Capture and Hold

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Capture and Hold is a PVP-focused King-of-the-Hill style gamemode, where two teams compete for dominance on a single map. Ship-to-ship combat is disabled; instead, combat is focused entirely on the ground, where each team - consisting of the UNSC and the Covenant - must locate and capture computer terminals known as Capture Points. A captured Point will generate capture progress over time for the team that captured it; more captured Points equals more progress generated over time. Upon capturing a Point, NPC simplemobs belonging to the faction that captured the Point will spawn. These can either be left behind to defend the Capture Point, or ordered to follow a allied player to aid them in combat.

The round is won by one team accumulating more progress than the other team, at a total of 100% progress. However, if neither teams reach the victory threshold in the time limit (one hour), the game is ended in a tie between both teams.

Capture and Hold Maps

Taurus City

Geminus City

The below information is outdated as of 1/30/2023. This page is a work-in-progress.

The current game mode is Base assault (capture and hold)! Assault and hold a neutral city from the enemy forces.

A quick introduction to Capture and Hold

This mode takes place in small Geminus (Name not official), where the Covenant and the UNSC fight for the control of it.

The map is divided in two segments, north and south, each with its own hotspots and easy captures:


Starting off, the southern side of the city, the covenant zone. On this side the covenant has three options to drop into:

  • South West: On this edge we can find the most famous but, not easiest to defend, we have the church. With glass on both sides and the entrace, the church is easy to get picked on by snipers and long range fighers, however also making it a great spot to set up a sniper camp. It also has a back door heading to the alleways, where you can get flanked by if not carefull. If the enemy is inside, they can hide inside the oration chamber, when you can also ambush, and get ambushed while trying to capture it.
  • South: Close to the church, and the police station, this side is picked when the covenant wants to make a roadblock and controle traffic arround police station, church, AI and city hall, for the most experienced snipers, salon too. This drop location can be very risky, as it can be destroyed by snipers early on, but could be a strong strategical position if the fortification is built alright.
  • South East: We have the AI core on this side, one of the least used and most hated locations for not being able to move the spirit, here you will have a hard time making fortifications, defending yourself, and can be picked on easily by the outside with long range weapons, not reccomended if you are unable to tear down walls. However, it is good if your strategy is to leave a detachment of troops on it and move into another position to defend or attack.

Now, the UNSC also has three positions where they can land on, all with different strategies:

  • North West: This position will leave you on a small grass park, to the south you will found the salon, a famous and a great chokepoint great for quick in and out fights.With glass inside to stare into your rival soul, you have a lot of tight spaces good for hiding and shotgun tactics. However, due to the intensity of the firefights there, the walls tend to break very often, renderibg these positions rather useless unless repaired.
  • North: In the middle of the street, just north of the city hall, this position is used almost never, being an equivalent to the south location of the covenant, they have a good time at defending at close quarters combat.
  • North East: Just in front of the morgue door, we have a newbie friendly position, that allows you to capture as fast as you can say Covenant!. However, due to being exposed, it is a weak position if you plan on keeping your dropship alive.

Along with that there are multiple locations where you can drop pod to, for a quick scout or assault:

On Covenant side:

  • Restaurant
  • South Botany
  • South Bar
  • South East Ruins
  • Court
  • West Botany

On UNSC side:

  • Abandonated sotre
  • Club
  • Backalley weapon store
  • West Bar

Keep in mind that just because a location is on enemy side, you can't drop pod to it. But doing so may get you cornered if you don't have a plan or either it can be a great ambush tactic.

In order to deploy, if you have: Lost both dropships, and, used all drop pods. The only alternative is to use an umbilical. And with this option, we have cons and pros, just like any other deployement option.

Along with the advantages of using umbilicals you can have a...

  • Fast
  • Reliable
  • Moveing a lot of soldiers in a row
  • Able to connect to the enemy side, great for ambushes

...way of movement

Capture Points

Here is a list with images of the places you need to capture.

  • Church (SW) :


  • AI (SE) :

AI Core.png

  • City Hall (N) :

City Hall.png

  • Morgue (NE) :


  • Police Station (S) :

Police Station.png

  • Salon (NW) :
