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  Shadowtail117's Moderator Application
Posted by: Shadowtail117 - 01-06-2021, 07:05 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Age: 18 (05/15/2002)

Ckey: Shadowtail117

Discord Name: Shadow#6743

Timezone: PST (UTC-8)

Time in SS13: I've been playing since about September 2019 and have probably several hundred hours logged across various servers.

Any SS13 Bans: No active bans as of now. Had a permanent ban from Beestation following a misunderstanding that has since been lifted

Prior Moderation experience: I was a moderator on Fulpstation for several months (November 2019-February 2020) where my duties involved moderating both the server and Discord. I am an active Discord moderator and mentor on Boomerstation (October 2020-present), and am also an active moderator of Hearthigen, a Garry's Mod community.

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: Ensuring that the players have fun. After all, that's the reason why we have a game server! While most people do so within the boundaries of the rules, there are those who break them, either because they think it's fun for them (but it isn't for anyone else) or simply because they want to cause chaos, and that's what moderators are here to prevent.

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  TheSarkazmus - Cov Whitelist App
Posted by: TheSarkazmus - 01-06-2021, 05:08 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: The Sarkazmus

Discord name: TheSarkazmus#1723

In-character name: Varies so far.

General character info: I have a passion for saying things, from wholesome heartfelt speeches about how sacrificing your life is a very noble and honorable thing to do to being "unintentionally" funny without the character realizing it. I usually roleplay very peaceful characters, but that's hardly an option in a full on war, so, uh...

Reason for joining: I like Covenant and I'd very much like to play as an Elite.

Roleplay Example/History: Funky stuff, really. I once had a round where me and some other guy realized we didn't exist until the arrival shuttle docked to the station and a lot of weird stuff happened including one of us getting assassinated. Had a round where I and another roboticist roleplayed Tech Priests and burnt incense along with blessing literally every single fucking machine we came across with four lines long cants. A lot of things happened within the six years and I don't have a good memory for everything, though.

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Rainbow Moderator Application!
Posted by: SharkLordSatan - 01-02-2021, 08:53 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Moderator Format

Age: 20 as of 9/15/2000

Ckey: SharkLordSatan

Discord Name: SharkLordSatan#0314

Timezone: Pacific Standard Time/PST

Time in SS13: Unsure. Potentially 10+ hours of gameplay, primarily on Fulpstation and Halostation.

Any SS13 Bans: None to my knowledge.

Prior Moderation experience: I moderate my own discord server, and I removed content that I've deemed too offensive/inappropriate from specific channels (either being too derogatory towards certain persons or just too NSFW for general chats).

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: Maintaining peace, order, and security within the discord server. Particularly with being far more strict when it comes to the usage of slurs and other hateful speech (i.e racism, sexism, discrimination of any kind, etc etc) as I have noticed that is a problem that does not get reprimanded enough in the server.

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  BladeburstNINJA's Commander Application
Posted by: BladeburstNINJA - 12-28-2020, 10:56 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: BladeburstNINJA
Discord name (username####): BladeburstNINJA#9500
Character Name(s): Ish Jackson, Nevo' Jusanamee, "Shifter", Nicholas Altmann
Do you understand the RoE? Yes.
Do you understand that you are not above the law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE? Yes.
Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for? Yes.
What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for? Venite ad victoriam filii Eridani, cornu meum.
Why should you be whitelisted? 
          . ., .....@.%..%.,.......@           
          *@*%..&.... .......@&&&&&&           

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  BladeburstNINJA's SOE Application
Posted by: BladeburstNINJA - 12-28-2020, 10:32 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord Name:BladeburstNINJA#9500
Character(s): Ish Jackson, Nevo' Jusanamee, "Shifter", Nicholas Altmann
How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?:
Veni, vidi, vici.
Provide a brief description of your character:
(____..........................\___ /............/##/_________/#####>.......\........................................\.................._____)
.......................................|++++++++++\_+_+_+_+_+_+/\+++ ++++++++++++\...........................
Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes.
Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes.
Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Si.

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  Shadowtail117 - Sangheili Shipmaster
Posted by: Shadowtail117 - 12-20-2020, 03:10 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Shadowtail117

Discord name (username####): Shadow#6743

Character Name(s): Maq, Kig-Yar; Xus 'Katamee, Sangheili Major; Isan 'Tokavai, Sangheili Ultra; "Slayer", Yanme'e Major

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction?

