URF Assets

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Factions of Interest


More Information on the factions can be found Here, including more equipment that has yet to be added (or was accidently missed out of this page - please get in touch if thats the case)

Khoros Desert Raiders

Deserts are a vast and empty place. The rich don't understand the appeals of living in a place so lifeless, and the poor fear a land so hospitable, cruel and indifferent. Many are lost in deserts, forgotten to the vast sands of time, only those who leave their marks on the land are ever remembered, atleast more so then simple skeletal remains. In such a cruel land, only the strongest can survive, and the weak will perish. Such philosophy embodies the Khoros Desert Raiders, who chose to operate outside the walls of Talista's capital and instead make their home on the moon's many mountains. Raids are constant, and most who venture outside of the safe walls never return. And for what purpose? Many claim they need the supplies, but in reality, they do it to prove their strength, and to satisfy their passion for battle. Justifying their violent tendencies like a simple hobby, they are resolute in proving their strength and satisfying their desire for war. Despite the might of the UNSC, they dare not step under the shadow of the mountains or head out to rescue a dammed trading convoy. After all, only the strong can rule over the weak.


Fueled by their hunger for battle, and the drugs they often take, a Khoros Desert Raider is never more complete then in the thick of battle, face to face with the closest combatant or terrified civilian. Unlike most conventional armies, their focus is still melee combat, and care little for what firepower the opponent has. Seeing as an axe cannot decapitate a tank, they also developed crude explosive weapons for dealing with much tougher alien threats or hostile vehicles. One of their most popular explosive weapons is the explosive lance, a thrown spear that detonates on contact with a hard surface. As for their melee weapons, they often field modified axes or swords, occasionally with modifications. While it is quite a strange weapon, an electrified axe wielded with both hands is a terrifying force to deal with up close, and can cause even veteran soldiers to panic when close to their necks.

Basic Tier
  • Raider Armour
  • Sawn Off Shotgun
  • Shotgun Shells
  • Tallista Spice
  • Machete
  • C-4

Intermediate Tier
  • Electric Axe
  • combat spear
  • Khoros Light-Heavy Armour
Advanced Tier
  • Landmines
  • Mongoose

Olympus Council

Not much is known about the Olympus Council from the outside. Most people will have never heard of them, and the majority that have some knowledge of what the council is, will assume they are the collective 15 owners of Adept Robotics. While this is technically true, they are not just the creators of AI ran machines and human piloted drones. Beneath most of their factories, they practise their less then legal methods. Their factories are simply disguises for humanities biggest unregulated black market, and this woulldn't be possible without Tradestar. While on the surface, Tradestar is their main competitor, the council of 15 is comprised of 5 Tradestar members, who specialise in helping pioneer laser and electrical energy use. With both of their collective wealth and skills, both experimental electric powered weapons and fully functional machines of war were created, and without any legal barriers, they quickly overwhelmed the criminal underworld with their influence, many desperate to get into their illusive black market. There is nothing the council won't do to maintain their secrecy and profits. Once you enter their factory, the council will decide your fate...


The Olympus Council care little about battle, and focus their efforts towards their profit. War is extremely profitable, and they've begun affiliating and trading equipment with the Insurrection in exchange for their service. With little care for the rules of war, a lot of their weapon designs are heavily experimental. One of their most popular creations is the EMP Rifle, designed for shutting down key targets in the war effort against the UNSC and alien menace. Designed for covenant (and indirectly spartan) shields, they can easily shut down the primary protection of humanities greatest threat in a single shot, all from a rifle and a backpack charger. They also have man portable Coilguns, the same technology used in MAC cannons, but on a much smaller scale, powered by a backpack, to penetrate shield technology and strike at the thing within. While they don't make combat vehicles, they have modified various mechs to be combat worthy. Even a power loader can be a terrifying threat with a simple tweak of armor and the addition of a few weapons.

