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Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot
I have debunked several points now, I was even working on explaining the whole 'fuck em' bit for you in a more detailed and understandable fashion than my loose casual take on it. But this just shows that I am wasting my time because you are not interested in a real conversation over these issues. You are so into this mindset of you being a pseudo-intellectual that you are throwing everything you possibly have at the wall to see what sticks, contradicting yourself, sharing low context logs, not even understanding how to use terms like strawmen, and ranting about things that are even beyond the scope of the subject that you have driven this entire argument into a seething toxic pointless pit. I will be glad to have this conversation with anyone else that wants to have it, but I am done doing this dance with you.

If anyone believes that any of these arguments are more felt in the community then Fanta's pathetic attempt at an argument, then say so now.

I apologize for that, I have recomposed myself.

Ratty's behavior is being corrected actively as we speak. If things do not change positively further in the future or the situation degrades, they will be dealt with accordingly. That is the chosen action as it stands.

I would like to focus this down to a single argument at a time, instead of everything being confused everywhere. Please present a single argument that we can sit down and discuss.
In what way is Ratty's behavior being corrected this time around after multiple failed attempts? They haven't changed one bit, considering when I spoke to you about them many days ago, you said they cannot differentiate right from wrong, that you've spoken numerous times to them and you stated: "I would've dealt with them and punished them, but then you left the community and posted logs which made them the good guy, so I can't do anything but agree with them." So, you're going to talk endlessly until they decide to censor themselves and act nice and friendly, which is yet to happen after such a long time.
The behavior correction is simply discussions over the way they handle things and focusing on key points. It has only been two months. I am not certain that it is a fair assessment of time. I am not expecting instant results, as that is not a realistic way to approach the situation. When I said those things to you, I was sour after an argument with ratty over their behavior. But ratty seems to have taken that argument positively to my surprise which made me happy with the positive result. This proved to me that they have changed 'one bit' and that this is very much salvageable.

When it came to you two infighting all the time when you left, it made it easier to just move on from it because you solved the situation yourself. Much of those issues were also your fault, not just ratty's. You are overly aggressive when you think you are right and you refused to respect their gender. I assume it was just to get under ratty's skin and not that you are a bigot.
Two months? That's an abnormal amount of time for you to be spending on some random person, you're not their parent to school them on how to behave for such an abnormal amount of time. Considering that ratty has been in this community for a very, very long time, he never got the hint, but you're going to try and "build him up" as a person? How many more hours of your time are you going to spend, giving them chances and discussing the same thing over and over again? They'll NEVER change their outlook on things, they'll always think the same exact way they always have and at best will censor themselves and try to not be as obvious.
For starters, respect their gender, that's what started this whole mess in the first place, by you acting like a bigoted cunt. It is not funny, it is not making a statement, it is just being rude and disrespectful. Treat people as equals.

And managing staff is my job. I will do it however long I feel it is responsible to do it for. I am only trying to teach them how to look, act, and respond professionally. Censoring themselves would actually be a good part of their kit to learn. Being professional isn't about changing your mind about a person, but how you respond to a person. Take my earlier mistake for example, what I crossed out was very unprofessional and the new lines were far more professionally appropriate.
(05-03-2020, 10:50 PM)MactoPerFuror Wrote: For starters, respect their gender, that's what started this whole mess in the first place, by you acting like a bigoted cunt. It is not funny, it is not making a statement, it is just being rude and disrespectful. Treat people as equals.

And managing staff is my job. I will do it however long I feel it is responsible to do it for. I am only trying to teach them how to look, act, and respond professionally. Censoring themselves would actually be a good part of their kit to learn. Being professional isn't about changing your mind about a person, but how you respond to a person. Take my earlier mistake for example, what I crossed out was very unprofessional and the new lines were far more professionally appropriate.

You keep tossing the blame towards me, that's just an ad hominem on your part, calling me a "bigoted cunt" and your overall way of skipping over arguments, getting heated for no reason, deflecting points. I don't care if they're bi, gay, lesbian, trans..that's their choice and their choice by law, they have freedom of speech, though the same goes for me. I'm not going to respect someone who doesn't respect me, flings derogatory terms at me and calls me a degenerate, slurs that would otherwise offend them to the point of banning the offender. You can't force people to call people by their pronouns, that's to be earned through being a likable, respectable individual. You have the freedom to enforce that as an admin, risking to create a hugbox that'll just bury your server into a deeper hole. You've given them way too much time, way too many opportunities and it was all for nothing, you lost players and multiple people were banned.

