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Duties: Serve your master and follow directives
Faction: None
Difficulty: Easy
Guides: placeholder
Purpose: Aid your master in any way necessary, Roleplay.

You are the Personal AI or PAI of someone.

Work with the tools you have at your disposal to aid your master in any way.

Hello, World

Whats is a PAI?

As the Personal AI or pAI for short, it is your job to be a personal assistant to the assigned player. You come with various software and fit perfectly into the PDA devices or anywhere else. Each pAI that has been requested and downloaded can be bounded to the player or which the pAI would call 'master' in which the pAI would require to follow the orders given from their master. In order to unbound a pAI from a master, it would require the device to be wiped stripping the existing personality out of the device into ghost mode to which it can be requested again, chances of getting the same pAI in multiple rounds depends on the player who controls that unique personality in wither they are planning to play as an active person on the SEV Torch or ghost in order to become a pAI.

How to get PAI

A PAI can be acquired with a pAI Device, which can be found around the map, crafted by research, OR chosen in the character loadout section before a round.

To get an actual PAI, pick up the device with an empty hand. Click it again while it's in your active hand. Search for personalities in the window that appears. This will send out a request to all active ghosts/observers in-game. After some time, usually 30 seconds to 2 minutes, they will submit their pAI personality details. You will receive an update from your pAI device every time a new personality becomes available. To download a new personality, simply go through the steps to search for a personality and select the one you like the best. You now have a pAI!

Dealing with unsatisfactory PAI

Sometimes things just don't work out. Maybe the personality you chose doesn't fit your playstyle. Maybe the player playing the pAI has unexpectedly disconnected. Maybe the pAI is being intentionally antagonistic, ignoring directives, or interpreting them in a way you don't appreciate. The solution is simple: wipe the personality. This can be done in much the same way you downloaded it to begin with. Simply choose "Wipe Personality" in the device settings window. Now the device is free of the old personality and a new one can be requested as normal. This forcibly ghosts the player playing the wiped pAI, and allows them to observe the round as normal (they are capable of re-applying to be a pAI as well.)

How to play PAI

Only ghosts with active, logged-in clients receive the request to be a pAI. When someone wants a pAI, you will receive a yes/no dialog box asking if you want to be one. Answer yes, and in the following window that appears fill out any information you feel necessary (name is all that's really required here, the rest is optional). Hit "Submit Personality" when you're done. Your personality has now been added to the list of available pAI personalities users may choose from. If someone likes what you wrote, they'll download you and you'll be placed inside the device as a new personality.

PAI Software

pAI's have a selection of software they can download to try and aid their master. Note: Once software is downloaded, you are stuck with it unless you suicide, so choose carefully!

Software Package Function Memory Used
Directives Every pAI device is installed with Directive software.

Displays the imprint of the master including the name and imprint number (if imprinted), also allows pAI to ask for DNA sample to verify their identity, if not carried by your master, and displays your primary and secondary directives.

Radio Configuration Every pAI device is installed with Radio Configuration software.

pAIs come standard equipped with a single radio tuned in, by default, to the station general channel.

Remote Signaller Allows you to send a signal, with a code, on a frequency of your choice. 5
Crew Manifest Lists all known crew members' first and last names, as well as what occupation they're registered as in the station records. 5
Digital Messenger Allows you to send PDA messages to any active crew members. 5
Atmospheric Sensor This module works much like the handheld Analyzer carried by engineers.

It allows you to get a readout on the air around you.

Medical Records Allows you to monitor the medical records of the station, and check their current status

It's strictly read-only.

Security Records Allows you to monitor the security records of the station for your purview. Works just like the computer. Strictly read-only. 15
Security HUD Allowing you to use your advanced sensors to consciously monitor the position of everyone around you, and displaying (if any) around you is a wanted felon. 20
Medical HUD Allowing you to use your advanced sensors to continuously monitor the health of everyone around you. 20
Door Jack Enables the pAI to drop a data cable, which can be plugged into any airlock. Once plugged in, the pAI can initiate a door jack, which immediately alerts any active station AIs and takes a fairly long time to complete. After the door jacking is completed the airlock opens. 30
Universal Translator Allows you to understand a wide range of languages and able to speak in those languages. 35