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MilesWolfe's Ban Appeal
Your Byond/Ckey Username: Miles Wolfe

Your character name (if relevant): Miles Wolfe

Who were you banned by: bdpuffy420

Date of ban: 3/12/2018

Length of ban: Doesnt say.

Full ban reason: Killing people at random.

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: 

I dont know what this is about. In the last round I was playing, i was playing as a colonist doctor apply for a job when another colonist burst in the mayors office and held him at gun point. One colonist rushed into save him, and was killed by the gun wielding colonist, i was playing as a doctor, and into order to save both the dying colonist and the mayor, shot and kill the aggressor. the minute i went to the mayor and the other colonist, and started taking them back to the hospital, and insurrectionist burst in shooting at me and the mayor. That insurrectionist chased me down down a whole block shooting at me.

 Almost immediately i found a weapon, went back to the hospital to find more of the bastard there. I opened fire at them since they already showed that they were killing colonists. I wounded one, before i was killed by what i believe was some sort of radiation that seemed to have been affecting everyone. I had called the police, the COP was even right outside city hall and did nothing about it.

 The fact is, I only killed one person, who killed another colonist, in order save another and the mayor, and was fighting back against insurrectionists  who gunned down said mayor, and chased me across the map to try and murder me afterwords. I did not, in anyway, go around killing people randomly.

Messages In This Thread
MilesWolfe's Ban Appeal - by MilesWolfe - 03-12-2018, 10:33 PM
RE: MilesWolfe's Ban Appeal - by BDpuffy420 - 03-14-2018, 10:03 PM

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