Exactly three weeks as of today.

What are some examples of good Covenant Roleplay that you have been a part of?

I engage in small talk with other players when setting up defenses/loading the dropships and stay completely in character in doing so. Even in the middle of conflict, I try my best to roleplay, and one of my greatest memories is an Unggoy Major sacrificing themselves to let the rest of us escape before the antimatter bomb went off. I've also accepted the occasional duel and taken the occasional prisoner, just to let them suffer before the antimatter bomb atomizes them. >Smile

While I "main" Sangheili and understand their lore and mentality the best, I also enjoy playing as most other Covenant species and am familiar with how to play them all, except for Jiralhanae.

Do you understand the Faction Rules?


Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law, and may be persecuted for not following the Faction Rules?


Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for?


What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for?

The Sangheili Shipmaster is, barring any Prophets that may be present, the ultimate authority of the CRS Unyielding Transgression and is in charge of not only its own integrity but also that of all of the crew onboard. As his formal rank is Zealot, he is one of the most devout Sangheili to the Covenant's religion and should enforce it upon all of his subordinates where appropriate. He is responsible for creating battle strategies and leading his troops from within the Unyielding Transgression's bridge - ideally, he would never have to leave the ship himself unless necessary. He also decides when and how to use the ship's glassing beam.

Why should you be whitelisted?

Unfortunately, there is a lack of high-ranking, active Covenant players. I would like to change that and, through playing as the Shipmaster, hopefully, entice more people to play. While I haven't read every single book or played every single game in the Halo franchise, nor do I have a lot of tenure within the faction, I believe that I possess a strong knowledge of the Covenant mentality and am one of the more active players in my faction.

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  URF Application
Posted by: Dreven - 12-19-2020, 10:07 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Drevenshekel

Discord name: Dreven#7845

In-character name: Wamakahana Windhealer

general character info : An old and experienced warrior, age and the ravages of war have taken their toll on his body and spirit and now he serves the cause more from behind a bar than a machine gun. Enjoys sharing war stories with the men and brewing them up fueltank moonshine  refreshing beverages to prepare them for the fight and keep up morale.  

Reason for joining : Born and raised on an isolated colony of migrates of mysterious ethnicity in the outer reaches of human space, Windhealer joined the rebel cause following the destruction of his homeworld to what he claims was a betrayal by the UNSC.

wait shit i posted this in the wrong one i think

wait shit i posted this in the wrong one i think

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  UNSC Re-Application
Posted by: Cairo283 - 12-18-2020, 06:21 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Cairo283

Discord name: Egg Face

In-character name: Matthew Rhinehart

general character info: You know me, it's that guy that builds the tables and uses them as cover.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Combat Engineer

Reason for joining : I have returned to flex on dirty innies and xenos.

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  Postwar Insurrection/Extended
Posted by: Shadowtail117 - 12-02-2020, 07:41 AM - Forum: Server Event Suggestions - Replies (1)

Posting this idea on a bit of a whim but I think it'd be nice to have the UNSC/Covenant (i.e., Swords of Sangheilios) on the same side versus the URF. Obviously, URF should get much stronger weaponry as they have to fight two sides, each with different styles of weapons. Alternatively, you can skip the conflict with the URF and have it simply be an extended round with UNSC/Covenant joined together on a UNSC outpost. Either way it would be a nice homage to the human-elite allyship after the war's end.

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  Socks for Spartan
Posted by: SuckMySocks - 12-01-2020, 07:44 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)




Discord name (eg Bob#123):


How long have you been a Whitelisted ODST?:

‘Bout six months the first time around. Was a Fireteam Lead of Fireteam Victoriam, back when Flakism was FL. Back when we had ranks..
Recently rejoined again, been playing ODST for a few months now.

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?:


Do you understand and accept that Spartan players are held to a higher standard than other UNSC whitelist roles, such as ODST?:

Of course. 

Do you understand that whitelisted Spartans are expected to comment on and observe the conduct of other Spartans and Spartan Applicants, on the forums as well as discord?

I understand.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Try and avoid commonly known numbers like -117.):



Please answer these scenarios to the best of your ability, this is to gauge your playstyle in comparison to the other spartans and to make sure you have a firm grasp of how a spartan is meant to operate, as well as how to best utilise the tools available to the UNSC.

1:The covenant have began scanning at the PD and are roughly 25% of the way through the scan. You are the only person geared up currently, but there is a sizable unit of marines who have just respawned. What do you do?

