UNSC Light Brigade

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UNSC Light Brigade

UNSC Light Brigade

the Light Brigade is Currently assigned as a Resserve ship Incase the UNSC Iron will has to be pulled out for Repairs or Overhauls. the Light Brigade is Currently stationd at Remote scanning outpost [REDACTED].


UNSC Light Brigadev2.png


Name: UNSC Light Brigade

Class: Halberd-class destroyer

Builders: SinoViet Heavy Machinery Manufacturing

Armor: Two meters of Titanium-A armor

Armaments: 6 Missile Launchers of the type [REDATCED] 12 Deck guns of the type M870 Rampart point defense gun 2 Chain guns of the type M910 Rampart point defense gun

MAC: 14B11R2 MAC Battery: The 14B11R2 MAC Battery is a variant that is a spinal-mounted, twin-linked, 1170mm/647mm high-velocity coilgun.

Series V CODEN Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine

Length: 485 meters

Width: <<[DATA ERROR]>>

Targeting systems:Mark 48 long-range fire director

Navigation system: UNA-uplinked navigation computer /AI

Complement: D77-TC Pelican [2]

Minimum crew: <<[DATA ERROR]>>