There are at least two or three other transgender staff members in the community, probably players as well, never had an issue with them because they don't act the way Ratty has and does. I don't have issues with you and Desolane either for your sexuality, neither do I care what Ratty wishes to be, they're free to do so as stated above.

For the TL;DR readers, be respectful to be respected, don't be vile to the point where people feel uncomfortable talking to you because they expect to be banned or baited into a ban or argument.

The main point is that this is a Staff Complain, which I believe will end with you locking it and completely ignoring the issue, by simply claiming that "you'll talk to them and it'll all be fine because they'll learn". Something you've done for two months, which is absolutely abysmal and utterly insane to be doing for such an extended amount of time, while there's been no progress on the matter.
Two months is hardly an extended amount of time. Also, that isn't a request anymore. If you cannot be respectful about it, then don't use gender influenced words, I don't care how you do it, just don't. I do not intend on making this a 'hug box' but I also have no intention of giving you a platform for that kind of hatred. Be respectful or be removed. It is a simple thing to follow. Ratty isn't here to hurt your feels and you are not being attacked, you have no reason to be spouting such hot garbage right now.

Are there any other arguments you want to focus on? I feel that we have cleared this one up as cleanly as we could and I really do not want to get into some sort of uncomfortable social justice argument with you. I also do not appreciate you bringing up my sexuality into this. This is getting really creepy and gross. I even question how relevant any of this is to the topic. So, please, let us focus on a new point of discussion.
This conversation stretched out to two pages because of your bad conduct, you ignored the images and messages posted while endlessly repeating yourself, called me a "bigoted cunt", deflected blame towards me because it's easier than actually admitting that you're full of shit and have been wasting your time for two months.

Take this how you wish, but you are in no position to call me "creepy and gross" when you've been spamming me with paragraphs of your twisted personal life I never asked to see. I suggest you seek professional help and take a break off of this platform, considering you have issues of your own. You get heated over a server as if your life depends on it, to the point where you DM someone and you'll either pour your heart out or shit on them. In our last conversation, you repeatedly stretched it out through detractions and finished it off by just saying "FUCK YOU!" and then blocking me, that's not how someone with a clear train of thought acts. Hosting a server isn't stressful as you seem to put it, it's just that you have issues that you need to stomp out through therapy.

You always ignore the logs that portray you as mentally unstable and really show the duality of the way you conduct yourself as a Co-Host. One moment you act friendly, then you start typing in all caps and just shotgun messages. You can claim they're loose arguments whenever posted by me, but that's obviously the easy thing for you to do as to avoid actually dealing with this properly. You mentioned that the good moderators are the ones that have a mental illness, that the nice guys usually leave in 3-6 months. I mean, if you want to be locked in your own circlejerk and keep feeding your mental illness that's your own choice.

TL;DR You're killing the server, seek help, learn to bant. By denying this staff complaint or just stating that you'll waste time speaking to them again after 2 months of failed attempts, you'll really reinforce the thoughts most players have. Staff complaints don't work and they never will.
Keep the thread on topic, don't bring other's personal conflict/situations into this. The thread has a clear purpose and is not for shit-flinging and name-calling. If you have an issue with Crom then you are free to make a staff-complaint against them with evidence.
(05-04-2020, 10:31 AM)CommanderXor Wrote: Keep the thread on topic, don't bring other's personal conflict/situations into this. The thread has a clear purpose and is not for shit-flinging and name-calling. If you have an issue with Crom then you are free to make a staff-complaint against them with evidence.

The topic remained mostly consistent throughout this thread, I am only saying what needed to be said. You, on the other hand, are providing zero input in any way, shape, or form. I was merely stating that it'll get nowhere due to the fact that this is standard behavior when it comes to handling staff complaints because it's easier to drag the discussion on and on for ages than to admit responsibility for allowing a toxic moderator to continue dragging a community down.

Xor, you're someone that can easily provide a solid argument, though you're trying to call me a detractor, while Crom has been doing so a lot, calling me a creep, pseudo-intellectual, gross, bigot, cunt. How is that acceptable when dealing with a staff complaint? He's treating it like a twitter argument, so I only added this last part to state a fact.

Again, this is a staff complaint against Ratty Riot, and nothing is obviously being done to ensure that their behavior will change in any way. You can't be in your right mind to spend two whole months talking to someone old enough to legally smoke as if you're their parent, trying to teach them how to act around other people. It's not normal, that's not how you run a staff team, that's how you lose players and turn people against you.

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