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Vehicles are often utilised for mass troop transport, reconnisance or as a force multiplier. Many vehicles are available, each with their own different allowance of passangers, gunners and integrated armaments.

Entering a vehicle is done via the right-click menu. A vehicle can only ever have one driver, and lacking a drive can sometimes cause a vehicle to crash to the ground (as is the case with air vehicles). The enter vehicle command will allow you to choose which seat you enter the vehicle in. People can also be forced to enter a vehicle by grabbing them and clicking the vehicle.

Vehicle gunners will be provided with the vehicle's integrated armaments, ranging from a low caliber, fast firing mounted machine gun to high explosive tank rounds.

Some vehicles allow passengers or gunners to fire out of the vehicle with their own personal armaments, so experiment with different weapons and vehicles (Rocket launcher on passenger seat of mongoose, for example.)

Vehicles are also capable of carrying cargo, which can be loaded into the vehicle simply by hitting the vehicle with the item. Each vehicle has a specific amount of cargo space that can be filled. Some vehicles are also capable of carrying large cargo such as artifacts and crates.

Vehicles may also be able to carry other vehicles. These are loaded via click drag and utilise a different cargo space than normal cargo. (air vehicles tend to have the ability to carry other vehicles)

Vehicles can sustain damage and become inoperable. The open nature of some vehicles means that even occupants can be hurt by incoming fire. On most vehicles, being made inoperable will disable movement and weapons, however, some vehicles retain weapon usage.

Once a vehicle has been made inoperable, it will require repair before it can move again and any shots hitting the vehicle will hurt the occupants, even if those positions are normally unable to be hurt by incoming fire.

Repairing a vehicle requires tools and materials. (Nanolaminate for Covenant, plas-steel for heavy UNSC and Insurrection vehicles, steel for normal vehicles). These are the steps to reparing a vehicle:

  • Inspect the vehicle's components via right click menu.
  • Apply sheets of the required material to the vehicle. Each sheet provides different amounts of health for different vehicles.
  • Finalise the repair by applying the requested tools. These change each time the repair process is required.
  • Finalising repair should restore the vehicle to functionality, even if it's only a single sheet of the required material. Minimal repairs will however make the vehicle incredibly susceptible to further damage.