United Nations Space Command

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The United Nations Space Command


The United nations Space Command (often shortened to UNSC) is the military branch of the Unified Earth Government, the government which runs humanity. Comprised of a multicultrual force, it is responsible for the security of law and order, aswell as the safety of the citizens of the UEG in both the inner and outer colonies.


Founded in 2163, the UNSC was the primary forced used by the United Nations in various conflicts, including the Interplanetary war. The UNSC has seen Humanity's growth into the stars, since its inception in 2163 to the peak of human colonization in 2490, where it was responsible for guarding over 800 planets from threats such as the URF.

The Insurrection

The UNSC was the main fighting force against the Insurrection when it sprung up, quelling rebellions wherever they arrived. They also did some dubious things however, such as the nuking of Far Isle in 2492, which gained them little support with the people they were meant to be defending.

Human-Covenant War

The UNSC would also face off against one of humanity's greatest threats- the Covenant, first meeting in 2525, it would spark a war that would last until 2552 and would lead to the deaths of up to 23 million humans, it was eventually won by the UNSC, with the help of a few Notable indivduals.

UNSC forces

main article: UNSC Roles

The UNSC is made up of many different forces with a veriaty of tasks such as the Navy, Army, Marine Corps and Airforce.

the main offensive force of the UNSC was the Marines, a branch of the UNSC which was tasked with planetary invasions. They fought in some of the most noteworthy battles of the war, such as the battle of Reach, or the various battles at the halo rings. They are also often employed as ship security, due to them primarily being ship side. They are the primary force (particularly on the server) and will be most likely who you'll see first.

the ODSTs are a highly specalisied unit of the UNSC marine corps. Offically under the control of NAVSPECWAR, they are special forces troopers deployed behind enemy lines or right on top of the enemy to cause panic and secure even the most dangerous landing points for a marine landing. Rarely the main force, they still have some of the toughest jobs given to the UNSC, and are known for their unique method of entry- their drop pods.

The Spartans are the best of the best. Trained from a young age and physcially enhanced, they are the best soldier the UNSC has to offer. A single spartan, particuarly a Spartan 2, is more than enough to turn even the most hopeless defence into a fighting chance, and is a good boost to morale. They are given the toughest jobs concieved, often considered suicidal for normal soldiers.