UNSC Roles

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United Nations Space Command Navy Branch:

Roles Description
Commanding Officer
You are the Commanding Officer aboard this ship! Try not to get your entire ship boarded or destroyed.This Role is currently whitelisted.

Description: All the lives aboard this vessel are yours to command. You are responsible for overseeing how this entire vessel as a whole will act out and proceed with the mission in any way you see fit. That does not mean, however, that you are entitled to abuse. The lives of your crew and your marines are precious, try not to spend them on stupid decisions. However if a person or persons is a threat to the operations of the UNSC or the UNSC themselves, the ordering of request or even a battle execution be made without warrant from high command. A report should be filed afterwards for proper review of the situation.

Difficulty: Hard

Playstyle: As a Commander, it is your job to brief your men on the mission and direct them to how you want the operation be performed on the field. Communicate with your branch Officers to ensure ship combat readiness, or do all the work yourself if they are nowhere to be found. Enforce the rules of the UNSC and act as thr operations coordinator when other command staff are not available. You are not required to leave the bridge for anything other than materials to fax, but do so at your discretion. Try not to wear body armor or carry around anything not able to be holstered with a real holster. You aren't a soldier and neither are your crew. Leave that to the Marines.

Executive Officer

Description: The Acting Commander and second in command of the UNSC Frigate. You are there to aid the Commanding Officer with his daily duties, and to keep the Marine Corps in line when he's busy tending to the ship's navigation. When the Commanding Officer is not present, you are to take charge of the whole operation and give the marines a briefing.

Difficulty: Medium

Playstyle: Follow the orders of your Commanding Officer. Help him do his work or lessen the burden by taking the initiative. Command the Corps if the CO is busy piloting the vessel or coordinating with the other officers. Make sure the vessel is running smoothly and that each department is doing their jobs. It is recommended to take a M6D as personal protection, provided you have a holster. However using body armor and carrying anything bigger than that is unnecessary and unprofessional so avoid doing so unless a boarding party has entered the ship or a mutiny is underway.

Bridge Officer

Description: As a bridge officer, you are expected to take to the bridge and man the consoles. Each Bridger Officer can have different tasks. Some of these tasks include being the Gunnery Operator for the Frigate's MAC Cannon, a Crew Vital Sign monitor, a ship integrity and damage mitigations officer, and a Marine Ground Operations coordinator.

Difficulty: Medium

Playstyle: Do what task is assigned to you diligently. Check the ship for any Marines not adhering to the UNSC Code of Conduct. Patrol the hallways with the UNSC Navy's Security Branch Forces. Keep everything in check in lieu of the Commanding Officer. Make sure the armories are fully stocked with all M7s and body armor in storage unless boarding or scuttling must be done. Marines provide primary boarder repellent services and carrying around combat equipment without necessity is extremely unprofessional.

Basic Crewman

Description: The basic Naval personnel, commonly found on all UNSC warships and logistical ships. Unspecialized, they have knowledge to conduct basic tasks such as repairing power lines and operating weapons terminals. However advanced tasks such as generator repairs and management as well as bridge bound tasks are foreign to them and are subject for the specialized crewmen to take on.

Difficulty: Medium

Playstyle: Follow the orders of your Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, and specialized crewmen when working with them. Help where ever you can to esnure the Bertels or Heavens Above stay in optimal condition. Try not to wear body armor or grab anything bigger than a M6D. You aren't a Marine.

Marine Platoon Leader

Description: The Gunnery Sergeant of the UNSC marines detachment on the UNSC Heaven Above, you will lead the ground operations involving the marine ground forces.

Difficulty: Medium

Playstyle: Lead the marines on their operations on the ground or against any boarding actions on the UNSC Heaven Above. You are their fearless leader and you need to be a example for them to follow so that you can win the ground engagements on the ground.


Description: The rank and file of the UNSC. You are a Soldier of the UNSC Heaven Above. Many in number, deadly in combat. You are the back-bone of the many Ground Operations that this ship has to encounter. Stick together with your fellow marines, there is strength in numbers.

Difficulty: Easy

Playstyle: You follow the Marine Squad Leader. There may be one or multiple at the same time. Stay in a squad, and maintain a good spread-out formation when moving. This helps avoid getting your entire squad killed in close-quarters combat, or by a any explosive ordinance thrown at you by the enemy.

United Nations Space Command Navy Special Warfare Branch:

Roles Description
Orbital Drop Shock Trooper

Description: The Orbital Drop Shock Troopers are the main special forces unit assigned to the sector. Assigned missions that can't be done by marines or reinforcing in the most dire situations, ODSTs are under the direct control of both their officers and the Ship Command. Only they can assign missions to and deploy ODSTs. ODSTs are part of NAVSPECWAR.

Difficulty: Medium/Hard

Playstyle: As an ODST you are assigned to the UNSC Naval asset in system. ODST's deploy when the situation is deemed to be beyond the capabilities of the marine detachment to contain. ODST's work in fireteams and do not deploy unless ordered by their commanding officer or any other competent command authority. ODST's utilize specialized weapons and equipment for this purpose.

