12-23-2021, 06:14 PM
Discord name: Antonio72 (Antwon72) #0589
InCharacter name: Jorge Martinez
General character info: A combat doctor recently enlisted into the UNSC to find further purpose in his life, before doing so working as a volunteer in an hospital, he found that life boring and decided to join the military.
Which role does your character main?: Usually combat medic, but I also use a lot designated marskman.
Reason for joining: I have been enjoying both factions all time, and since recently now we can cross faction I want to enjoy both of them fully.
Discord name: Antonio72 (Antwon72) #0589
InCharacter name: Jorge Martinez
General character info: A combat doctor recently enlisted into the UNSC to find further purpose in his life, before doing so working as a volunteer in an hospital, he found that life boring and decided to join the military.
Which role does your character main?: Usually combat medic, but I also use a lot designated marskman.
Reason for joining: I have been enjoying both factions all time, and since recently now we can cross faction I want to enjoy both of them fully.