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  Kewis App to become Cov
Posted by: ehMGee - 02-15-2021, 05:06 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: EhMGee

Discord name: MG#9334

In-character name: Kewis

general character info: I'll have to find the txt doc but your normal mischevious unggoy with a hangering for some light heresy (Because bullets are kinda cool, make loud loud.)

Reason for joining : TO RENDER GOD DECEASED

Roleplay Example/History: I have played on this server back when Jirals were being added, and during the advent of ingame hunters. I never had to have a talking-to, so I hope that's proof enough that I at least wasn't a total shitter.

To speed things up, I shall post a SS of the thread where I got accepted before the rollbacks.
[Removed by moderation action]

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Posted by: Kelso - 02-12-2021, 06:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: kelso33

Discord name: Kelso#0005

In-character name: Cassie Sarion

general character info: violent sociopath with a long history of violence and buried sub-par terrorist activities. takes tuesdays off.

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): ODST close quarters specialist. Village schizophrenic.

Reason for joining : i return once more

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  ODST App
Posted by: Mr Blackzero - 02-10-2021, 02:07 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: MrBlackzero

Timezone: GMT-3

Discord Name: Mr Blackzero #3813

Character(s): Clayton Monroe, Harvey Whirlow

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Clayton usually keeps himself calm in most situations until everything goes horribly wrong

Provide a brief description of your character: The youngest from a family of four brothers, Monroe joined the War effort after a URF attack killed one of his brothers to fight against the Insurrectionists only to find himself fighting The Covenant and sometimes the URF.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes

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  3rd App, even tho im listed as covi i was told to reapply
Posted by: M.Green - 02-09-2021, 11:09 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

[img]chrome-extension://hiidjliailpkjeigakikbfedlfijngih/images/right-arrow.png[/img] Yes I’m Ckey: M.Green

Discord name: Dogler

In-character name: Sye'ten

general character info: 
Sye'ten can be seen as an inspiration influence and spiritual Sangheili is known for his fearless attitude and his risky actions to accomplish his goal. When he first became an Elite he was on the ship of the Kig-Yar that first made contact with the Human race and ended up retreating due to the commanding Sangheilis orders. Later Sye'ten and a group of elites publicly killed the commanding Elite for cowering and retreating and not upholding their Sangheili code. Sye'ten then insured that anyone and everyone followed there code and would fight with honor and to the death with the evenly matched unknown opponent, know as the UNSC. Sye'ten fights to the death if in a duel.

Reason for joining: I want to join because, in general halo has fascinated me. Also, I was already part of the covenant empire but for me making poor choices I was removed and I do agree with the punishment and am happy that I was allowed to reapply. I love the server and have loved it for a while now, playing mostly as an Unggoy (when I had it) I don't wish to be forgiven I just hope to be giving another chance to prove I can be a good and sensible player. I also play a lot of halo related games like on garrys mod and arma. Plus the military academy is boring and I need something to do,


I was told to " Go reapply, Have fun Smile" Even tho all of my custom armor and stuff is in the game so here is my third app

Roleplay Example/History: 

Out of server:
On a garrys mod server I was the Supreme commander of the Covenant forces and later on the leader of Swords of Sangheilis, But everyone know Garrys mod does not have that good rp based servers. I like to play on both 1732 and Lebensraum beyond servers, taking prisoners and being taken prisoners in both. In one examples in 1732 I was the British Officer on a 4 colony map. I decided that we should seek allies. After that I sent our multiple letters to other colony that were french and Spanish. We never got word back so I send out one of my own guys to deliver them the letter. When he come back he brought a letter he stole from the French. The letter said they were going to attack us with Spanish at there side, so we decided to counterattack. We snuck by many patrols and quickly rushed the french settlement and were repealed. I was taken prisoner and near death. My boys ended up breaking me out and helped me return home.
I also plays on Bad claw fallout server and The Star treck 13 server along with the Alien server.

In-Server Ex:
I don't know if they want speech but some examples of my roleplay are when I brokered a deal of peace and trade between the Pirates and the Colony. Another example with the same Colony was when I offered my assistance and help expand the Colony so one of the spaceports had a lobby with windows and protection from others. Another example was when I was assigned the Medical Unggoy and helped save the ship mistress and impressing her with my skills. Also, I was captured by the UNSC as an Unggoy and turned into a robot.


I am already listed as a covi officer and have lead As a Sangheili Major, many others into battle, 
But my most eventful RP experience was when there was a battle or skirmish. It was at the Colony and the INNIE and UNSC where at a temporary truce to get rid of a certain ship AKA our ship the Pirate ship. While they Colony and Pirates where allies. They Colony declared independence and the UNSC and Innie attacked them. Lucky for the colony the Covi ship was at dock 3 the closest dock to them. Once the Covi arrived which was 3 unggoy and 2 Kig, the battle had already started, Most of the Colony was being either destroyed or being beaten back to the lower levels, at that moment the Covi was able to flank the UNSC because the Innie were no-were to be found. The Plasma pistols were the best weapon to use due to there ability where they were able to short doors and comms. The UNSC was eventually cut off into small groups of soldiers and then got pulverized by the Covi weapons. Blowing there heads off and taking their helmets as trophies.

