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The Yanme'e share many similarities with Earthly beetles and colonial insects. They are bipedal arthropods with hard exoskeletons made from a glossy chitinous substance, as well as two pairs of veined wings. These adaptations are a response to the high gravity of the Yanme'e homeworld, Palamok; their shells allow them to withstand hard falls, and the thick atmosphere of Palamok allows the winged Yanme'e to achieve just enough lift to perform fluttering leaps or naturally short bursts of flight. In lower-gravity environments, Yanme'e are capable of using their wings for actual aerial maneuvering, but the weight of their exoskeletons prevent them from flying. When the Covenant discovered this natural ability, scientists extended their flight capabilities by fixing gravity-dampening modules to their bodies. The module adjustment gave the Yanme'e the ability to take flight freely, and the species proved to be impressive fliers—particularly on worlds that had less gravity than Palamok. Yanme'e are also impressively strong, despite their frail appearance. They can also be seen lifting their enemies off the ground to impressive heights.


The Yanme'e evolved from winged tree-dwelling arthropods on Palamok which had developed complex motor skills due to a flexible appendage made up of chitin that functioned as an opposable thumb. Eventually, the species developed higher levels of technology that ultimately led to the evolution of the Yanme'e species, due to societal coordination and cooperation. The Forerunners noted that the Yanme'e were one of the few sapient, arthropodal species in the Milky Way galaxy that were competent enough to attain tool-making and technological skills.


Yanme'e Ultra
Yanme'e Leader
Reclamation, Base assault, Capture and Hold, Crusade (Covenant Whitelist)
Lore Description: The highest Yanme'e rank in the Covenant, Leaders are put in charge of leading their fellow Yanme'e into battle. They can lead minor Kig-Yar, Unggoy and the rest of the Drone force.

Roleplay Level: High

Skill Level: High

Competence: High

Unique Feature: Flight, Energy shielding, Heretic Assessment

Yanme'e Ultra
Yanme'e Ultra
Reclamation, Base assault, Capture and Hold, Crusade (Covenant Whitelist)
Lore Description: One of the higher Yanme'e ranks in the Covenant military, Ultras are often in command of lower-ranking Yanme'e, like the Majors or Minors. Occasionally, they will command lances of low-ranking Unggoy.

Yanme'e Ultras are distinguished by their blue and cyan exoskeletons, along with paired forked horn-like structures on their head and cephalothorax. Ultras are equipped with a very weak type of energy shielding to protect them from firearms. Yanme'e Ultras are often armed with Type-25 plasma pistols, and sometimes Type-33 Needlers.

Job Description:You lead lesser Yanme'e and sometimes unggoy into battle. Unlike other drones, you have been given energy shields, which allows you to take more punishment in battle.

Roleplay Level: High

Skill Level: High

Competence: High

Unique Feature: Flight, Energy shielding

Yanme'e Major
Yanme'e Major
Reclamation, Base assault, Capture and Hold, Crusade
Lore Description: Yanme'e Majors are differentiated from lower ranks by their crimson shells.

Due to the difference in mentality of Yanme'e compared to other species, it is possible that Yanme'e become a Major once they have reached a certain age by which point they will have a certain amount of experience, meaning less experienced Yanme'e can follow them, rather than due to distinguished service or bravery as seen in other major creatures such as Unggoy and Kig-Yar. This is similar to how older insects in sociable colonies take on different roles, such as from scout to guard.

Job Description: You are expected to lead lesser drones into battle if there is no higher ranks available. Other than that, you're just a minor with red armour.

Roleplay Level: Medium

Skill Level: Medium

Competence: Medium

Unique Feature: Flight

Yanme'e Minor
Yanme'e Minor
Reclamation, Base assault, Capture and Hold, Crusade (Covenant Whitelist)
Lore Description: Yanme'e Minors are the lowest in the Yanme'e caste. Originally, the assignment for Yanme'e Minors was relating to engineering and technological work. However, most were replaced by the Huragok and more began to be deployed in combat roles. They seem equal in rank to the Unggoy Minors. Although they may fight alongside Sangheili and Jiralhanae, even a Kig-Yar Minor is allowed to command them, as well as Yanme'e Majors and occasionally Unggoy Majors.

Job Description: You are the lowest ranking drone and as such should follow any higher ranks present. A good grasp on the flight skill is very helpful to staung alive, as you are very fragile. Use your speed and flight to dodge bullets.

Roleplay Level: Medium

Skill Level: Medium

Competence: Medium

Unique Feature: Flight