Basic Tier
  • M5AB Assualt Rifle and ammo
  • Rocket Launcher and Ammo
  • Olympus Armour
  • EMP Grenades
  • EMP landmines
  • Flash landmines
Intermediate Tier
  • Thermal Goggles
  • Night Vision Goggles
  • Anti Photon Grenades
  • AI Inteli Card
Advanced Tier
  • Zeal Suit
  • Viscerator pack

Freedom and Liberation Party

The Freedom and Liberation Party(FLP) is an insurrectionist group based in the Eridanus sector, but with strong ties to the planet Mamore. In 2511, they detonated a nuclear device near one of Mamore's landmarks, killing 2 million and injuring 8 million more. Many have suspected to have died of radiation based illnesses, such as cancer, much later after the attack, making the death toll given a vast understatement. They wish for the Colonial Millitary Administration (and by extension, the UNSC) to leave the Eridanus system, their proud home. To them, their home is simply not the same under the control of the filth that is the UEG. the UEG don't deserve the worlds they subjugate, and the FLP would rather see their homeworld in a blazing inferno rather then owned by the "Cancer of the Colonies". If the people don't own it, no one should. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. After all, a million deaths is just a statistic.


With little care for civilian life, the FLP commonly employ Scorched Earth Policies and tactics in order to deny the enemy tactical positions and force them to reposition. The most common weapon found in the FLP is the flamethrower, which relies on canisters to give it the gas it needs. Other then standard canisters, special ammunition is also used. White Phosphorus canisters spew flames that coat a smaller area in longer lasting fire, Napalm coats a larger area in short lasting flames, and the famed Oxide Tank, stolen from the UNSC's Hellbringers, allows them to coat targets in extremely hot flames, doing a lot more temperature and burn damage, though with a much smaller tank and ammo reserve. FLP members also designed special Napalm and White Phosphorus grenades, that can light areas ablaze in fire. Their armor comes with no protection against the fire they wield

Basic Tier
  • FLP armour
Intermediate Tier
  • various specalised greandes (tear gas, Napalm Canisters etc etc)
Advanced Tier
  • flame Thrower
  • Colossus suit

Republic of Gao

While Gao is an incredibly bio diverse place, with plenty of unique creatures, such as great apes and snails with no shells, a functioning government is still operational, and democracy is still maintained, ran by a Cabinet of Ministers and an elected president. One would consider this to be the perfect UEG world, but this isn't quite the case. The Gao Charter declares their sovereignty, and requires all members of government to oppose anyone who would dare impeach their freedom. Their primary tactics and doctorine focus stealth, infiltration and sabotage, which has won them many "battles" in the past without having to fire a single bullet, instead burning the supplies of their enemies and forcing them to starve or surrender. They have tried on a few occasions to justify conflict against the UNSC, with little success. Despite this, they remain one of the most technologically advanced competetors to the UNSC, and maintain public support for the Insurrection movement. Their supplies are invaluable to the insurrection, and assist wherever they can through their agents in the Ministry of Protection. Democracy may slow their action, but they will never stop until the UNSC submits to the freedom fighters they support.


While the Republic of Gao have the resources to sustain a full war, they often prefer not to get into conflict with the UNSC and UEG, at least not publicly. As such, they rely on many agents and spec ops units to achieve success and cause failure behind the scenes. The most famous of these spec ops groups are the Gao Battle Jumpers, who can last months behind enemy lines relying on each other. Each of their agents is equipped with an Agent ID, an ID able to be freely edited, faking both name and occupation, camera bugs, door subverters (a tool used to bypass doors, used by Master Chief and the marines in the mission "343 Guilty Spark") and the most trusted associates or agents being provided with holographic technology, allowing their clothing to take any other shape. While X52 have the capacity to make such technology, Gao agents can also be equipped with poison syringes disguised as biofoam, sedatives disguised as Bicardine or simply just a silenced Magnum, for eliminating key targets. To make sure no cries are heard over radio, they can also come with a single use EMP grenade that explodes instantly on activation. If sabotage, infiltration and assassination are no longer an option, they can don the black and red suits, and eliminate the hostiles as a battlejumper. No witnesses.

Basic Tier
  • Gao armour
  • agent card
  • Night Vision Goggles
  • Smoke Bombs
  • Tear gas
  • Flashbangs
  • Agent ID
Intermediate Tier
  • M7S
  • Disguised Night Vision Goggles
  • multiple implants
  • various landmines
Advanced Tier
  • Gao Battle jumpers
  • Cryptographic Sequencer
  • more to come


URFS Thorn

Bases Of Operation