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Covenant application
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  Slickallx Covenant Whitelist
Posted by: Slickallx - 01-14-2023, 01:14 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): slickallx

Discord name: Smiley#9405

In-character name: Yla' Sasumee

general character info: A honor bound Sangheili war veteran, devoted to the Covenant code and purging heretics.

Reason for joining : This is my 3rd time joining the covenant, been playing Sangheili since the first iteration of Halostation.

Roleplay Example/History: I've played on mostly Aurora, Civ13, Eris and Halostation. I've played countless rounds as Sangheili on Halostation

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  Thot Lottee honor-guard whitelist
Posted by: Wasp - 01-13-2023, 11:15 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Atomic Galaxy

Discord name(username####):Skitarii#3775

Character Name(s):Thot 'Lottee (Sangheili) Kick-kick/Fayis (Unggoy) Gunther von Gockenhour/Hellhole Joe (human/UNSC)

How long have you been a member of the Covenant Faction? Since around August of 2021

Do you understand the restrictions that Honour Guards have placed on them? Yes

Do you understand that you are not above the Covenant law, and may be persecuted for not following the RoE? Yes 

Do you understand that you can be removed from the whitelist at any given time, based on your behaviour, even when not playing the role you applied for? Yes


Your fellow Honour Guard has been killed, as well as your prophet, by a human. You saw the human do this and follow him to find a group of humans. After engaging, you manage to kill the offending human, but the others manage to retreat where you could easily follow. What do you do next? 
I would immediately report the death of the prophet to the highest ranking individual that is present. Ontop of reporting the prophet's death i would relay the information of the fleeing humans. Seeing as the human who killed my fellow honor-guard and Prophet is already dead i would see no reason to personally persue the group of humans unless they were directly involved with the prophet's death. Additionally i would go out of my way to request permission to order a slip-space support ship and gather the bodies of my fellow honour guard and the prophet. Taking them onto the slipspace ship and exiting the system

Why should you be whitelisted? I'm rather good at combat and defense so i think i would do well at defending a prophet Icly and RPing my role out as a honour guard of the sangheili. Also there's only one other whitelisted honour-guard so i think getting more would be useful for covenant players.

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  A Random Aliens Covenant Whitelist
Posted by: A_Random_Alien - 01-13-2023, 12:40 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed):arandomalien

Discord name: A Random Night Stalker#0833

In-character name: Current main is Tak, will make a few more once whitelist is approved

general character info: A twitchy as hell Ruuhtian with a love of spoils, long range engagements, and minimal danger to themselves for maximum gain. While not the most fervent supporter of the great plan they still point their gun at whom they're told, only if mostly in fear of being speared through and slow cooked over a fire if they refused.

Reason for joining: The covenant is bad ass and while grunts and kig-yar are also such I'd like to contribute to rounds as more then cannon fodder at first, at least until i die horribly at which case i can fall back upon the grunts.

Roleplay Example/History: Been on multiple servers on space station 13 since mid 2019 on a variety of roleplay levels from low/mid RP to HRP. I know to follow the rules when told, not to be a dick to other people trying to play and I at least try to put a bit of effort into my characters at least acting somewhat believable without getting too fussy about others, or at least I try. Can't wait to play in the future and die horribly for the sake of the prophets!

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Posted by: blank cat - 01-13-2023, 08:30 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: Blank cat
Timezone: CST
Discord Name: va#9212

Character(s): Liena Sierris, Sierra Leint
How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: 
Leina Sierris is no fresh-eyed recruit with absolute faith in the competency of her fellow marines. After her time in FORECON, she is more than willing to perform direct action on her own if she deems it necessary but is more than willing to defer to her senior ODST comrades and Spartans.
Provide a brief description of your character: Sierris is a hazel-eyed 27-year-old with a lean muscular build. She stands at 5'6 with light brown hair that she wears up in usually a ponytail.
Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes. 
Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes.
Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes.

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Posted by: Roscoe - 01-12-2023, 11:52 PM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)


Discord name: buccaneer#5568

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?: 8 and a half? months9 month  

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers? : Never been banned

Why do you think this application should be accepted? : I think there are alot of elites and I just want to turn the tide just by a little, a chance to win or not 

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Avoid commonly known numbers like -117.): Divinsky - 147

(why not?)

