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Jeff's URF whitelist app
Ckey: jeff_139/jeff139

Discord name: Jeffman139

In-character name: Various. Current main is Marek Long, intended URF main is Entrus El'Maar.

general character info: Marek is friendly, but a bit of an ass (especially when pissed off) and isn't fully aware of the nature of the covenant. He's had enough encounters with them now (yes I am doing meta-memory with him, to a degree, I was told that such is fine) that he's aware of the existence of aliens, but generally doesn't believe they're all the UNSC makes them out to be, and isn't overly hostile to them and their existence. Alongside that, he trusts Poet somewhat, generally being friendly towards them, although he doesn't believe Poet is an alien, instead being convinced he's just got some form of skin condition and advanced protective equipment (something which developed ICly). Entrus is extremely hostile to anyone he doesn't deeply trust, seeing everyone else as lesser to himself. He's elitist, but very much not an imperialistic sort, believing in personal freedoms above all. He believes in the idea of "no kill like overkill" and "leave no enemy a chance at life", doing all in his power to ensure that anyone who crosses him never can again. He also strongly believes in the standard of "payback with interest", giving back double what he gets at the least, for better or for worse. Any favors done for him, he respects, and returns as able, happy to go above and beyond on such, however, the inverse is also true. He always ensures that any task he agrees to complete is completed to the very best of his abilities, with no regard for how he is seen in the public eye, and always keeps his word as best he can, willing to die to keep a promise.

Reason for joining: The whitelist? I want access to the URF roles. The server? Bored hub browsing and halo enjoyment.

Messages In This Thread
Jeff's URF whitelist app - by Jeff_139 - 01-12-2023, 04:58 AM
RE: Jeff's URF whitelist app - by BDpuffy420 - 01-23-2023, 10:07 PM

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