More depth with factions details IE: roles, etc will be added later. 

Unggoy: Sye'ten does not despise the Unggoy but also doesn't like them. He respects them for being an ally and assisting in supplying a large number of the soldiers for fighting the UNSC but thinks they are weak and need better leadership to become a worthy opponent, but due to most of them cowering in the site of a battle he had yet to see that day come.

Jiralhanae: "Nothing but Mindless brutes" But worthy opponents 

Mgalekgolo: Due to there strong effectiveness in battle, Sye'ten respects them very much and knows they are a strong player in the war. Even if they don't have a code they are a powerful ally

Kig'Yar: Sye'ten has some to no respect for the Kig'Yar knowing the seem to cause problems with the other species in battle. But favors them for the exceptional effectiveness in battle.

(Despite all of these relationships due to RP, some Factions may be more of a favorable ally to Sye'ten in the future)

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  Covenant App by Despa
Posted by: despa3110 - 02-08-2021, 02:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: despa3110

Discord name: despa#9329

In-character name: Bak

general character info: Bak was born on a mining colony with aspirations of riches and valor. So naturally, they joined the Covenant military, hoping to get their desired glory and treasures.

Reason for joining : I really liked the Covenant and their lore, and was disappointed when they were locked behind a WL, so here I am! :p

Roleplay Example/History:  Online forums, like Drowtales, and I play Pathfinder on R20.

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  BladeburstNINJA's Return to the UNSC
Posted by: BladeburstNINJA - 02-05-2021, 06:16 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Discord name:
In-character name:
Ish Jackson
general character info:
That one ODST.
Reason for joining :

It's time. Time to come back once more into the fold.

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  WildWehraboo's CO Application
Posted by: WildWehraboo - 02-03-2021, 04:16 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

The Format

Ckey: WildWehraboo

Discord name: Gottverdamnt#7031

Character Name(s): Hans Krieger.

Do you understand the RoE?: Yes.

Do you understand that you are not above the law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE?: Yes.

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behavior, even when not playing the role you applied for?: Yes.

What do you think your job is as the role you are applying for?: A CO (Commissioned Officer) Is A Head Of Operations, Leading his/her Men into war and giving orders, Sometimes even calling MAC Shots, An Officer, especially one that is meant to be leading my men should be aggressive and have a general understanding of leading men, But know the limits that a soldier will and can go through and have a general understanding of the battle that is going on under his ship our outside his FOB, My Job is to limit the causalities and make sure we win each engagement or skirmish against the covenant or URF Forces.

Why should you be whitelisted?: I have a general understanding of Strategy, I don't see alot of Sargeants, especially XOs and i've only seen one CO one time in my entire 1 year of gameplay, we are at a lack of commanding personnel and i want to fix it, I am ambitious and understand tactics, I can call in shots when needed and i am mostly cool under fire if there aren't any maniac unggoys or shang rushing us down with Weapons, As i cannot talk and need to be able to defend myself, I think i am a good fit for the position and i hope people agree, I've led factions iin Civ13 and a small squad of marines in Haloserver once or twice.

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  unsc muhreen app
Posted by: deadawe - 01-18-2021, 06:11 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: deadawe

Discord name: De-dust-2#5225

In-character name: velvet vedeloire

general character info: born on colony, had family, family died because of covenant and now she wants all xenos were super dead so she enlisted into army

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Marine

Reason for joining : i miss unofficial halo ss13 gameplay when killing shipmaster with warthog was funny

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  Maikilangiolo application
Posted by: Maikilangiolo - 01-16-2021, 10:32 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Maikilagiolo

Discord name: Maikilangiolo

In-character name: Yan'me "Husk"

general character info: A helpful if bloodthirsty drone, always ready to die for the greater journey despite being at the bottom of covenant society. Tends to favour the frontline, being an expendable asset.

Reason for joining: I have been playing here for a while, and am currently in the UNSC faction. I was told to make a new app to switch factions. I decided to switch because I play a single grunt for UNSC, for which a whitelist is not needed, and covenant has the most value out of one.

Roleplay Example/History: A lot of servers. Both TDM, like CM, TGCM, Escalation, this one for a while now, and normal servers like Eris, both of Bee servers, Pradise, some time on Goon too. I think I am a good roleplayer, always staying IC.

edit: for some reason the text was ant sized when I posted? should be fixed...

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  URF Application
Posted by: GamingCrusader/CenturionWater - 01-14-2021, 06:10 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: TheGamingCrusader
Discord Name: CenturionWater
In-character name: Nikolai Zuhovsky

general character info: Nikolai Zuhovsky is a half Russian-American who was born and raised in one of the Outer Colonies of the UNSC. His doubt for his skills is what's keeping him alive in the outer colonies because he isn't very cocky but will still take risks to help and save his comrades. Even though he is a man in his 30s he still knows how to keep up in a fight 

Reason for joining: After his home planet was glassed by the Covenant he decides to join URF because he believes that the irresponsibility of the UNSC caused the destruction of his home and many others.

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