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  Jeff's Covvie whitelist app
Posted by: Jeff_139 - 01-12-2023, 05:14 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: jeff_139/jeff139

Discord name:

In-character name: Various. Current main is Marek Long, current covvie main is Rur the Kiggie. Requesting whitelist to play Kab Zux, the Tvoan Kiggie, among others.

general character info: Marek is friendly, but a bit of an ass (especially when pissed off) and isn't fully aware of the nature of the covenant. He's had enough encounters with them now (yes I am doing meta-memory with him, to a degree, I was told that such is fine) that he's aware of the existence of aliens, but generally doesn't believe they're all the UNSC makes them out to be, and isn't overly hostile to them and their existence. Alongside that, he trusts Poet somewhat, generally being friendly towards them, although he doesn't believe Poet is an alien, instead being convinced he's just got some form of skin condition and advanced protective equipment (something which developed ICly). Rur is a marksman, using a sniper for long-ranged engagements and a needler rifle for closer ranged engagements, along with a plasma pistol as a backup. He also carries around breaching charges and grenades in case they are needed. He serves the covenant as a fighter, taking out targets from a distance as possible, although rarely quietly. He will happily charge into the frontlines if needed, wielding his needler rifle as he rushes into the fray, but generally uses his sniper at a long distance when given the choice. Kab is, uh, definitely not Rur 2: electric boogaloo.

Reason for joining: The whitelist? I want access to the other covvie species. The server? Bored hub browsing and halo enjoyment.

Roleplay Example/History: Primarily, see Marek rounds, most of what I've been doing lately. Generally, if I play Rur, it's just been immediate unga into the field, and I generally haven't had much of a chance to make use of my sniper. I like to put roleplay above combat, playing servers for the stories the rounds tell as opposed to the greentext I occaisonally get, although I'm not the sort to put constant roleplay over roleplay realism and situational awareness. I also play David Moore, Marek Long, and anyone with the last names Van Haal or El'Maar (specifically on Eris), Walks-With-Shadows, and Lachstagnochstag Auchentch. The latter two are primarily on Bee and Para, the rest are on, uh... *Several servers.* So far, I've been playing SS13 for about a year and change, but as far as roleplay in general, I've years of experience in D&D, Paranoia, DragonQuest (the TTRPG, not the video game or D&D module), Rifts, Tortured Earth, and various other similar TTRPGs. As far as exact examples, uh... Feel free to give me a situation in the replies, as I mainly like to do improv, not scripted shite :D

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  Jeff's URF whitelist app
Posted by: Jeff_139 - 01-12-2023, 04:58 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: jeff_139/jeff139

Discord name: Jeffman139

In-character name: Various. Current main is Marek Long, intended URF main is Entrus El'Maar.

general character info: Marek is friendly, but a bit of an ass (especially when pissed off) and isn't fully aware of the nature of the covenant. He's had enough encounters with them now (yes I am doing meta-memory with him, to a degree, I was told that such is fine) that he's aware of the existence of aliens, but generally doesn't believe they're all the UNSC makes them out to be, and isn't overly hostile to them and their existence. Alongside that, he trusts Poet somewhat, generally being friendly towards them, although he doesn't believe Poet is an alien, instead being convinced he's just got some form of skin condition and advanced protective equipment (something which developed ICly). Entrus is extremely hostile to anyone he doesn't deeply trust, seeing everyone else as lesser to himself. He's elitist, but very much not an imperialistic sort, believing in personal freedoms above all. He believes in the idea of "no kill like overkill" and "leave no enemy a chance at life", doing all in his power to ensure that anyone who crosses him never can again. He also strongly believes in the standard of "payback with interest", giving back double what he gets at the least, for better or for worse. Any favors done for him, he respects, and returns as able, happy to go above and beyond on such, however, the inverse is also true. He always ensures that any task he agrees to complete is completed to the very best of his abilities, with no regard for how he is seen in the public eye, and always keeps his word as best he can, willing to die to keep a promise.

Reason for joining: The whitelist? I want access to the URF roles. The server? Bored hub browsing and halo enjoyment.

