Covenant Law

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Covenant Law


Covenant Law is a set of rules decided upon by the prophets and is used on vessels that are in deployment. It is primarily enforced through Sangheili of any ranking or status, but any species may enforce it if they need to. Deacons are held to the regard of Sangheili in that they must enforce Covenant Law as if they were a Sangheili. The rules here are not considered absolutes, and do not cover every possible action one might commit, so you may punish someone if they commit something that would reasonably be considered a crime within the Covenant. Remember that some people may not have intended to commit the crime, so you may want to be a little lax on them if they truly did not mean it.

Punishments are to be given only as the documents below state so. To do otherwise is considered abuse and you can be punished for it.


Offense Description Minimum Time Maximum Example / Notes
Refusing a Minor Order To refuse an order of minor nature, where in doing so does not result in endangerment of Covenant assets or personnel Confinement (5 - 10 Minutes) Execution (Only on the fourth offense) Someone refusing the clean the cargo hold after being told to do so by the a higher ranking offical
Minor incompetence To fail at a basic task wherein doing so does not result in endangerment of Covenant assets or personnel Confinement (5 Minutes) Execution (Only on the fourth Offense) Not understanding how to activate the shields, accidentally discharging weapons without resulting in injury.

Medium Crimes:
Offense Description Minimum Time Maximum Example / Notes
Refusing a Medium Order To refuse an order in a combat situation or to refuse an order wherein doing so results in minor endangerment of Covenant assets or personnel Confinement (5 - 10 Minutes) Execution (Only on the fourth offense) Refusing to activate the shields and the ship being damaged, or refusing to rendezvous with ground forces and evacuate them with a Spirit, resulting in non-crippling injuries.
Major incompetence To have large gaps in knowledge of basic skills and use of equipment, wherein doing so does not result in severe damage to Covenant assets or any other personnel Confinement (5 Minutes) Execution (Only on the fourth Offense) Crashing an aircraft on a planet, not understanding how to use weapons, discharging weapons accidentally resulting in injury, lack of knowledge about the RoE resulting in accidental breakage.
Offense Description Minimum Time Maximum Example / Notes
Refusing Major Order To refuse an order in a combat situation or to refuse an order wherein doing so results in severe damage, destruction, or death of minor Covenant assets or crew Confinement (30 max) Execution (Only on the second offense) Refusing an order to move a Ghost to a safer location, resulting in its severe damage or destruction, or refusing an order to assist an unggoy or kig'yar, resulting in severe/critical injury or death."
Malignant Incompetence To have massive gaps in knowledge of basic skills and use of equipment to such an extent that it borders on being mentally stunted or intentional, resulting in the severe damage or destruction of Covenant assets, and the severe injury or death of Covenant personnel Confinement (30 max) Execution (Only on the second offense) Refusing an order to move a Ghost to a safer location, resulting in its severe damage or destruction, or refusing an order to assist an unggoy or kig'yar, resulting in severe/critical injury or death."
Minor Murder To murder a minor member of the Covenant AS A HIGHER RANKING MEMBER without said member committing an execution-worthy offence. Confinement (30 max) Execution (Only on the second offense) A Kig'yar killing a grunt Minor for looking at them.

Offense Description Minimum Time Maximum Example / Notes
Refusing Capital Order To refuse an order in a combat situation or to refuse an order wherein doing so results in the severe damage, destruction, or death of major Covenant assets or crew. Confinement (40 max) Execution (Can be used on first offense) Refusing an order to evacuate Sangheili forces, resulting in their severe/critical injury or death, or refusing orders to assist with defence of a Covenant ship, resulting in its severe damage or destruction."
Sabotage The intentional obstruction of Covenant operations, resulting in failure to complete assigned objectives for the entire force, severe damage or destruction of major Covenant assets Confinement (40 max) Execution (Can be used on first offense) A vessel or groundside base), or the severe injury or death of several Covenant personnel as a direct result of sabotage, IE: causing a large explosion that severely injures or kills multiple people
Major Murder To murder a member of the Covenant who is of equal or higher rank without said member committing an execution worthy offence Confinement (40 max) Execution (Can be used on first offense) An unggoy major killing another unggoy major, or a kig'yar killing a Sangheili.
Heresy To knowingly and intentionally use human technology, or renounce the Great Journey. Put into a suicide squad Execution or Honorable Suicide Teaming up with heretics (humans, covenant who have been branded as heretics), using heretical items, and interfacing/intentionally utilizing an artifact's special properties without the permission of a prophet or higher.


Aren't permitted without admin approval, heretic scum.