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Specter56 Mod App
Age: 17 

Ckey: Specter56

Discord Name: Regan#8548

Timezone: GMT+13(Daylight Savings) GMT+12

Time in SS13: Around 5-6 months now.

Any SS13 Bans: None.

Prior Moderation experience: I have never done any admin work or Moderating on SS13. However i do have experience as a admin with an Arma 3 group of which i am currently on a break from.

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: Maintaining and up keeping the rules and peace of the server while still preserving the fun for the players while trying to maintain your sanity
"...First time a kids been among them" Terry Blackburn - Aftermath of Episode 777 Downfall of Sanity.

Active, decent guy.
I've been looking forward to this...

Great guy. Incredibly active. Good RPer. Cares about both the rules and the community and doesn't have a heavy faction bias (actually plays multiple). In a timezone that is relatively un-staffed. I wholeheartedly support this and am willing to put my ass on the line to say he'll be a great addition to the team.

This is accepted. Perms will be updated next time the server comes up.

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