Quick Start Guide

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Revision as of 19:34, 5 October 2019 by Joe4444 (talk | contribs) (A quick start for the 3 seperate factions. Modeled off of the "outer colonies" game mode)
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Welcome to the Server! if you're reading this guide, its likely your first time playing here, this guide is meant to guide you through the basics of each Faction. The guide will cover the starting steps of each 3 of the factions, from spawning in all the way to getting onto your ship and/or gearing up.


Spawning in as the UNSC, you will start on the Orbital Defence Platform Cassius Station Which is the main defensive holding in the system.


As you can see by the map above, you will spawn in the Blue area. For now, lets ignore the other boxes and focus on our goal: gearing up. To get to the ship, where the armoury is located, you'll need to get to the umbilicals found on the bottom deck at the very south of the station. To get there from spawn, you'll want to head to the stairs, marked by green on the map, then head down them.


now you'll be here, at the stairs at the very east of the station. You'll want to follow the path to the green once again, to get to one of the 3 umbilicals found on the station. From there, left click on it, which should bring up a menu of all available umbilicals to connect you. You'll want to look for the UNSC Bertels in this list, then click confirm.(if you can't find it, read the next paragraph) This should bring up another list of the umbilcals you can connect to. Any one of them should be fine. Once the umbilical is connected, right click on it, then find the option to "Cross Umbilcail" and use that to start climbing through the umbilical to the UNSC. Now you'll want to skip ahead to the UNSC bertels section.

If you found the UNSC bertels on the list, feel free to skip this. For those of you who didn't, its likely the ship itself has already left. Not to worry though, as command has left a shuttle requsition console (marked by pink) for you to call in a shuttle to join the crew. Click on the console, then wait for the bar to fill up, at which point the shuttle will spawn in and will be able to be connected to by an umbilical. connect the umbilicals then right click it and find the "cross umbilical" option. Use that and wait for your character to climb through the umbilical.


you should find yourself on this shuttle, albeit it probably alot darker than the above picture. This is a known bug which will likely be fixed in the future, but for now all you want to do is head left until you reach the cockpit of the shuttle (the room at the very left of the picture). Upon entering, you'll want to use the middle most console, which is helms control. Clicking on it and enabling direct control should lead to something like this:


in this picture, you'll see the interface that should pop up when you click the console. This is a picture of the overmap, and on it you should see the station, the shuttle (which you're currently on) and a planet (either Geminus Colony or VT9). You'll also notice the menu that popped up when clicking direct control. This is how you actually control the shuttle, by pressing the arrows you'll increase your speed in that direction (using the X in the center to slow down). Now all you need is the coordinates of the Bertels. You could try asking over comms (using :s for marine comms). If no one responds, its likely the ship is out of range of your communications (or they really don't like you), if this becomes the case, you're pretty much abandoned. The only option at this point would be to look for the ship manually, which would be rather impossible. A good place to start however, would be any planets in the sector. By scrolling down on the helm window, you can see known planets and their coordinates. You can fly their manually, or try autopilot by entering the planet coordinates (or hitting the plot course button near the planet's coordinates) and enabling autopilot.

Once you get onto the bertels, your next objective is to get geared

Bertels 1.png

you'll star at either of the umbilicals seen in the photo, from which point you'll want to head to the stairs and head up, to get to the 2nd deck. There are 3 decks in total, but this guide will only cover the basics to getting prepared and, as such, will have a very limited overview of the decks, for a more in dept view, you'll want to check out the UNSC Bertels page, which goes into more details about all 3 decks.

Bertels 2.png

now you'll find yourself at the stairs located to the right of this picture, you'll want to work your way up (into the main corridor) then head to the left until you hit the armoury (if you find yourself on the south of the corridor, you'll want to find a door to head to the north section) From there, you can grab your ammo and weapons, aswell as anything else. You can even request a heavy weapon or attachments for your assualt rifle from the office in the armoury, if an IWO is active. That's all this guide will cover, I reccomend you check out the Bertels' wiki page to better familiarise yourself with the layout, it does a far better job of it than me (and even has coloured boxes).