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Major Rules:

  • Strict avoidance of killing civilians should be in place unless otherwise stated in the guidelines. A colonist simply vocally supporting the URF is not a reason to put a bullet in its head.

  • Do not raid crewless or dead ships. (This may be allowed with admin action.)

  • All UNSC forces know about the Covenant, but in varying degrees, as follows:

Marine - Know they’re hostile, recognise their ships, and their infantry ranks (grunt, elite, etc.) Command/ODST/ONI Guards - Detailed information about their ranks/weapons. Such as how elites are energy shielded and can be disrupted by EMPs, or how the covenant ship has a specific shield generator that would cripple the entire ship (aware of it, not the location) This can be taught to the above. ONI - Knows more or less everything, and has the ability to teach any other player how to use covenant weapons/vehicles, provided they are brought a working version to test with (eg, working ghost needed to show how to pilot a ghost)

  • To use Covenant vehicles you must be personally trained by an ONI researcher. This does not apply to Spartans.

Minor Rules:

  • (Invasion/Extended) Once deployed on a UEG Colony, request a meeting with the mayor. If no mayor exists, request a meeting with the Chief of Police. DO NOT DRAW YOUR WEAPONS AND RUSH AROUND. This is not yet an active warzone. Keep your guns on your back or your armor.

  • (Invasion/Extended) Inform the mayor you will be taking over <STRUCTURE> for use as a temporary base of operations for the duration if you intend to have one.

  • (Invasion/Extended) If/when URF elements are spotted, do not simply open fire and mow them down unless under fire yourselves or given orders of going "hot" by a higher up. Order them to lay down and do nothing. You are permitted to fire if they do not comply. Immediately following either hostilities or the successful capture of your URF element, call out over shipboard comms your location and that URF elements have been spotted. Non-civilian hostages can be executed at any time for any reason. This does not apply to Covenant forces - they can be fired upon at sight

  • (Invasion/Extended) When hostiles are spotted and engaged, inform the UEG colony over general comms that the area is an active warzone pending the eradication of all URF and/or Covenant elements. Inform all civilians that martial law may be applied. Inform all civilians that firearms on their person will result in immediate subduing and questioning by the local police. Furthermore, inform all colonists, including police, that IDs must be clear and present, and face-obscuring items may not be worn. If any marines or GCPD are found wearing face-obscuring items or refuse to present their ID, subdue them and cuff them. Anyone pulling a gun out in front of Marines, or spotted with one in plain view, is to be given a single warning, typically while aiming a gun at them, before opening fire.

  • (Invasion/Extended) Should the threat be great enough (Decision rests with Marine Command), the colony can be placed under martial law. If this occurs, the Marine Officer who declares martial law must inform all civilians that they are to return to their homes or the town hall, or some other designated building, and to remain there. All civilians are to be searched by the GCPD/Marshall, and any weapons or illegal items confiscated and that civilian placed under arrest pending interrogation.

  • Any Hospital/Medical Ship is *NEVER* to be used as a base of operations and is likewise *NEVER* a valid target for retaliatory strikes, unless the URF have actively claimed the structure.

  • (GEMINUS SECTOR) The MAC Cannon should, up until martial law is declared, be left in the capable hands of the GCPD if they are not implicated. Once it's been declared, however, the bunker should be occupied by at least one marine at all times, and fortified to boot. Should the risk of capture become more or less certain, overload the cannon to prevent it from falling into URF hands

  • Marines are never to wear uniforms sanctioned outside normal UNSC regulations. This includes civilian clothing or insurrectionist gear also covenant. This is to prevent friendly fire and to show the enemy that we are a professional standing army. Failure to adhere to this will result in a dressing-down and potentially demotion.

  • Covenant weapons can be used, but only in last-ditch situations. They do come with penalties for humans, however...