Difference between revisions of "User:Tylar"

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<div style="box-shadow: 0 0 .3em #999; border-radius: .1em; margin: 1em 0 1em 0; padding: 5px;">
<div style="background: #3D4B42; border-radius: .1em; color: #FFF; padding: .4em .8em .5em;">[[File:URF STAR.png|23px|link=|alt=]] &nbsp; '''test'''</div>

Revision as of 13:14, 14 April 2019

About SS13

Space Station 13 is a paranoia-laden roleplaying game set against the backdrop of a nonsensical, metal death trap masquerading as a space station.


Main website for the Halostation community is https://projectunsc.org/


Check out these gamemodes that come packaged by default in the game.