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  Jeff's UNSC whitelist app
Posted by: Jeff_139 - 01-12-2023, 04:50 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey: jeff_139/jeff139

Discord name: Jeffman139

In-character name: Various. Current main is Marek Long, intended main for UNSC is David Moore.

general character info: Marek is friendly, but a bit of an ass (especially when pissed off) and isn't fully aware of the nature of the covenant. He's had enough encounters with them now (yes I am doing meta-memory with him, to a degree, I was told that such is fine) that he's aware of the existence of aliens, but generally doesn't believe they're all the UNSC makes them out to be, and isn't overly hostile to them and their existence. Alongside that, he trusts Poet somewhat, generally being friendly towards them, although he doesn't believe Poet is an alien, instead being convinced he's just got some form of skin condition and advanced protective equipment (something which developed ICly). David is also a friendly sort, but much more so, and less prone to hostility towards those he doesn't know, and much less manipulative. David is skeptical about mystical and religious matters, unlike Marek, and he's extremely keen on the usage of advanced technology. Funnily enough, his aim with firearms is far from impressive, and he personally hates to use firearms, instead opting to use melee weaponry when possible, having used swords since he was still a child. He has no idea how to operate covenant ranged weaponry properly, as he never paid much attention to briefings on such, but reveres the covenant's advanced melee weaponry.

Which role is your character's main: Marek is primarily a colonist or station staff member, David is primarily an XO, although I plan to play him as a CO.

Reason for joining: The whitelist? I want access to CO, mainly. Other roles as well, just to bounce around on. The server? Bored hub browsing and halo enjoyment.

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  Bulaven's Whitelist Application
Posted by: Galt - 01-12-2023, 03:48 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): bulaven

Discord name: unohtaa#4340

In-character name:  Threk 'Naramee

General character info: A Sanghelli, born of the standaed martial prowess of his people, and a strong desire to see a certain balance restored to the universe which he inhabits. Intelligent. Observant. Quiet. A mind for strategy and oration over mindless swarming.

Reason for joining :  The greatest path to enlightenment is through direct application of teachings, both spiritual and martial. What better way to embark upon 'The Great Journey' than through becoming a direct object of its implementation?

Roleplay Examples/History:  Just about eighteen years of Roleplaying Experience. Military, Political, Antagonistic, detail oriented. Numerous MMOs and RP-friendly platforms (Including Warcraft, Face of Mankind, Eve: Online, Star Wars: Galaxies, Star Wars: TOR, LOTRO, Runescape, Garry's Mod, Dead Frontier, ArmA 2, ArmA 3... God knows how many others at this point). Been on SS13 for six or seven years, across multiple servers (Primarily Baystation, Eipharius, Polaris, a few Fallout clones, and, of course, previous iterations of Halo Evolved. Gotta say, it was interesting being in civilian ships in the past).
I have done everything from write lowly cutthroats to Fleet Officers. I can write some of the most eloquent dialogue, or some of the most spine-chillingly horrid antagonistic interactions. If you are looking for someone who can write a man or woman without appearing a simple nepotist? I am your person. If you are looking for someone who can write in such a way as to make two hours of staring at a console gratifying? I can do that, too.
My *ONLY* goal is to make the Roleplaying interactions and experiences others have as memorable and enjoyable as humanly possible while putting a Heavy Roleplay flare on it.
Want a male Sanghelli who says more than three words? I'll write one for the history books. Want a female Sanghelli who isn't just some weird cliche? I will give you a Sanghelli that'll ALSO be one for the history books, because I care about what the universe demands. Want a Colonist or a Marine who is actually terrified of the combat they are being subjected to? I will give you a weepy sad sack on a silver platter. Want an Insurrectionist who has a deeper backstory than just 'I hate paying taxes'? I will write you a Colonist with the complexity of Asimov.
I apologize for the length of this application. I am just too damned excited to be able to write and provide a service to this community through my burnt offerings. It's better than a four-course steak dinner to me.

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  Covenant Application
Posted by: Wolfmoy - 01-12-2023, 12:45 AM - Forum: Finished Applications - Replies (1)

Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): Wolfmoy

Discord name: Braytech Security Frame#7870

In-character name: Hasuss [Brute/Jiralhanae]

general character info: Very traditional brute that cares only for the finer things in life such as splitting open the skulls of heretics.

Reason for joining : I wish to obtain a proper covenant whitelist so I can experience the faction to its fullest. 

Roleplay Example/History: I have had long experiences in both /TG/ Station and Fulp Station. Additionally I have experience in more thematic servers such as DS13 and Eipharius.

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