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URF Commando Application

Discord Name:Cooliecan

Character(s):Redrock Xen

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Redrock's experiences have left him with a seething hatred for ONI and the UEG and is eager to recruit those to his righteous cause of freedom from all oppressors. He does not shy away from the frontlines and is often seen with strike teams of liberated civilians or converted UNSC grunts.

Civilians - Hard-working people under the rule of EUG and potential allies, in the fight for freedom. Redrock will often recruit them, as saboteurs, infiltrators or hired hands.
URF - A largely incompetent rabble whose heart is in the right place, often lacking leadership, but fight for the same cause, Redrock will often try to work with them or help them if in need.
X-52/SoE - Some of the brightest hard-working minds and brethren who strive for the liberation of mankind, who share the same hatred for ONI. Redrock treats them with the utmost respect.
Covenant - A foe like none other. Redrock sees them as a terrifying foe, one which if manipulated correctly may help take down ONI and cripple the UNSC.
UNSC/ODSTs - Mostly naive troops who invertedly fight for the oppression of mankind. Redrock's first reaction to most will be to capture and convert them to the SOE's cause, minimising casualties and saving ODSTs who are critically wounded for later conversion. If they refuse proper procedure is followed. For ODSTs they may duel for their lives. With UNSC grunts they may be dropped off on a nearby planet with a pistol and some supplies.
ONI/UEG - The true oppressors of mankind. And depending on their rank will meet justice for their crimes against humanity. If they are lower ranking scientists who are ignorant Redrock will try to show them the ways of freedom and get them to join X-52.

Provide a brief description of your character: 

Redrocks appearance is of a scarred old soldier and skilled in unconventional warfare tactics having to make the most of all resources available to him.

A brief of his backstory:
A grizzled space fairing veteran who was an initial crew member onboard the merchant's vessel Crestel during the successful raid of the Callisto on March 2, 2494. After taking the UNSC ship and aiding in slaughtering the crew onboard and gutting the computer system replacing it with their own. The Cresetel crew and Redrock were hungry for more victories over the UNSC, leading it to an almost successful victory over another three ships. But during combat, the slimy UNSC falsely surrendered launching a missile into the captured Callisto killing many of his comrades, the fires from the explosion scarring his skin causing Redrock to flee capture in an escape Callisto pod back to Levosia. From there Redrock spent the next years fostering the rebellion in the UEG Colony leading small strike teams against the UNSC crippling their hold on the area and eventually leading to aiding the capture of the UNSC Bellerophon. Were the incompetence of the insurrectionist command onboard infuriated Redrock. After the ship was disabled from a stalemate with a UNSC ship, he parted ways with the Bellicose crew on Eridani II after helping with the ship repairs.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes
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