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cash7800 ban appeal
Your Byond/Ckey Username: Cash7800 

Your Discord Username: Cash7800

Your character name (if relevant): Pipif

Who were you banned by: 5crownik007

Date of ban: 2018-12-30 

Length of ban: permanent probably it doesn't say 

Full ban reason: crashed a spirit which injured 3 covenant lied about acquiring the nav-chip and executed a human prisoner and disconnected before questioning considering their play history they should know better. 

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: Okay so I was fairly certain that I clicked on the passenger seat button and thought someone else crashed the spirit, and I never talked to anyone about any navchips and I thought that the kig-yar who was the medical person would heal the other prisoner who was still alive and I disconnected because there were like 6 or 7 players on and I wanted to go do something else. I dont think I did anything wrong here.

EDIT: I'm actually certain that it wasnt me that crashed the spirit because I never pressed any buttons to fly it up into the air.

EDIT 2: Also the elite said to shoot any humans that ran, and this one ran away with the artifact and started throwing grenades at us.

Messages In This Thread
cash7800 ban appeal - by Cash7800 - 12-30-2019, 02:12 AM
RE: cash7800 ban appeal - by 5crownik007 - 12-30-2019, 04:51 AM
RE: cash7800 ban appeal - by Cash7800 - 12-30-2019, 06:04 AM

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