HaloStation Wiki

From HaloStation Wiki
Revision as of 06:11, 8 February 2022 by Tupina (talk | contribs) (Cleans up and reorganizes the page a bit. Also removes First Contact as a gamemode from the front page as it's functionally defunct at this point.)
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About The Server

Halo Station 13 takes place in it's own custom line of events set up by the staff. There is a three way war brewing between the United Nations Space Command, United Rebel Front and the vast Covenant Empire. One will reign supreme above all the rest. Will your contributions make a difference on the story?

Halostation13 Community

Main website for the HaloStation13 community: https://projectunsc.org/
You can also join the Discord, over at https://discord.com/invite/f8jpDfSdfr

Game Modes

Learn how to play the various game modes on Halo Station 13!


Here you can find some of the maps currently in use on the server:

Ships and Satellites

Ships and Satellites often used across multiple different game modes: