I know the boarding pods are unable to breach ships only get outside of them. So this would be a cool way around that. Have engineer ones, CQB ones, and medics I dont know. Just some half retarded idea I came up with.

Lore https://www.halopedia.org/Gao_battle-jumpers

Here's some examples from arma 3 cause no official art of them so far. (thanks Adolf12)
[Image: d1593d4efc7af38694a3790dd878190b-full.jpg]
[Image: 6290a57697291e02cb0887c5d94b9ff5-full.jpg]

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  ONI Person of Interest - "Dozer"
Posted by: MojaveWanderer - 09-25-2018, 01:31 PM - Forum: URF Case Files - Replies (3)


[Please Enter Password]
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[Access Granted. Welcome, Director.]
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>URF Database
>People of Interest
. . . . .
Name: "Dozer"
Age: 34
Height: 6'5
Eye Color: Black
. . . . .
He acts like a tank in all but mounting treads to himself.
Before joining the URF, he is best known for a terrorist attack using an up-armored EOD suit with heavy metal and ceramic places strapped to the inside. Apparently, according to a local marshal, quote - "We had to break out the slugs to bring the man down, and even then it took a bit. We didn't think any man could take that much punishment." He was captured and stored in Block A - along with another man of interest, Johnny Reno. We made the mistake of allowing Reno to speak with this man on the yard, and soon enough Dozer found himself signing up in prison to join a war being fought on the outside. He escaped with Reno (See Incident Report A-2425) and is currently thought to be serving onboard the UNSC Thorin, currently rebranded the URFS Thorn by insurrectionists.
Dozer does not seem to be a smart man, but he is loyal to a fault - willing to follow his commander's orders to the end. Footage has confirmed his use of both drugs and a piece of URF armor known as a "Colossus Suit", which can shrug off small caliber and rifle rounds like nothing. It seems he is deployed more like a weapons system than a soldier, being told to hold choke points and lead charges. 
He is extremely violent and dangerous, nearly killing a guard who attempted to question him out of pure rage. This man has no leadership potential, but his training and skill are on par with that of an ODST CQC soldier, only with more reckless abandon. 
Dozer is considered very dangerous, and if spotted, one should alert higher-ups for orders. 
Engage only if needed, capture preferred. Some of our boys want payback for the number he did during his escape.
. . . . .

[:System Administrator Logout Acknowledged:]

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