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CKEY: DawsonKeyes

Discord name (eg Bob#123): Dawson#8115

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?: 1-2 months

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers? Yes, I am banned (and only banned) from Skyrat

Why do you think this application should be accepted? I'm well versed in Halo stuff to the point where I own the original edition encyclopedia and am getting the new one. I'm also like, cool, and stuff, and not an idiot that thinks running into two elite majors is a good idea.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Avoid commonly known numbers like -117.): Kapp-077
Don't shitpost with your application title, the reason we have implemented the new whitelist is to make them less LRP.

-077 is called for in the spreadsheet, though by an inactive player, so if they return one of you will need to change for consistency's sake.

Other than that, you're mostly decent IC from what I've seen.


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