UNSC Bertels

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Revision as of 10:29, 11 August 2019 by XO-11 (talk | contribs) (desc update)
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The UNSC Bertels is the main UNSC combat vessel in the 111 Tauri system, although recent reinforcements from High Command have been seen travelling to Geminus City Colony.


(Click and open images in another window for further magnification)


The first deck of the Bertels contains:
^the main bridge (mid/west)

  • officer's quarters (west)
  • various hygiene and comfort related rooms
  • minor crew armories
  • an auxilliary fusion generator
  • individual weapon emplacement controls (east)

The most important room on deck 1 is the Bridge, which contains a wide array of consoles, ranging from squad overwatch consoles to ship-focused navigation and weapons consoles.