Seeing as the Covenant already have the scanner planted in the PD and it’s already a quarter of the way finished scanning. I can’t exactly waste much time or else they will be able to locate the artifact, and extract it. Leading to the planet being glassed. Thus, there really is only one thing I can do in this situation:
As the lone Spartan, I rush to the PD ASAP, then use my trusty Battle Rifle to shoot anyone outside the PD doors, hopefully snagging a few shots on some lowly Unggoy and Kigyar. I keep a distance as to not get instantly railed by volleys of plasma, keeping pressure on them for a time. Occasionally I’ll run up to the front of the PD, tossing grenades and getting some clean shots off on the little guys, retreating when my shields get low. From here, the Marines HOPEFULLY would be finished getting prepped, they’d likely charge headlong into the front door as per usual. I, on the other hand, run around behind the PD, plant a C12 on a wall and flank behind the Covies while they deal with the Marines. From here, it’s a slaughter. After dodging a few plasma grenades, I finish this scene by disabling the scanner and plant a C12 on it. Then return to base.

2:You are the lone UNSC member currently on the site. You know of the covenant presence on the planet, estimating 2 elites and some unggoy. You are forced to attack them. How do you best use your skillset and abilities to do so? assume the covenant are out on the streets of Geminus City, and have no armoured support.

Literal chump change. Two Sangheili, and a single Grunt in the wide open are hardly enough to put a damper on my day, they probably will hardly even damage my armor. I mean, I could just use an SRS to rip through their shields and mess up their fancy armor, but that’s no fun for anyone, sooo... First things first, my kit:
 Shotgun, DMR and a Big Iron on my hip - and a handful of grenades can’t help.
As the prey is literally just standing out in the middle of the damn street, I use my DMR and target the highest ranking Elite, likely taking his shields down before he can retaliate. From here, I simply empty my mag, then quick reload and charge at him with my shotgun. Pop two rounds into his chest and fall back using my superior speed. Giving my shields time to recharge if any of their plasma connected. If the Elite isn’t dead, he will be soon, thus I focus onto the next Elite, while keeping an eye on that Unggoy.
Next Elite obviously knows I’m around now, and will likely try to drag his half dead superior into a building, unless he’s brain dead and stays in the street. Let’s go with the former for shits and giggles. 
Seeing as the Elite and Unggoy know I’m coming, I take my time and play some peekaboo with them, tossing in the occasional Grenade until their shields are down and the Unggoy probably has used the last of its Biofoam. Thus, prompting me to enter the building with my shotgun drawn, firing until it’s outta shells, dodging and weaving all the while. Then quickly switch to my Big Iron, popping off a few shots until they go down. 
Mission success, Covies aren’t robust.

3:There is an assualt on a strongly defended and reinforced covenant position which the marines and ODSTs cannot break through, however you know of a side passage which, whilst still guarded, is less defended than the front door, however it is guarded by a spirit on the roof which is locked down to provide reinforcements. How do you procede? Assume there are no other roof access points on the map, but you have access to both the full vehicle and weapon compliment the UNSC starts with.
This one seems pretty easy. 
Strongly defended position set up by the Covenant? 
lol ok here we go gamers. 
Kit consists of a Jetpack, Shotgun, Battle Rifle, Big Iron and a handful of C12’s.
I assume the marines are trying to force their way in through the front.. So I could use the side way in, but that’s to risky and to easy. So imma just use my jetpack, fly onto the building, wait for it to recharge, take some pot shots at the Covies guarding the Spirit. Once my jetpack is recharged, I fly over to the Spirit, kill off the Covies guarding it, plant some C12 on the Spirit, look away as it explodes cause cool guys don’t look at explosions. Then I fly down and start bonking some Covies with my shotgun. Rip and tear my way through them whilst dodging plasma grenades left and right like a Giga Chad Spartan. When it gets to hot I just take off with my jetpack again. Would be a good idea to take out any HMG’s that the Covies set up first too. Rinse and repeat until the job is done.
Then I return to base and eat sand, as all good Spartans do apparently.
Without actually having these scenarios playing out before me, it’s hard to gauge what would actually happen in the moment. I’d like to think that these engagements would be rather easy, as I continually dab on Covenant and UNSC alike as pretty much any role. Spartan being the power role it is, probably would be overly easy for me. But until I get in there, there are many unknowns. 

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