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Yacobpo157's SoE Application
Ckey: Yacobpo157

Discord Name: Yacobpo157#7285

Character(s): Jacob Stone

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: Jacob Stone is a former ODST, having worked with the likes of Hill and Coney and was apart of the ODSTs sent to Far Isle before they pulled out to nuke it, and remains on the wanted list. Disillusioned by the actions of the UNSC when heavily influenced by ONI combined with a view of general incompetence of the UNSC in their ability to fight the Covenant, Jacob Stone knows that more has to be done to win this fight and save humanity. Not just from the alien invaders, but from tyranny of all kinds. He's probably just looked at by everyone as a crazy conspiracy theorist, but he can fight well.
Civilians - Sheep being led by sheep whose shepards are wolves. He intends to save the flock from their shadowy ONI overlords.
URF/X-52/SoE - The only people he can count on and the only ones he can trust having his back to, while he may disagree with some parts of "The Cause," he knows they're the best bet for the liberation of humanity and not just a meek survival. He has a particular respect for those apart of X-52, having worked closely with them before, like Doctor Blackstone.
Covenant - Another group in a long list of bad guys that's slowly and steadily becoming shorter and shorter. A good threat to exploit to further weaken the UNSC. Their technology, if it can be recovered safely, would be an incredible asset to the URF and as such is one of his priorities.
UNSC/ODSTs - A mixed bag of cowardly traitors and misguided but good people, Stone works as best he can to bring them into the light. Especially his former compatriot ODSTs should he encounter them, but the Foxes need to be thinned in the hunt so they don't present too much of a threat to the URF's goals. While he wishes things were different, taking down the UNSC will take down the UEG, and that has to get done.
ONI/UEG - The ones pulling the strings, the evil leading the blind who lead the deaf. They are Stone's true target and anyone wearing their insignia or under their banner will be handled accordingly to the vile tragic acts they committed in life. Scientists are an exception, as they are a source of intelligence.

Provide a brief description of your character: Above average height and stature, well built, good posture. Blue eyes, black hair, a regulation buzzcut but now he's groan a goatee. The tattoo he had of his ODST unit has been changed to now be in holy flame, and he now sports an old American flag on his other shoulder. A keen and experienced warrior and leader, the SoE ethos is something he can get behind and is the change he badly needed to stay in the fight. They're highly motivated and willing to do what has to be done to save those he cares about and is aided by a yearning vengeance for his dead friends. However this motivation needs to stay in check, or else his potentially wreckless actions may get him the "heroic" death he seeks too soon.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes I comprehend this. Shooting the SSD, brutalizing people outside of what the SoE's lore states as acceptable (such as against officers), and acting in a way unlike a human being aren't acceptable or normal. Those apart of a whitelist should be adding content and fun to a round, not taking away from it.

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes I understand. People in a whitelist represent their faction whether they like it or not and want to or not, and they need to act accordingly. This is a lesson I understand coming from my past actions, actions which won't be repeated as I try to turn over a new leaf with the server.

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes I acknowledge this.
Those in a whitelist should be held to an even higher standard than "normal" players and should have less leeway with the rules. At this point, they should have a clear understanding and should act accordingly.
They believe they have their false prophets on their side. Well let them believe what they will.

We have the MACs on our side.
A really extensive application, lots of effort put in it, good pedigree.
An absolute +1 on my end
The application seemed pretty good to me. However, he’s mentioned his app four times in the urf discord channel, despite the short amount of time the app has been up so far. We’ve also had four SoE members join in the past two weeks (including me), which may be something to consider. Just a bit ago, around the 48 hour mark of his app being up, he said “ After the results on my SOE app, I’m making an officer app as well“, which to me seems as if he is complaining about the wait time, bringing the total number of times he’s complained/mentioned his app is up to five times in about 2 days. The app is good, but his ooc conduct surrounding his app, in my opinion, has been pretty irksome. Tentative -1 from me.
well, it's been a while my good friend jacob stone. 

first of all, i like the description in your application, good punctuation and use of language as well as a solid well, description of your character. 

however, currently im on a neutral standing here and what you say could change it, with a few questions:

firstly, how do you believe you've changed since uh, the torture rp incident that got you banned/wl removed from odst? 

secondly, your leadership skills are pretty solid and you fit in well with the urf, however to excel at urf, ESPECIALLY with SoE, you need to be quite knowledgeable in things that aren't command or combat, which could include medicine, construction, cunning, etc. the SoE employs similar roles to ODSTs in this regard, and the URF are quite underequipped and require this to do well. do you think you have the capabilities to bring another talent to the table?
Don't be dong.
(11-13-2019, 12:04 AM)Sparrow Wrote: well, it's been a while my good friend jacob stone. 

first of all, i like the description in your application, good punctuation and use of language as well as a solid well, description of your character. 

however, currently im on a neutral standing here and what you say could change it, with a few questions:

firstly, how do you believe you've changed since uh, the torture rp incident that got you banned/wl removed from odst? 

secondly, your leadership skills are pretty solid and you fit in well with the urf, however to excel at urf, ESPECIALLY with SoE, you need to be quite knowledgeable in things that aren't command or combat, which could include medicine, construction, cunning, etc. the SoE employs similar roles to ODSTs in this regard, and the URF are quite underequipped and require this to do well. do you think you have the capabilities to bring another talent to the table?

Want a hellfoam grenade or polytri smoke to return the greeting the SRS using Spartan gave you? I can make it. Need a vault door hacked or the Argentum's engines fixed? I can do that. Need an organ transplant from a UNSC EPOW because your got rads from using a Covvie rifle and your lungs are now green, I can do that too. I know the UNSC and Covvie ships, VT9, GC, Argentum, Aegis, and URF bases quite well. So say you want to infiltrate Crescent Base via the "secret" tunnel or flank entrenched Marines via a second set of stairs, I can lead the way.

As for the removal from the whitelist, I've actually worked with Spartans during three rounds in the past week thanks to some suave RP as an example. I also just finished reading The Secret Wars when I did that, inexcusable, torture thing and went waaaaay too far. Stuff like that won't be happening again.

Another thing you didn't mention is that I used to salt in LOOC sometimes, that's pretty immature and I've since stopped a moderate time ago but wanted to mention that as another example.

Thanks for taking the time and interest to ask these questions.

(11-12-2019, 10:34 PM)Paprika Wrote: The application seemed pretty good to me. However, he’s mentioned his app four times in the urf discord channel, despite the short amount of time the app has been up so far. We’ve also had four SoE members join in the past two weeks (including me), which may be something to consider. Just a bit ago, around the 48 hour mark of his app being up, he said “ After the results on my SOE app, I’m making an officer app as well“, which to me seems as if he is complaining about the wait time, bringing the total number of times he’s complained/mentioned his app is up to five times in about 2 days. The app is good, but his ooc conduct surrounding his app, in my opinion, has been pretty irksome. Tentative -1 from me.

I said that not to complain about a wait time, which I'm used to since I was on the ODST whitelist and was thus also whitelisted for the UNSC, but I was also whitelisted for the URF. People have lives, I wasn't complaining at all when I discussed my consideration of making an officer app as it was the topic of conversation.

As for me advertising my app four times, in retrospect it was obviously overboard but I was just quite excited. I apologize if that annoyed you and appreciate the feedback with my conduct in that regard, and I accept your warranted -1 in the view of that sound argument although I hope I can change your mind.
They believe they have their false prophets on their side. Well let them believe what they will.

We have the MACs on our side.
+1 nuff said
Don't be dong.
I’ll approve this but your history is shit so a single fuck up and you’re done
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