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Posted by: Zab1019 - 01-08-2023, 01:53 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Zab1019

Discord: ZAB1019#3258

IC Name: Nordica Northey

General Info: Marine riflewoman doing their country proud and for allah's grace. Dad put her through piloting school but she flunked out and joined the grunts, kind of knows how to fly, but she's better than no pilot at all. The school wasn't a complete waste of time. 

Reason for joining: After playing covvie for a while and getting a little sick of just energy weapons, I played a few rounds of just using a shotgun as a standard marine and it was a completely different experience than what Im used to as covvie. I'd like more ballistic fragging please ty.

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  Aroliacue Mapper Application
Posted by: Aroliacue - 01-07-2023, 12:56 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Are you over 18?: Yes.

Ckey: Aroliacue

Discord Name: Aroliacue#1911

Time Zone: AEST

Contribution to SS13 servers: Negligible.

HS13 codebase familiarity: Somewhat familiar

How long you have been mapping in Dreammaker and how would you rate your experience level: I've been mapping for roughly about a year, and would consider myself average to below average experience.

Active github account/s (preferably SS13 related... if you wish to remain anonymous you may PM this to a senior staff): https://github.com/Aroliacue

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  Tonklaa Insurrection Application
Posted by: Tonklaa - 01-07-2023, 04:58 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord Name:Tonklaa#1138

IC Name:Kylian Kowa

General Info:After Far Isles Kylian figured out that the UNSC wasn't all it thought out to be growing dillusion he joined the SOE in order to atone for his sins and prevent more situation like this from happening.

Reason for joining: Innies offer a experience unlike the UNSC, a fresh take on a already established faction with their own advantages and disadvantages. After playing the UNSC for so long it kinda get boring with the same guns and defending the same ODP

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  Covenant Application - Qud
Posted by: Legacy777 - 01-06-2023, 08:30 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKey: Legacy777

Discord name : Legacy0117+

Character - Qud the T’voan Yig-yar. I’ve recently created the character and am working on his flavor text, and optionally I could make him a regular Jackal instead. Up to you all really. For the most part Qud has dark cyan quills, and golden metallic stripes that cover old scars from various conflicts and serves loyally. He fights hard and is brutally honest when he can be, but knows not to overstep his superiors or the caste system set in place by greater beings.

Reason for Joining - I heard about Halostation from one of the various SS13 discords I visit, and I am long standing fan of the Halo franchise through Halo 1 to Halo 4. Besides that, most of the servers I frequent are event based, so in between I want to fill in the gaps where I spend more time learning and roleplaying SS13 while making new friends as I go.

Examples of history and experience - For half a year I’ve been playin SS13, and generally I choose roles that don’t take up the spotlight and I can work in peace. Even so, I will try my best to fit in and have fun. My experience in SS13 began at a small friendly server called Monkestation, then went to Beestation, TG-Gate, to CM-13, to TGMC, and recently Eipharius Warhammer 40k, and now here. Never been flagged, never been banned. Usually I play unassuming roles, like a Janitor, a VIP, or a Borg, or a Combat engineer. I try my best to be kind to others, and I am quite patient.

I hope this is enough information and that the application is approved. Thank you for your time.

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  Flood Application: Lambsie11
Posted by: lambsie11 - 01-06-2023, 08:23 AM - Forum: Growth Pods - No Replies

Ckey: Lambsie11

Discord name: Lambsie#0235

In-character name: Zoltán Halmi

General character info: Infected during a skirmish on an isolated Forerunner containment facility on [REDACTED]. Now nothing more than a mindless corpse, surrounded by a sea of others just like him.

Reason for joining: floob

((if this section is unused, whoops, didn't realise, it showed up on the forum homepage for me for some reason))

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Posted by: Khorneberserker04 - 01-06-2023, 12:09 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: khorneberserker04

Discord: Viking Jumper#7367

IC Name: Benjamin Picard

General Info: Marine Rifleman

Reason for joining: To be mean and green/brown. Also to eventually apply for Spartan.

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  UNSC Whitelist
Posted by: GoodOldDeath - 01-05-2023, 10:02 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Discord Name: ChangeYourPFP#0795

ckey: GoodOldDeath

Character Name: Roaring Mastiff

General Character Info: Marine

Reason For Joining: Doing the Marine Stuff is fun.

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  covvie application
Posted by: theakboyy - 10-27-2022, 10:01 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

ckey: theakboyy
Discord name: CT-56324864#4755
In-character name: i run flipyap on occasion but i usually change it as i find it laughable that your average unggoyy would survive more than three engagements and i tend to run more engineering named drones
General Character info: often disillusioned or otherwise silly characters within reason as a little slice of pessimism or slightly out of place comedy can make for great RP for example my machine obsessed mostly prosthetic ODST

Reason for joining: been playing the server for a while decided i'd finally get around to getting covvie whitelist as i feel playing as a slightly misguided deacon or a defective drone could be neat

Roleplay example/history: Eipharius 40k, TGMC , most of the fallout servers in recent memory wasteland atom bomb most of the Mojave sun tests generic fallout, civ 13 both TDM and standard, goon a fair bit back in the day, a wee bit of eris, and the tail end of lifeweb and i got back into blue col lately

for the more in depth stuff (presuming we ever end up getting around to that im holding out hope and development seems to be picking up again so who knows): i tend to prefer less important roles suited for combat or really medical support as the lack of medical personnel is a bit of an issue though i still enjoy combat

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  Sangheilioh No | Yeehawguvnah
Posted by: pins - 10-02-2022, 11:18 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

CKey: yeehawguvnah
Discord Name: pinskidan#0420
IC Name: Thux 'Regramee
Character Info: I tend to come up with a base concept for a character first, then flesh them out as I play them. Unlike most Sangheili, who favour charging into battle, Thux lives for strategy and tactical thinking. In his eyes, utterly crushing a foe through superior planning is as honourable and glorious as doing so with swordsmanship and tenacity. Though he obviously wouldn't openly admit to it, he respects the human concept of the "warrior poet", and somewhat aspires to it.
Reason for Joining: Covenant seems to be the less-played faction, so I'd hope to help bring a bit more activity into it by providing a character who highly values leadership and intelligence.
Roleplay History: In the past, I was Narrative Staff for another server (Lone Star) for almost its entire lifespan. I've been RPing for quite a while, both in SS13 and tabletop RPGs.

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  Covie Application
Posted by: Roninqwerty - 09-26-2022, 10:04 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

ckey: Roninqwerty

Discord name: Костян#6427
In-chaacter nameBig Grinulub

General Character info:Just an Unggoy who has survived enough battles to even become heavy. Nothing special, just a slave who is slightly above the rest.

Reason for joining: I found a server in the hub, went in, saw that the build is cool, and there is also the concept of RP, unlike, for example, TG.

Roleplay example/history:Eipharus 40k, russian server Infinity, sojourn, Eris, patadise,CM, SCP, Dead space.

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