Covenant Species

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Race Description
Description: The Unggoys are native to the planet of Balaho. They were used as slaves, laborers, or cannon fodder. Generally poor combatants due to cowardice, lack of tactical aptitude, and being poor shots; they are often deployed in large numbers to compensate. They can wield two-handed weapons with just one hand, due to their strong physical structure despite being small framed. They have a bitter rivalry with the Kig-Yar race, due to them encroaching on Kig-Yar territory and displacing their nests.

Difficulty: Easy

Playstyle: Stick with your Sangheili Squad Leader. Move with your Grunt pack. If your Sangheili Officer dies, look for another one to follow around, otherwise, try to commit a plasma grenade suicide charge or cower in a corner.

Description: Kig-Yars hail from the planet Eayn. An Avian/Reptilian species, they lived as pirates on the seas of their homeworld. Originally a splinter of many different tribes, they united to advance their species towards space-technology and settled on many small asteroids. Primarily used as scouts, shock troops, or defense; Kig-yar units are a force to be reckoned with. They are usually outfitted with a point-defense energy shield gauntlet paired with a variety of one-handed weapons. They have a bitter rivalry with the Unggoys, and have attempted to poison the Infusions aboard High-Charity which would have left them sterile; in retaliation for Unggoys destroying Kig-Yar nests.

Difficulty: Medium

Playstyle: Depending on your occupation and your gear, you are expected to stay ahead of your Squad and scout the surroundings if you are assigned as a Scout. If you are equipped with a Point Defense Shield, you either stay a bit ahead of your Squad or on the flanks, to cover them from any sudden ambushes. You are expected to take the brunt of the attacks with your shields during a firefight, and as such, move to cover your allies when projectiles start flying.






Description: Large hulking mounds of worms that have gathered together to form a sentience, covered in bulking armor of varying colors however leaving their back and neck unprotected, they sport a fuel rod cannon mounted on their arm and a two ton shield made from an unknown alloy that is also used as the plating for covenant ships. The Lekgolo evolved on their homeworld of Te, discovered by the Covenant during an operation to find Forerunner artifacts.

Difficulty: Easy

Playstyle: You are a walking tank, you can soak up a lot of damage before you die, and you are mostly deployed in pairs; your pair is referred to as a Bond Brother, or a mate. Use your overwhelming advtange to take the enemy by storm, and lead the Covenant forces through punching a hole in the opposition's formations.