As an ODST you are specialized in boarding operations, and will be the unit of choice to inspect and/or neutralize other vessels. ODST's are also experts in counter terrorism operations and guerrilla warfare. Expect to be dropped beyond enemy lines as a matter of course.

Motto: We go feet first!


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ONI Security Squad Leader

Description: ONI Security are a unit devoted to the protection of highly classified ONI research bases. Drawn from the Marines and Army, they are outfitted with heavier Marine army with more protection. Squad leaders in ONI act as the on site CO, as all ONI Security personnel share the same rank. Squad leaders make sure the security doesn't slack.

Difficulty: Medium/Low

Playstyle:You are to command the Security detail in the defense of the facility. You are also to help the researchers when they need volunteers for certian tasks, or if they need an escourt when carrying out on site research studies. You are also to assign guards to both the checkpoint at sublevel 1, and the main gate, aswell as set up patrols to secure the Base's perimiter. You also have vehicles to help protect the base, such as 2 warthogs and a Scorpion. Feel free to assign guards to them.

You also have some command authority. as an E-7 Gunnery Sergeant, you outrank most UNSC personnel barring Platoon Leaders, Ship XOs and COs and ODSTs above this rank (Master Sergeant and all officers). Whilst you can order them around, it is best to leave them to their own missions if they have some. Do Note, those above can order you, but you don't have to follow their orders. Help where possible, but listen to the Researchers and Research Director above all else.

There is also a onsite Nuke. Do not rely on it to function 100% of the time. The Nuke is for self detonation in case of a breech that overruns the facility. Arming it and getting behind adequate cover is necessary. Do not mess this call up. You are responsible for any mess ups.

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ONI Security

Description: ONI Security are a special NAVSPECWAR unit meant for protecting the scientists and the research they have. They use heavier but more protecting armor than Marines, due to their more defensive nature. They are the first responders to a situation involving the research base.

Difficulty: Low

Playstyle: ONI Security can be boring, but when it kicks up you have to know what you are doing. Unlike Marines, you are strictly to defend the covert operations below ground. Protocol 1 is to immediately demand for the targets to lay down. However if weapons are out, KOS can be enacted, unlike Marines who can only be fired upon. You are also E-4 Corporals. If need be, you can make orders for soldiers to carry out. However, this is ill advised if they are doing their own tasks.

Most work would be manning the gate confetti maker, and the sublevel check point. Any others can guard towers. MA5Bs are fine for surface work, but sublevel 1 can call for M7s and M45s. Do take a M6D and holster it to finish off any hostiles beaten.


Office of Naval Intelligence Research Division:

Roles Description
Research Director

Description: You are the director of one of the most secretive ONI facilities. Your task is to supervise every aspect of it and mantain control of the facility. You are in command of the team of researchers and ONI security forces stationed there. Work with your fellow researchers to aid the UNSC forces, to advance the fields of science, or just to mess around

Difficulty: Hard


Description: You are a Researcher in one of ONIs most secretive facilities. Your task is to Research new technologies and to obey the Director.Work with your fellow Researchers to fulfill the directors wishes, create new equipment for the UNSC, or maybe super space lube.

Difficulty: Medium/Low

United Nations Space Command Civilian Branch:

Roles Description
Chief Hospital Corpsman

Description: You are the Head Corpsman of the UNSC Heaven Above. Gather your Corpsmen and make sure that the ship's medical bay is up and running. Marines will come in any time soon, and it will be up to you and your team of Medical Personnel to save their lives.

Difficulty: Hard

Playstyle: As the CHC, you are expected to do almost everything within the Medical Bay. Your job only gets harder as less Corpsmen are present on the ship. Keep your Health packs filled and your syringes loaded, you never know when you need a to use them on critical patients.

Hospital Corpsman

Description: You are one of the ship's Medical Bay personnel. Follow the orders of your superior, the Chief Hospital Corpsman. Every wounded marine that comes your way is your responsibility, see to it that they don't die or bleed out and left untreated.

Difficulty: Medium

Playstyle: With your medical expertise, the ship's wounded personnel will look to your for aid. Keep your medical packs loaded and your syringes filled. Man the front desk and respond quickly to any ship medical distress calls. Follow your Department head's orders.

United Nations Space Command Navy Aviation Branch:

Roles Description
Squadron Commander

Description: You are a Squadron Commander. Make sure to lead your fellow Pilots in to battle. Command supply drops and have your underlings follow your lead. You are essentially a Pilot with more authority.

Difficulty: Medium

Playstyle: Lead your fellow Pilots in to battle and lead supply drops. Do not leave your Pelican unattended


Description: You are an Airforce Pilot. Your job is to drop marines in to a battlefield and provide support. Follow your Squadron Commanders orders to the letter.

Difficulty: Easy-Medium

Playstyle: Drop Marines in to the battlefield and support them with your Pelicans mounted chaingun. Occasionally haul supplies from the ship to the surface to support the Marines. Do not leave your Pelican unattended .